
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

Pride Earned, Not Given

An hour-long physical education class.

The students didn't go home for lunch, and after a short break, they had to continue with classes.

After showering in the shower area and changing back into their neat school uniforms with ties, Jason Hart and Mia went to the cafeteria to order three dishes and a soup.

The cafeteria environment was almost as good as a Michelin hotel, elegantly decorated with a luxurious atmosphere, and through the French windows, one could even see a small hill.

Red wine-stewed ponytail, Western-style stir-fried clams, Portuguese chicken, plus a seaweed soup.

Using the excuse of a sore throat, Jason Hart remained silent today, mainly because he had completely forgotten many people and events that Mia mentioned.

Mia, on the other hand, seemed quite happy.

In their relationship, she clearly belonged to the proactive side, straightforward and not hiding her desire to capture Jason Hart's heart.

From another perspective, such actions were equivalent to trying to take over a substantial listed company, and Mia indeed had the capital for it. Just sitting there, she could attract the attention of countless male classmates.

For a moment, Jason Hart, who was not familiar with this situation, felt a bit awkward.

After all, he had never been pursued by a beauty of this level, and his mindset had not completely turned around. It would take some time to adapt.

Of course, sitting across from a charming young girl admired by others wasn't bad at all...

At that moment.

Not far away, Huang Zewen, accompanied by his lackeys, casually walked into the cafeteria.

Upon seeing something, Liam went straight to a frail-looking male student eating alone, patting his head and teasing, "Are you kidding me? You actually came to the second floor to eat? Having this meal will probably cost you ten days' worth of living expenses. It's not easy to earn a scholarship!"

It wasn't just teasing; it was downright humiliating.

Especially the last three words. After hearing them, Jason Hart immediately looked over.

The male student, who was having his head rubbed by Liam, appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen years old, slender and fair-skinned. He seemed to be their classmate.

Jason Hart already knew that Liam wasn't a good guy, but now it seemed worse than expected. He wiped his mouth, stood up, walked over, and casually pushed away Liam's hand, saying arrogantly, "This guy is under my protection. Is it fun to bully others? Can only pick on the weak?"

There was no way Jason Hart could remember the name of the student being bullied, so he just called him "this guy."

Liam, who was used to bullying this transfer student from the mainland, was slightly surprised this time. He didn't know what was wrong with Jason Hart, who was willing to step forward. Jason waved his hand and said, "Forget it, bad luck. Why are you everywhere? Your family is going to lose tens of billions this time. You're bold; I'll give you some face!"

His voice was loud enough for almost everyone to hear.

Liam was afraid that others wouldn't know about the problems in Jason Hart's family business, so he shouted about "losing tens of billions," leaving everyone curious since they couldn't hear the rest.

The students began to discuss in whispers, asking each other what was going on. No one dared to speak too loudly, mainly because they were afraid of Jason Hart.

In this elite school, most students were either rich or wealthy.

But families like Jason Hart's were still rare. Few could challenge Jason Hart, the only son. Some who used to compete with him had already graduated.

The surrounding voices suddenly increased, and Jason Hart rolled his eyes, leaving only a word: "Childish!"

Liam acted as if he had achieved his goal, feeling triumphant, and happily went to order his food.


Pulling out a chair casually.

Jason Hart sat in front of the student who had just been bullied, crossed his legs, and asked without a good tone, "Want to avoid being looked down upon? Your fists need to be a bit harder. Next time Liam is arrogant, just go up and give him a punch directly. If there's trouble, I'll help you handle it. You can't lose your backbone, and you can't lose face."

This handsome-looking student looked up at Jason Hart, smiled bitterly, and said, "My parents sent me here for education, not to cause trouble. It's better to avoid unnecessary problems. Besides... you're not a good person either. You used to bully me a lot."

Jason Hart didn't expect this and was momentarily speechless. "I've turned over a new leaf. I quit my old ways. From now on, walk with your chest out and your head high. Beat anyone who bullies you to death, even if your family is not as well-off, you should have the spirit to cross the river bravely."

"When I came out, I promised my parents that I wouldn't cause trouble. I've seen quite a few Hong Kong movies, and they can be pretty ruthless. But you're right; I can't lose face for my hometown. Next time if someone dares to target me, I'll definitely fight back."

The young man smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Adrian, nineteen years old this year. If I remember correctly, we've been in the same class for more than a year, and this is the first time you've talked to me properly."

From Adrian, Jason Hart sensed a premature maturity different from ordinary young people.

They say children from poor families mature early. It seemed normal, considering the environment in the north nowadays, although it couldn't be compared with the era Jason lived in, just at the beginning of the revival.

Looking at him, Jason Hart asked, "Nineteen years old? You don't look like it."

"I was born prematurely, had heart surgery when I was a child, developed slower than peers, a sickly child. So, no temper." Adrian answered with a smile.


After making eye contact with Mia, Jason Hart waved his hand and left, continuing to have lunch with her.

Mia had heard about Jason Hart's family investment issues a few days ago from her mother, so she wasn't as surprised as other students.

Seeing many people looking over, Mia continued, "That's right, more friends mean more paths. Liam, that jerk, has been pursuing my friend recently. He deliberately tried to get her drunk but failed. The way he talked just now... you're not angry?"

"Why should I be angry? What can explaining do?" After taking a sip of soup and feeling completely full, Jason Hart rubbed his stomach and added, "Face is never given by others; it's earned by one's own abilities. If there's trouble at home, solve it, and I'm actually quite capable. I just didn't show it before."

His perspective was truly overturned this time. Mia looked at him for a long time before smiling and saying, "Jason, you've finally grown up, a bit handsome, quite appealing."

"Just a bit handsome?"

Mia chuckled and said, "Very handsome, invincible. Okay?"
