
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

After school

Afternoon classes resumed.

Just listening to lectures, it was easier than Jason Hart had imagined.

Jason managed to recapture a bit of that student feeling from his school days. Whenever he encountered something unfamiliar, he'd listen attentively, and if he understood it, he'd study on his own. Since the teachers didn't bother with him, he enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Before he knew it, the afternoon had flown by in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the dismissal bell rang, Jiang Yu from the next class was already waiting at the door.

Her parents had recently gone to deal with business matters in the city, so Emma was temporarily staying at the Su family's house, and the two of them went to and from school together.

In a school this size, gossip and rumors were constant. Everyone familiar with Emma and Jason Hart knew about their relationship, so there was no need to hide it.

Emma's father was quite famous in the gambling city, having been with Jason's father for over twenty years, always at his side.

Jason declined an invitation from Bucktooth to go to the bar together, checking the time—it was only half past four in the afternoon.

There were still plenty of students staying back in class to study. Wei Jiang, whom he had met during lunch, was one of them.

Wei Jiang was engrossed in his practice, just like he hadn't heard the dismissal bell, pulling out his papers as soon as the teacher left to start timing himself on the exercises.

Apart from them, many students who were members of school clubs were either heading to or returning from their activities. 

Several of them greeted Jason Hart, but it was all just casual—calling him "Brother Jason"—indicating that their relationship was nothing more than that.

Except for his close friends like Bucktooth and Beanpole, Jason Hart seemed to have average popularity among the students, 

perhaps due to his overbearing and arrogant attitude, thinking he was above everyone else.

Many students admired him but didn't want to be friends with him.

Wei Jiang, however, noticed Jason Hart looking at him and gave him a casual smile, opening his thermos to drink some tea.

After the events of lunchtime, although they hadn't become friends, their relationship had unexpectedly grown closer.


Exiting the classroom, Jason saw Emma standing there, sweat still on her forehead.

He asked her, "Gym class? Why didn't you take a shower, young lady?"

Emma bit her lip and replied with frustration, "It's because I was afraid you'd leave first. There's no one to take me home, and the school bus goes a long way! You left early yesterday and the day before!"

"...Let's go. School ends so early, I'm almost depressed."

He meant that compared to when he was in school, finishing high school evening classes and getting home by ten was considered early.

Emma naturally didn't understand, looking puzzled, but didn't ask further.

She was afraid of being seen walking home together, leading to gossip, so she deliberately quickened her pace, leaving Jason behind with a sweaty back under his white shirt, embodying the phrase "sweating buckets."

Jason had personally evaluated Emma as a 'great beauty,' and seeing her today, he wasn't disappointed but rather impressed.

He was still curious about the other three 'beauties,' wondering what they looked like.

Although he wasn't used to his previous lifestyle of bullying people and spending money recklessly, he had to admit that when it came to judging girls' taste, he had quite an eye for it.

The driver was already waiting at the school gate.

Getting into the Rolls-Royce, the journey was uneventful, and they arrived safely home.

The city was bathed in the glow of the setting sun, with the pink clouds looking enchanting in the evening.