
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 15 - What the H*ll is Southwest?!

<p>A dumbfounded look sat on my face as I stared at the message.<br/><br/>[Move southwest.]<br/><br/> Nothing like this had happened yet, and I didn't have any sort of map, so where the hell is it trying to take me?<br/><br/> The only time I could think of something remotely like it was the tutorial when I asked it where to go. Hesitantly, I call out, "Tutorial? You there?"<br/><br/> A long silence follows, and my cheeks tinge themselves red in embarrassment. "Of course not…"<br/><br/> I stare at the message again.<br/><br/>[Move southwest.] <br/><br/> "Hm." <br/><br/> Deciding to test the message, I move west. It didn't react after a few steps, so I began walking in that direction. In less than 5 minutes, a 'ding!' sounded.<br/><br/>[Move south.]<br/><br/> "So it is taking me somewhere." My nose crinkles as I tried to think of what the destination could be. I highly doubted something called my Life Statscreen would bring me somewhere extremely dangerous. "Maybe it's finally hearing me out on my hope of finding a town?"<br/><br/> Excitement begins to take over my heart as it started beating faster. I start running south. I fall at least five times, but the thoughts of civilization overran my annoyance easily.<br/><br/> I quickly ran out of Stamina, and had to resort to speed walking in the direction it told me to, all while watching my Stamina slowly tick back up. I grit my teeth in impatience, each tick seeming to take longer and longer. <br/><br/> My impatience grew worse as another Boar found me as I walked. "Goddammit," I mutter, pulling the Upper Canine out of my Inventory.<br/><br/> "Slash."<br/><br/>[Skill Slash was activated.]<br/><br/> With a screech, the Boar lowered its head as an orange hue took over its tusks.<br/><br/>[Strong-Armed Boar has activated Skill Bash.]<br/><br/> Critical Eye had activated already, too, but I had designated the Mark as useless, as it was near the front left hoof of the Boar. Instead, I dash forward, as the Boar charged me. I tilt my body low as I got closer, as if I was going to slide under the ivory sprouting out of the Boar's mouth, but the Boar only lowered its head further to block that.<br/><br/> Luckily, that was what I was counting on.<br/><br/> Planting my leg under me, I leap forward, narrowly avoiding the curved bone from slicing into my hip and instead landing on top of it. The unexpected added weight for the Boar caused its tusks to slam into the ground, dispelling the Bash skill. A large jolt runs through its body as it hits the ground, causing me to fly towards the rest of the Boar. Quickly reacting, I swing my legs up and absorb the impact with them as I land on the angry pig's forehead, right where I had killed the last one. As I was nearly perpendicular to the ground, I couldn't stay here, so I twist my body and leap again, this time down the rest of the Boar's body. I spin around like a torpedo, extending my arm and the blade out to swipe at the Boar. Finally, I poured Mana into the blade, and it grew over a foot longer.<br/><br/>[Skill Skewer was activated.]<br/><br/>Slash!<br/><br/> A large chunky splat sound was heard before a clean slicing one followed. I hadn't fully decapitated it, but about three-fourths of its neck separated, and the spine was cleanly disconnected. I stick my feet out to catch me again, but this time my feet couldn't keep up, and as I continued to twist I flop onto my back, the continued momentum throwing me like a rag doll for a few more feet before I ended up in my familiar upside-down position.<br/><br/> An irritated groan rose from my throat, and I flipped over to inspect the Boar. The last bits of its life that it had desperately clung to finally disappeared, and the encounter was over.<br/><br/>[Obtained 20 EXP from the Strong-Armed Boar.]<br/>[Obtained Ivory Tusk(x2) from the Strong-Armed Boar. (Please touch the body to collect.)]<br/>[???: Progression increased.]<br/>[Total Progression: 96%.]<br/><br/> I quickly swipe away the messages, dusting myself off and throwing the sword behind me. A screen caught the blade, storing it in my Inventory. Kneeling down by the body, I place my hand on it, and the tusks on the Boar disappeared, just like the Canines of the Ogre. I checked my Inventory, but contrary to the Ogre's odd teeth, the Ivory Tusks were just that: regular tusks.<br/><br/> Soon, I was walking again. I check my EXP progress and the Progression for whatever the upcoming reward was, then look once again at Klum's Reincarnation.<br/><br/>[Cooldown remaining: 5 hours, 57 minutes…]<br/><br/> "Shit," I mutter, picking up my pace until I was almost running. The last thing I checked on was my Stamina, which when I saw I sighed in dismay.<br/><br/>[Stamina: 9/40]<br/><br/> I had used even more of what I was trying to regenerate by dispatching the Boar so quickly. Still, it was better than a prolonged fight. It also caused a thought to cross by in the back of my mind. 'I've really grown pretty strong since coming here. The fight with the other Boar had only gone well because of the two Critical Hits I had landed, mostly by luck. But this Boar I had defeated with a single strike, and it wasn't even a Critical Hit. <br/><br/> A grin spreads across my face. 'Still, the skill has allowed me to grow exponentially due to being so broken. I mean, 350% is insane.'<br/><br/> I continued thinking about my accomplishments and how I might continue to grow with a small grin sitting on my face.<br/><br/>- - -<br/><br/> A little before the cooldown had reached 5 hours, my Stamina finally hit max, and I began running again. Once I had done so, it only took me about 20 more minutes to reach the foot of a mountain in front of me. Due to the tree coverage, I hadn't been able to see the quartz-looking stairs until I was right up on them. <br/><br/> "Is this it?"<br/><br/> As if to confirm my thoughts, a new message popped up on my screen. <br/><br/>[Ascend.]<br/><br/> "A mountain village, maybe?"<br/><br/> With curiosity filling my brain, I began climbing.<br/><br/> And climbing.<br/><br/> … And… climbing.<br/><br/> An hour later, I was huffing and wheezing, but there was still no end in sight as the stairs continued curling upwards around the corner of the mountain.<br/><br/> "Who the hell… would make this kind of trip??"<br/><br/> Still, I was desperate to hopefully find a place that cooked and seasoned meat, and preferably meat that didn't come from a bug. In my rush to get here, I hadn't thought of storing the Boar, and left the body behind. Even if I had…<br/><br/> 'I'm nearly full on my Inventory.'<br/><br/> There were 5 spots for all my weapons, 5 sticks left, and 4 bug bodies. I never knew if there would be something I needed to hastily store, and while I could drop the sticks, that didn't solve the problem of only having 6 more usable spots. I would need a sheath to carry my weapons in soon, or I would have to make some kind of sling.<br/><br/> As I was pondering how I might be able to use the exoskeletal legs of the bugs to potentially make a sheath, I walk around the bend of the mountain, and a sight for sore eyes found its way into my vision.<br/><br/> A tall, two- or three-story building sat nestled into the side of the mountain, surrounded by the natural trees growing everywhere. Atop its roof sat a statue of a lady with long flowing hair on her knees. A strange looking sword sat on her thighs, and her hands rested gently on the scabbard. Her features, and the building in general, were simply—<br/><br/> "Beautiful." The sight was so intensely amazing that the word slipped from behind my lips.<br/><br/> "I need to break this habit of talking to myself before I meet any new people," I sigh slightly, walking towards the building with renewed energy.<br/><br/> As I got closer, I realized just how big the building — and the statue — were. It towered above me, looking as if it were far more than just three stories. Yet, the outer design of the building only suggested there were that many, causing my confusion to grow. Still, it was a building, so I press on.<br/><br/> I still hadn't seen a single person around such a large place, yet it was impeccably maintained. With lack of a better plan, I walk up to the doors, which were actually about 5 times the size of me, causing me to crane my neck far back just to fit it inside my vision.<br/><br/> Unable to wait any longer, I push upon the door. It was pretty heavy, but still moves pretty easily. It slides open silently, revealing the entirety of the inside of the strange building. <br/><br/> Rather than three stories, it was all just one room. There were long flights of stairs leading up to balconies on the edges of the single room, but that only went up one 'story.' The third story had windows that slanted upwards to allow light in, as the only other sources of light were candles by the shrine towards the back of the room.<br/><br/> The shrine had the same woman in the same pose as atop of the building, and now that I had a closer look, I could see her closed eyes and gentle smile that radiated a sense of serene feelings. 'Why does she look so familiar?' <br/><br/> The realization hit me as I took a few more steps into the room and spotted small pillows laid about in circles. "This building is a shrine."<br/><br/> There was a man who had been sitting in front of the statue and had been so still that I thought it was just another one — same pose and all — and proved he was a human when his head suddenly snapped up, throwing his shoulder length blond hair back sharply.<br/><br/> "Ah, so I've been found at last, it seems," the man says with an arrogant smile, gracefully standing up. "Now, tell me. Are you here to serve me, or just to fall by the sword of the next Sword Saint?"<br/><br/> I blink a couple of times, appalled by the entitlement of one man. "Sorry… who are you?"<br/><br/><br/>- - -<br/><br/>[Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound Autoskill)]<br/>[Cooldown remaining: 9 minutes, 12 seconds…]</p>