
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 14 - Continuing to Grow

Four hours later, I finally hear the sound of moving water. My arms ache loudly from holding them in the same dinosaur-like pose for several hours, as do my legs from walking the distance. Yet, every second is worth it. Breaking my long trudging into an immediate sprint, I leap forward, excited to bathe in fresh water. Just as it comes into view, my foot slides too far on a rock, and I begin half-rolling, half-somersaulting over the top of the water for a moment before I finally sink down.

The relief is immeasurable, as I simply let my body float up to the top of the water. The weighted, but slow current drags me gradually north, and eventually I begin washing as much of the blood and bits off as I can. It scrapes off my skin fairly well, but the plain white short sleeve tunic is permanently stained, along with the brown pants.

At least it isn't as bad with the pants.

With a long sigh, I put my clothes (save for my underwear— thank god it was underwear and not a loincloth) on a large rock to dry, as I give one more scrubbing attempt to the Arm guards. They were a darker color, so the stains partially blend in, but it was still pretty noticeable. However, it would have to do. I was just glad I got to bathe at all.

About two hours later, I am rested enough to almost completely recover, but it seems like my Health isn't going to regenerate above 30. I slide my clothes back onto my body before tying the Arm guards firmly to my forearms. Pulling up my skills, I look at the most problematic one with a squinty glare.

[Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound Autoskill)
Cooldown remaining: 8 hours, 12 minutes…)]

'The cooldown is almost over.'

My face scrunches up even more as I try to think of a plan for 8 hours from now. "Even if I sit right here for the next 8 hours, I can't guarantee some monster or beast won't appear right as the cooldown reaches its end. No, knowing my luck, as soon as the skill is ready some insanely strong beast will probably jump right out at me."

As I ponder what I should do, I decide that first, I should become accustomed to my new weapons. if I was right about my hunch, they would be a lot better than the goblin's Crude Dagger.

Pulling out one of the Upper Canines, I look it over. When it was in that brute's mouth, it had been stained and honestly, there looked to be a few cavities in it. But this sword gleams in the moonlight as I tilt it to inspect it from different angles. It was a pure white and the edges look extremely sharp. A plain wrap sits on the handle, and the tip splits into four spikes just like the root of a tooth.

The strangest part of the sword was the fact it was almost entirely hollow, instead of a standard blade. The only part inside that wasn't hollow were two struts running diagonally across the blade. "Huh," I wonder, running my finger across the inside of the back edge. The insides are dull, so I have no fear of cutting myself. "Well, time for the important part."


[Fanged Ogre Upper Canine]
[Rank: Super Rare]
[Description: The long upper teeth of a Fanged Ogre were turned into a blade inspired by its unique skill, Skewer Bite.]
[*Guess the bite is bigger than the bark!*]
[Unique Skill: Skewer (Rare)]
[ATK: +16]
[DEF: +1]
[SPE: +8]
[DUR: 24/24(2/2)]

I scoff at the note before taking a closer look at the skill.

Ever since the tutorial had ended, Analyze had these little notes after the description. But I can't interact with Analyze besides calling it up to inform me of things. Maybe that was all the tutorial had meant by 'you haven't seen the last of me!'

Clearing my train of thought, I mentally order the screen to enlarge Skewer so I can read about it.

[Skewer (Rare Sword Skill): A skill unique to the Fang Ogre Upper Canine sword. By infusing Mana into the blade, allows the blade to extend slightly and gain +2 Atk to any thrust-type attack. Upon landing a hit, Mana formed around the weapon will spin, drawing the blade in further. Lasts for 1 thrust type attack or until duration expires.
Duration: 30 seconds — Cost: 6 Mana, 2 Stamina— Cooldown: 45 seconds]

"Nice," I mutter to myself. That skill hadn't been used very well by the young Ogre, but it sure was powerful. I remember the two holes it had drilled into the ground and shudder. Brushing a few white strands of hair out of my face, I stand, holding the blade loosely at my side.

With a tiny gust of air, my feet push me forward quickly, and I swing the blade up, testing the weight. I frown; I didn't know much about blades, except what I had learned from swinging around the 'weapons' I had so far. Yet, this one feels incredibly flimsy, as if it would break if I swing too hard.

"It's probably because of it being hollow… Hmm…"

I continue to practice, adjusting the style of fighting I had just begun cultivating, if you can call it that, in my fighting against the Ogre. I adjust my movements bit by bit until it feels like I can swing the blade where it feels most sturdy.

It only takes me roughly thirty minutes to figure out exactly how I should use the sword, as if the weapon was telling me how to move.

"Huh, so the struts serve a purpose," I mutter to myself. The diagonal rods that held together the outer edge of the blade were doing one other thing; With every slashing attack, they prove to reinforce the white blade as long as I swing it correctly. Thrusts feel even stronger; it was what the blade was made for, after all.

It really feels as if it was specially made to help me train.

I had also found that by inputting Mana in the blade for Skills, it fills the empty space inside it before it covers the edges. It doesn't seem to have any effect besides looking cool, though. I wouldn't have a way of testing it without finding another enemy to fight.

With a nod, and as if to affirm my new style, I whip my arm to test a few more slashes.


[???: Progression increased.]
[Total Progression: 69%.]

"Huh," I note as I look at the messages. If this means what I think it does, it was something related to this new style I was forming.

"But, practicing with it for half an hour only increased the progress by 1%." I scratch my chin thoughtfully, staring at the Upper Canine. "Well, time to go find some food then, I guess!" A small grin grows on my face unconsciously at the thought of fighting something manageable.

- - -


[Obtained 6 EXP from the Grassland Hopper.]
[???: Progression increased]
[Total Progression: 83%]

"That makes 7," I say, the boredom evident in my voice. The locusts are too easy to beat now, with the Stat increases I had gotten from the Ogre.

Still, taking on an entire hive of the things is something beyond my ability, so I turn to leave the remaining bugs staring warily at me, storing two of the dead bodies in my inventory as I run off. I begin increasing my speed to create more distance from the screeching insects, but—


My foot snags on an upended root, ruining my long strides. I watch helplessly as the ground grows closer incredibly fast until I land face first in the dirt. "Oof."

A couple of locusts let out an ear-splitting cry as they leap at me laying on the ground defeatedly. A whining groan escapes my mouth as I sit back onto my knees, swiping the blade out in three strange, unpredictable arcs to create a messy triangle of slashes.

[Obtained 6 EXP from the Grassland Hopper.]
[Obtained 6 EXP from the Grassland Hopper.]
[Obtained 6 EXP from the Grassland Hopper.]
[???: Progression increased.]
[Total Progression: 89%.]

I was extremely tempted to jump back in the fray and just finish it out now, but my clothes were already covered in blood again (this time green), my right Arm guard had snapped and I didn't know where I had dropped it, and my Stamina was getting pretty low. Plus, the rest of the buggers were standing guard, waiting by the entrance of what I assumed was their nest so the rest of them could jump out and swarm me.

Instead, I turn, opening my Life Statscreen to check my new EXP level. I had Leveled Up earlier, and had only opened my Statscreen to clear out the Level Up animation. But, as I attempt to mentally scroll, the screen glitches out, before another screen opens over it.

[Move southwest.]


* * *

[Name: Klum]
[Age: 17]
[Lv: 4]
[EXP: 54/200]
[Health: 32/40]
[Mana: 27/38]
[Stamina: 17/40]

STR: 7 MAG: 4
AGI: 9 DEX: 6
VIT: 6 INT: 9

Free Stats: 5

ACC: 7
DEF: 6 (+1)
POW: 6

[Skills: Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound), Underdog (Super Rare), Critical Eye (Rare), Slash (Common)]

A lil bit shorter than I would’ve liked, but today has been super busy! Plus my hand isn’t doing too hot :/ Sorry y’all!

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