
CROOKSHANKS-A Harry Potter Fanfiction

After being screamed at and abducted by a demon thing in the middle of the night, a teenager was now a cat. And to make matters worse, this cat just so happens to be adopted by an overly talkative, bossy, and bushy haired witch just a few minutes after. Now the new Crookshanks has to figure out how to work his now feline body, adapt to his annoyingly talkative family, figure out his new worlds magic system, meet some more characters, and most important of all- hope to god that its not one of those worlds where 90% of the good characters are actually evil. *Sigh*... who is he kidding, he was summoned there by some demon thing, of course they're all going to be evil. Comically evil. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Everything's AU and everyone's OOC. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Crookshanks will stay a cat because he actually likes being one. So if you're expecting romance or for him to turn human again, don't get your hopes up, I don't write bestiality. This is a mass crossover fanfic, including elements from Seven Deadly Sins, One Piece, One Punch Man, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and a few smaller crossovers. Also, fair warning now, this is my first attempt at comedy, so it will be rough at first, and get better over time. As such, suggestions and reviews would be appreciated.

Brutality · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Neville Has Joined The Party!

The great hall was completely silent. Nobody said a word, in fact, they barely even remembered to breath as they watched the scene take place, their eyes wide and mouths agape in disbelief. Well, one blonde haired Ravenclaw was more frozen in awe rather then disbelief. Hero worship was hitting her hard.

It was dinner time now, and while normally that would be a fun time for the students and the teachers, that could definitely not be said today.

There, on the headmasters throne, sat a 6ft tall, ripped-as-fuck Neville Longbottom. And beside him (on the ground) sat the actual headmaster, Dumbledore.

A few minutes ago, the mountain of a man had walked into the great hall, wearing nothing but torn up pants. At first everyone was confused as to who he was, before he announced his own grand entrance, telling them that they should celebrate for having the privilege to eat with the great Neville Longbottom. Then he walked up to the headmasters throne, plucked the old man out of it with one hand, plopped him on the floor, and sat in the throne himself.

Now, he was eating the Headmasters dinner without a care in the world.

Nobody could even BEGIN to articulate their thoughts into words. The only person that seemed unaffected was Harry, who was calmly eating while watching the scene unfold with curiosity. Then, after a few minutes of gaping, McGonagall's years of scolding experience kicked in.

"Mr. Longbottom! What in Merlin's name do you think your doing?" Her voice broke through the silence, though, nobody else spoke, because now they were holding their breath, waiting for his answer.

Lord Neville simply looked down at the women. "I am eating of course! Now, do stop interrupting me, it's very rude." He ordered and went back to eating.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are young man? You get off the headmasters chair this instant! This is detention for the rest of the year! And I will be sending a letter to your grandmother after this!" She said, getting up and walking around the table to pull the boy off the chair.

"Who do I think I am? I am Lord Neville Longbottom of course! I believe that I introduced myself when I first graced this hall with my presence." Lord Neville said, this time not even looking up from his (Dumbledore's) food.

"Yes Minerva, I do believe that he did indeed introduce himself already. Perhaps you should take a few days off to get your hearing checked. I know someone in Diagon Ally that specializes in it, I'll introduce you later." Dumbledore said absently, not taking his eyes off the 13 year old CHILD sitting in his chair.

'Oh my, what eye candy! Merlin has truly blessed me this day! Who knew that young Neville was hiding such a perfect body all of this time.' The old man thought, captivated by the third years body.

"Albus! Surely you cannot be okay with this boy disrespecting you so openly! He's broken at least a dozen school rules already!" The not-neko witch protested.

"It's fine Minerva, let the boy do as he likes." The old man said even more absently, seemingly dismissing her. He just couldn't take his eyes off the hunk of man meat in front of him.

"You seem to be quite arrogant, attempting to order ME around." Lord Neville commented with a nod of his head. "Perhaps you need to learn some humility. Here, this should do nicely. I, Lord Neville Longbottom of house Gryffindor, hereby revoke your status as head of house." He said with a grand tone, before looking down at his food again, as if that was the end of the discussion.

A lot of the student in the hall burst out laughing, thinking that this was all a prank. Luna however knew this was real, and her admiration for her savior only grew. Harry also knew that this was real, but he didn't particularly care. The woman had always gotten in the way whenever he was trying to help, and even ignored his pleas for assistance whenever he tried to involve her. She was actually one of his main suspects when he began investigating who his manipulator may be.

"Mr. Longbottom, I understand that you are just a boy and like to play pranks, but this is going to far." McGonagall on the other hand, was not amused.

"No Minerva, I do believe that young Neville here has a point. You do seem to have developed quite the arrogant attitude. Perhaps a little humbling will do you some good." Dumbledore agreed with Lord Neville immediately, baffled that one of his professors would dare try and get in the way of one of his potential lovers wishes.

"Albus! You can't be serious!" She exclaimed, an incredulous expression on her face. An expression that was mimicked by the rest of the great hall.

"Oh yes I am! From here on out you are no longer the head of house Gryffindor, and if this new attitude of yours keeps up you won't be the deputy headmistress anymore either!" Dumbledore threatened, before turning back to look at his new eye candy.

The old woman was simply left to stare blankly like the rest of the hall, her mouth agape. Had that really just happened?

By this point Lord Neville had finished his meal, standing up with a satisfied smile. "Well then, I am off to the kitchens to congratulate the elves for receiving the honor of preparing my food. You may resume your dinner." He said, permitting the rest of the hall to continue eating.

Then he walked out, his head held high, not a care in the world. Behind him were Luna, who desperately wanted to make friends with her Hero, and Harry, who still needed to bring Lord Neville to his Sensei.

Dumbledore was disappointed that his eye candy had left so soon, but it wasn't that bad. He knew that he could just make the boy into his new lover any time he wanted. After all, who would dare reject him? He was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!


"Uh, Harry? Why is Hermione's cat here?" Neville asked his friend once he entered the dojo RoR. By now it was dark out again, so Sunshine had worn off, completing Neville's first transformation.

"That's Sensei!" Harry said as if it was obvious.

Neville stopped, staring at Harry for a moment to see if he was serious. When he couldn't find any signs of lying, he simply shrugged, accepting it.

"Hello Crookshanks! Harry here told me that you have been training him for a few months now, and that you are the reason that I gained my new power today." Neville told the cat seriously, already trusting his friend completely.

'Huh, I expected that to take a lot more convincing. Your kind of weird.' The feline Sensei mewled, surprised. 'Anyway, I'm not entirely to blame for you gaining Sunshine. I simply told Harry of it's existence and he summoned it himself.'

Neville, hearing the strange mewling, assumed that Crookshanks was trying to tell him something, and looked to Harry expectantly.

"Sensei was simply saying that he wasn't the only one that brought Sunshine here, he just told me about it and I summoned it." Harry translated, somewhat reluctantly. He believed that his Sensei did the majority of the work here, and didn't want to take credit for it.

"I see. How did you know about Sunshine? Can you explain it a little more to me, all I know about it is it's name and basic powers." Neville asked the Sensei.

Nodding, Crookshanks began, 'Sunshine is the grace given to Archangel Mael by the Supreme Deity. It was later passed on to the Lion Sin of Pride, Escanor. When Escanor died after the fight with the Demon King, Sunshine was left behind to find it's next worthy successor. It's been thousands of years since then, and you are the one that has finally been chosen.' He gave a quick summery, having come up with the story as he was waiting for Harry to bring Neville to the RoR.

Harry translated everything to the boy, leaving him speechless. "But why? Why did it choose me? I have so little magic that I might as well be a squib!"

This time it was Harry who replied. "Well, first off Neville, you have plenty of magic. Sensei can see our magic core's with his Kneazle Vision, and he told me that you have a lot of magic for someone our age, your wand has just been refusing to conduct it!" He explained, taking on a tone of reverence when he talked about his Sensei's vision ability.

"Second, it chose you because of your hidden confidence! Sunshine works by latching onto it's users hidden confidence and bringing it out with the rising sun, amplifying the hosts power as it does so!" Harry said, completely confident in his analysis of the power.

Neville was still hesitant to accept it, but he couldn't deny it anymore either. What Harry had told him made sense (kind of).

"Okay then, I understand." Neville mumbled out, not sure how else he should respond, before his brows furled, confused. "But, why did you bring me here? Couldn't you have just explained the power to me without revealing your secret?"

"Yes, I could have, but that isn't the only reason I brought you here. See, Sensei wants to teach you to control Sunshine, and unlock all of it's powers. He wants to teach you about the previous users and their values, so you can continue to uphold them! Sensei would like to take you on as his second disciple!" Harry exclaimed, a smile on his face.

If Neville accepted then the two could potentially become rivals, and Harry remembered what his Sensei had said about how much faster someone grew when they had a rival.

Neville was dumbfounded. Crookshanks wanted to take him on as a student? But Harry had told him that his Sensei was as powerful as a god! If Crookshanks really is that strong, was Neville really worth his time?

Seemingly reading his mind, Crookshanks began to yowl, 'Yes, you are worth the training Neville. And not only do you deserve it, but you need it too. If you don't gain control of your power quickly, you may accidentally become The ONE in the middle of class and bring down the castle. I also feel compelled to teach you since I am the only one in this world who knows of your heritage.'

Harry translated it word for word, causing to Neville's eyes to fill with determination. Although he was confused as to what this The ONE was, he was sure that it was probably dangerous. He didn't want to hurt his fellow schoolmates (that badly).

"Alright Sensei, I accept! I will join your Dojo!"


(Yes, Lord Neville just slapped McGonagall around and got away with it because Dumble's was horny.

Anyway, now that Neville has joined Crookshanks dojo, I think that it's probably due a name. Since this is name that Neville will be introducing himself under, "You are now in the presence of Lord Neville Longbottom of (insert name here) Dojo!", it should probably be something cool. I've got a few idea's, but I'd like a few suggestions before I decide on something.

Also, sorry if that last part seemed a bit rushed, I'm pretty tired right now and am just trying to get this done. I really need to stop writing these so late at night.

Anyway, thanks for reading.)