
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 78 - The Pawn in a Gamble

<p> "Aargh… Enough!"<br/><br/> Having gotten fed up of the fight, I angrily throw my hands out. 'I don't have my rod, but…'<br/><br/> "Chains of Ignios!"<br/><br/> Rings of fire form and harden around each of my fingers, and from them chains spring forth, flying towards the two idiots. <br/><br/> Three chains surround my father, wrapping around his fist, just below his chest, and around his front leg, pulling back to halt his attack.<br/><br/> The other seven are all dedicated to the beast attacking him, two chains wrapping around his new blade and his wrists, one for each of his arms and legs, and one around his midsection as well, pulling him back with as much force as I can muster. The effort causes a light nosebleed in one of my nostrils, but I ignore it as I pull with as much strength as I can summon. <br/><br/> The first to lessen is Klum, who relaxes, and slowly I unwind the chains. He raises his arm up, and like smoke, his blade dissolves back into the handle, which he pops into the holder on his back under his plain gray long-sleeve shirt.<br/><br/> Seeing this action, Dad finally relaxes as well, and I release him. I sigh, wiping the blood from my nose away with the back of my hand and dispelling the chains. "You guys are both idiots."<br/><br/> I scold Klum first. "Firstly, I don't need someone to speak for me. I can do it myself, and when you can't even beat me you shouldn't even try to do it in the first place."<br/><br/> Before Klum can even open his mouth, I whip my head around to glare at my dad. "And you. Again, I can handle my fucking self, and I'm also a grown ass woman. I understand you're just trying to look out for me, but this isn't some 'Father knows best' situation. So make sure you look after Raeki after we leave town again, alright?"<br/><br/> Stunned, Dad meekly nods in agreement, tucking his arm and stub behind him and looking at the ground. 'What a child. Mom, I truly know what you were stuck dealing with now.'<br/><br/> "Alright. So, I'm going to the chapel for my Class Up. It shouldn't take long, so we can all meet up with Yorun for dinner to figure out a plan for tomorrow. You guys should check the questboard for anything near Galeise, and we can go from there."<br/><br/> Klum and my dad share a look, potentially bonding over my anger with the two of them, before they split. <br/><br/> "See you in a bit, Eni," Klum calls as he walks over to Lynsel, somehow dragging the big doofus with him as they head in one direction.<br/><br/> Dad gives me a small wave before heading in the direction of where Raeki is being tended to, and I can finally breathe a large sigh. 'Why am I the only mature one around here?'<br/><br/> Shaking the thought off, I tread my way to the Saint's Chapel in town. It wasn't nearly as big as the one in Galeise, for obvious reasons, but it was still one of the largest buildings in town. As I approach, I look up at the circular window framed with a bronze metal, two points coming off the side. It was the universal sign of Saintage, and I had already seen two examples of it: one spunky, and the other a complete idiot. <br/><br/> At the thought of him again, I unconsciously roll my eyes and walk into the building. They're all structured the same, as far as I know. Wide, open areas, a few spaced out pillars supporting the ceiling, low lighting via several candles. There are six statues in the center of the building; five Saints and the True Bard. They tower a few feet over the average human, and stand with their backs facing inwards and their faces inspecting the walls of the building.<br/><br/> Behind them, a raised circular platform sat with stairs going all around it, and the Priests of the chapel sat in their brown clothing, dubbed 'peasant clothing' from back when nobility still existed, or made offerings of food to the Saints and Gods. Many of the ones sitting had their hands clasped and eyes shut, their mouths moving as they muttered under their breaths. 'Reminds me of Klum,' I think to myself as I make my way over to them.<br/><br/> Immediately, I spot the Priest who had helped me choose my Class originally, and make my way over to her.<br/><br/> Her hair is a frizzy mess of several vibrant colors melding into one another, mixing and creating new colors almost endlessly, and runs all the way down to her waist. She is slightly plump, but not so much that you can confidently tell with the loose clothing she wears. As if sensing me coming, her eyes open gently, long black eyelashes parting to reveal a myriad of colors, just like her hair. She spreads her almost paper-white arms wide in front of her, nodding at the cushion sitting across from hers. I sit, my knees nearly brushing against hers, and she gives me a gigantic smile, full of contented happiness and warmth.<br/><br/> "Eniyala," she says in her smooth voice, the gentleness and suave tone making me want to lay my head down and fall asleep. "It's been awhile. I've heard about the results of your tournament. Second place is quite amazing, dearie!"<br/><br/> I shake my head in humility. "Oh, no, it was nothing. I almost lost the match before that, anyway. I went all-out in that one, and got too busy trying to grow more because of it in the final match."<br/><br/> She laughs gently. "Ah yes, even with what happened in this town, that match is still one of the most popular topics that are being talked about. I understand the need to grow after facing someone you are so close to. You like that boy, don't you?"<br/><br/> I feel my face flush slightly. "The fuck? Why would I be attracted to stupidity? Ew."<br/><br/> The grin on her face doesn't fade. "If you say so, hun. What can I help you with today?"<br/><br/> Trying to force the embarrassment out of my voice, I respond, "I hit Level 20, so I came to get my Class Up before we leave town."<br/><br/> She nods, holding out her hands palms up, and I set my palms upon hers. "Are you ready, Eniyala?"<br/><br/> I close my eyes, a gentle golden glow passing through my eyelids to my eyes. "I'm ready, Heippe."<br/><br/> I feel a sudden surge, and all my senses cut off in an unsettling ripple throughout my body. It only lasts a couple of seconds, and another ripple signifies the return of them, but it's different. I can no longer feel the soft palms of Heippie on my hands, or smell her thick perfume that reminds me of the large trees in the town I lived in. The golden glow is gone, replaced with white light peeking through, and the murmurs of the other Priests are gone, the sounds of beeping and dinging filling the air instead.<br/><br/> I slowly open my eyes to see…<br/><br/> "A casino?"<br/><br/> I sat at a blank white table, the color slot machines circling me with no escape all spinning wildly. But, the seats are empty, aside from one. <br/><br/> A middle-aged man sits watching the slot machine he sits hunched over at, his thin eyebrows furrowed. Atop his shaggy, but short hair, a traditional long, purple witch hat sits tilted on his head, and his royal purple suit is wrinkled and a bit dirty.<br/><br/> The machine in front of him stops, and so does every other one in the circle around us. Still staring at the one in front of him, he clicks his tongue in disappointment. "Dammit. Only two small wins, huh?"<br/><br/> With a heavy sigh, he stands abruptly, causing me to flinch, and plops himself down on the opposite end of the round white table.<br/><br/> "So. Eniyala Ignios. En-ee-ahh-lah, Igg-nee-os. My name is Riece Panchuu."<br/><br/> I raise my eyebrow in slight disbelief. "You're the current Mage Saint?"<br/><br/> "Yup. Creator of Luck Magic, at your service. I am designated as 'The World's Unluckiest Mage Saint,' or Unlucky for short. Just like how Alyphia is Picky."<br/><br/> It only takes me three seconds to connect the dots. "Alyphia really is picky? I thought she was just desperate. But then… why Klum?"<br/><br/> Riece laughs. "Who knows what's going on in that old crone's head. But that's besides the point. As you can probably tell, I like to gamble, even if I tend to get shitty results. Comes from a past life. Still not the point. Anyways, Einsti, the first Mage Saint, also is a bit picky, though he doesn't even hold a flame to Picky herself. He keeps pressuring me to come to you, and I finally agreed to his old ass if he would agree to a little gamble."<br/><br/> I tilt my head as I think through what he's saying. 'So he didn't want me, the first Saint did?'<br/><br/> "Yes, exactly," Riece replies to my thoughts, smirking at my startled expression. "This is a space created in your mind, so of course I can hear your thoughts. Now, where was I?… Oh yeah, my first choice was this real Robin Hood fellow who stole from the rich and gave to the poor… Ah, you probably don't know Robin Hood, huh? Shame, really… Puria is so uncultured."<br/><br/> 'What a scatterbrain. Get to the point.'<br/><br/> "See? You can't even properly hide your thoughts, but Einsti would not STOP hounding me. Right, the gamble, I remember now."<br/><br/> He clears his throat before continuing. "So, I bet Einsti you would die before you could come even close to reaching Saint-level power. There's some intense things ahead, and I don't think a little Miss Amateur can handle it. So, if you die or give up, your Sainthood will be brutally ripped away and given to my candidate. Oh, and to incentivize you, I'm putting a little offer on the table. You will have to give an adequate Sacrifice for this power, but I'll make it worth your while."<br/><br/> A thick piece of paper appears in front of me, with a pen. Letters appear on my left and right, and I brush a piece of blue hair away from my face to read it. It spells out "Sacrifice" and "Gain" respectively.<br/><br/> An almost evil smirk appears on the Gambler's face. "Are you ready, Eniyala?</p>