
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

None of Your Business!

Obtaining the project data from the teacher.

Having worked as a supervisor at multiple construction sites, Jason Hart had some understanding of finances. After reviewing the documents, he realized that the so-called financial difficulties of his family's patriarch were simply due to lacking funds to buy out the shares of their partner.

Previously, over eighty percent of the investments made by his father were from their own funds. The remaining twenty percent was secured by mortgaging office buildings, with loans from banks at reasonable interest rates.

In other words, if they didn't buy back the shares from their partner, the economic situation of Jason's family would still be quite comfortable. Moreover, the several properties they owned were acquired around 1992, when property prices in Hong Kong were at a low point.

According to the teacher, even if the projects were not developed, they could sell the land for more than double the purchase price. And once the properties were developed, they would be even more valuable.

With this in mind, it was no wonder his parents didn't take Jason Hart's suggestions seriously. If everything went as expected, the project would hardly incur losses; it was just a matter of how much profit they would make.

But perhaps only Jason Hart knew that a super financial crisis was really on the horizon!

Therefore, after initially understanding these projects, Jason Hart felt both relieved and worried. He was reassured by the financial situation at home but worried that his father might foolishly take over at a high price and possibly lose the profits they had gained.

In his opinion, it was now the safest and most beneficial course of action to not repurchase the shares and to quickly sell off all the real estate projects in Hong Kong at reduced prices.

This large-scale business deal, involving over two billion US dollars, inevitably caught Jason Hart's attention.

But here came the problem.

How could he make his parents listen to him?


As he pondered this question, a new week began.

On Monday morning, he went to school.

As soon as he got off the car, Jason Hart heard someone joking, "Hey, Big Boss! I admire no one but you! You even managed to capture the stunning Miss Yun!"

"Yeah! Did you seduce her, or did she seduce you?"

Two voices came from the crowd, and almost all the students in the school had heard about this love affair.

They didn't care about clarifications; they just found it amusing.

Jason Hart didn't respond but simply raised a middle finger, expressing disdain for these thirsty teenagers.

Feeling brazen and liberated, he pulled out a newspaper he had prepared in advance and waved it, saying loudly, "Open your damn eyes and read carefully! Everything has been thoroughly explained. Our math teacher, Lucas, spread rumors and slandered Linda because he failed to pursue her! I've hired the best lawyer to sue him. Anyone who dares to spread rumors again, I'll sue them too! Got it?!"

As mentioned before, Jason Hart didn't really care about clarifying anything. He didn't care about his reputation. His only purpose was to protect Linda from being implicated.

Liam, a classmate, was also in the crowd and retorted, "Who would believe that? Why would Miss Yun go out with you if it wasn't true?"

Realizing that it was Liam causing trouble again, Jason Hart immediately retorted, using vulgar language, "Damn you again! Mind your own damn business! I love studying! What's wrong with going out with my tutor to hang out?"

It must be said that Jason Hart was big and tall. Liam had fought him before and suffered a lot.

Now, being stared at by Jason Hart, Liam, a classmate of his, felt a bit uneasy. However, he didn't want to lose face, so he snorted and walked into the school campus.

He had already anticipated that he would be talked about today.

Jason Hart walked to the gate and pointed to the notice posted on the wall, continuing loudly, "Everyone who hasn't read it yet, take a look! The school has already provided an explanation! If anyone dares to smear me again, I'll beat them up every time I see them and tie them up to the flagpole! Even if your parents beg for mercy, it won't work! Got it?!"

As the saying goes, sometimes it's better to take a hit than to avoid trouble altogether. Many times, avoiding trouble upfront could save you from even more trouble later on. After all, most people are afraid of tough guys. Why let others have the last laugh and sulk at home?

Realizing this, Jason Hart stepped forward boldly. The bad reputation from his early years still lingered, and many classmates still had lingering fears. Many students gathered at the entrance, and no one dared to speak up.

Some parents had just finished their nonsense and, upon learning that it was George's son, immediately shut up.

There were hierarchies among the rich as well.

At least in this gambling city, not many dared to provoke George. Everyone knew that George had several construction teams, with over a thousand workers, including many foreign laborers.

When these people put on their helmets, they were workers, but when they took them off, they were even more fierce than thugs. In the past, hundreds of them had been mobilized to surround the downtown area during a debt collection, leaving a lasting impression on the older generation. George was not someone to mess with.

Not to mention that George was so wealthy and shrewd that he was quite difficult to deal with, even more so than many richer tycoons.

Although she didn't like Jason Hart's foul language, these parents still reminded their children to be careful and not to provoke such a madman.

Mia happened to see Jason Hart go off, and she couldn't help but smile.

When Jason Hart had just left, she approached from behind and hugged his arm, coquettishly saying, "Jason, my friend saw you on Saturday night. How come you didn't invite me to the snack street?"

Facing such an attractive girl taking the initiative, Jason Hart had no resistance at all.

He let her hug him and laughed, "Busy, Mom came, Dad took me out again to broaden my horizons. I'm worried about how to persuade my dad not to invest more. I always feel the risk is too high."

"Persuade your dad?"

Mia often encountered George, and their business discussions often took place at her family's club, giving her some understanding of George's temperament and character.

After a brief consideration, she continued, "That's not easy; it depends on finding out his weaknesses. But I asked my mom at home, and she told me that your family's business in Hong Kong doesn't seem to be in trouble. If you can buy out your partner's shares at a low price, you might be able to make even more profit."

From the current perspective, acquiring the shares at the right price would indeed be advantageous.

However, Jason Hart was more aware than anyone else that a financial storm was looming. The entire financial system of Hong Kong was on the brink of collapse, let alone the skyrocketing property market in recent years.

The bubble was too big, just waiting to burst.

Mia's words reminded Jason Hart, who was contemplating what weaknesses his father might have that could be exploited.

Since direct persuasion was being ignored and the other party was too lazy to listen, he decided to try a different approach, attempting to make his father realize the precarious situation on his own.

Thinking along these lines, Jason Hart perked up. Naturally, he wrapped his arm around Mia's shoulder and casually touched her cheek, feeling the exquisite texture...