
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

Go for it, Liam!

The mischievous friend Bamboo Pole also pilfered some cigars from home.

He summoned Jason Hart, Bucktooth, and others to the rooftop of the school building, hiding in a corner, puffing away.

The situation with Linda had been resolved. It was said that when the math teacher Lucas was dismissed, he had a big argument with the principal, and eventually, security had to toss him out of the school. Many curious students witnessed the scene.

Perhaps because a single cigar was worth a few hundred bucks, Jason Hart seemed to savor the taste a bit more, watching the smoke drifting away in the wind, realizing that it was burning up money.

Bucktooth, afraid of heights, sat on the ventilator unit, curious, and asked, "Jason Hart, you used to have a crush on Isabella. How come I see you cuddling with Mia today? Not long ago, you complained about her always clinging to you, being too annoying."

"Did I say such nonsense? I don't remember. Forgot," he denied, three times over.

Jason Hart replied, "You can't tie yourself to one tree. It was masochistic before, but now Mia seems pretty decent."

Mainly because he'd never been pursued by such a petite beauty before, it felt quite exhilarating, especially when Mia called him "Big Brother Hao" with every breath. His hair stood on end. Only a fool would push her away.

They had spent time together a few times.

Despite her looking like a troublemaker with her model-like face, she was actually quite smart. When Jason Hart teased her, she blushed, not as bold as she seemed.

Derek, with his peach-blossom eyes, perked up at the mention, excitedly saying, "So can I go after Isabella now?"

"Nope, even if someone were to pursue her, it would be me before you," Bamboo Pole, the nickname for the mischievous friend, said, dressed handsomely in the school uniform, but with a skinny, unimpressive figure, lacking grace.

Derek scoffed decisively, "You? With that mouth of yours, you probably wouldn't even dare to talk to her if you stood in front of her!"

As the backbone of their little group, Jason Hart waved his hand at this moment, "What's the point of arguing? I haven't given up yet. There's plenty of room for me—first wife, second wife, third wife, fourth wife... I have lots of slots. I'll let you know when I've completely given up."

Bucktooth was speechless, giving a thumbs-up, "You actually want someone like Isabella to be your fourth wife? Impressive!"

The official stance of the gambling city had long abolished the old custom of polygamy. The law explicitly stated one husband, one wife. However, in many wealthy families, some issues remained from history.

When it came to their father's situation, for example, why bother getting married at all? Everyone willingly lived under the same roof, and nobody could interfere.

This morning, Jason Hart had just read in the newspaper some gossip about his favorite celebrity, about to be unable to afford three wives, which opened his eyes.

Considering Isabella's background, Derek was equally impressed, continuing, "With Isabella's temperament, if you dare to cheat on her, she'll definitely snap you in half. Last time, I saw her younger sister, two years younger than Isabella. She's also quite pretty, but she's been studying in England, so there hasn't been a chance to meet."

As they chatted, Jason Hart suddenly saw Linda, the English teacher, appear on the rooftop and immediately handed the cigar to Bucktooth.

Bucktooth was puzzled, but the next moment, he heard Linda say, "You guys are smoking up here!"

"I swear..." Bucktooth squeezed out these words through his teeth, immediately stomping out the cigar on the ground and awkwardly explaining, "No, we were just worried about Jason Hart's recent bad luck, so we wanted to burn some incense to ward off evil spirits! Wow, we happened to have no incense, so we lit a cigar instead, it still produces smoke, it's definitely a misunderstanding!"

Linda was almost amused by this nonsense but restrained herself due to her role as a teacher.

She continued, "You three, leave now. We'll settle this later. Jason Hart, you stay."

Bucktooth and Bamboo Pole decisively ran off, leaving Jason Hart standing there.

Understanding it wasn't about the cigar incident, Jason Hart calmly asked, "Discussing tutoring arrangements with me?"

Shaking her head with a smile, Linda said, "I want to thank you. Today, when I came and saw workers repairing the glass, I heard that you found out the truth and cleared my name in front of my colleagues. I had lost face and almost couldn't stay at the school. Lucas was dismissed today."

"It's a small matter. If I did it, I did it. If I didn't, I didn't. I just hate being falsely accused."

It was just a minor incident, so Jason Hart didn't really think much of it.

However, Linda couldn't help but think deeply about it. Because Jason Hart had written love letters to her before, she couldn't help but think that this time he was trying to protect himself, like a reliable man would.

In reality, Linda wasn't much older herself, just in her early twenties, at an age where she was easily moved.

With a smile on her face, she said, "Anyway, I should express my gratitude. When you take things seriously, you are quite charming, making me look at you in a new light."

"Just verbal thanks? No practical gesture?" Jason Hart teased offhandedly.

Perhaps because his tone and expression weren't serious, Linda instantly misunderstood and coquettishly said, "Here we go again. It's because you're usually so unreliable that your classmates believe rumors about you. Otherwise... how about I treat you to dessert?"

Jason Hart joked, "Sure, let's go. It's a sensitive time now. If others see us on the rooftop, they'll surely gossip again. It suits me just fine. If no one pursues you after this, wouldn't my chances increase a bit more after I graduate?"

Seeing him fall back into his old habits, Linda wasn't angry at all, smiling as she said, "No way, even after graduation, you're still younger than me. Right now, you just need to focus on your studies..."


During their school days.

Carefree, innocent, and full of life.

What a wonderful age, what a great time.

Gathering with friends, discussing what's fun, who's prettier, without a care in the world.

Coupled with Jason Hart's fortunate circumstances, not a single worry about food, clothing, shelter, or transportation. During class, basking in the sun by the window, he felt like his bones were almost sun-dried, unable to muster up thoughts of entrepreneurship or seizing opportunities.

The life of the wealthy was indeed plain and boring.

Once busy with work, he couldn't remember the last time he felt this peaceful. Jason Hart just wanted to seize the good years and enjoy a comfortable life.

Monday noon, during lunch break.

He was about to doze off when he unexpectedly heard Liam's clamor, laughing quite recklessly.

Jason Hart stretched lazily and looked downstairs.

He saw Liam and his cronies cornering Adrian, apparently mentioning his name.

In an instant, he guessed that it might be related to the small friction they had in the cafeteria last time. Jason Hart, still half-asleep, went to Bamboo Pole's desk, opened the drawer, and started searching.

He remembered Bamboo Pole had brought a digital camera today and said he wanted to help the club record a video after school.

After rummaging around, in Bamboo Pole's backpack, he not only found the digital camera but also unexpectedly discovered two adult comic books with quite provocative covers.

Ignoring the temptation to take a look, Jason Hart grabbed the digital camera, found a good spot, and started filming Liam and the others downstairs.

After a while, seeing Liam was about to resort to violence, Jason Hart immediately leaned out the window and shouted, "Come on, Liam! Little Liam! Show your dominance! This exciting scene, I'm recording it for you. A rich kid from the gambling city bullying a classmate. It would be even better if you could curse a few more times, so it's easier for the media to write headlines! Even if I have to bankrupt myself, I'll find a way to get you on a news program. After the anti-crime crackdown since 1999, your name must be on the blacklist!"