
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasy
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19 Chs

17. Small Exchange and Invitation

unbeknowns to him, elder lucas tears were now trickling down, shocking all of the other presents.

"master! master, what happened?" edna faithfully grabed her master hand with worried expression.

while stroking her short brown hair, elder lucas wiped his tears with a smile.

"ah, it was unbecoming of me, please pardon this old man..." he said.

"ah! no no, please teacher, is there anything you uncomfortable of? is there a need so we could help?" doctor moi steps forward in attempt to help elder lucas.

seeing doctor moi, elder lucas smiled, "you know me?"

"o..of course, how could i not? you are our idol! a legendary figure and our teacher back then when i studied at vannahar medical academy." doctor moi slightly stuttered as he felt incredulous with elder lucas sudden arrival.

with clacking sound of his wooden leg, claudus came over, he wasn't aware of this old magician identity but he could sense that this old man was powerful, so powerful that he felt suffocated.

finally, edna, vivian and the old wizard could see better of this seemingly overlooked boy in front of them.

he had slightly thin face clearly a sign of recovery from malnourishment, short black hair, and what truly peculiar was his left eye, claudus iris was black throughout with glistening white ring on it, if someone wasn't observant enough, they wouldn't see the peculiar white ring which sometime pulsating slowly.

he wasn't particularly handsome nor ugly just so so, but somehow he emited a misterious aura making him unnoticed.

claudus wore clean grey commoner clothing and knee-long brown pants, he walked slowly with slight limp.

the unsettling thing about him was his white eyepatch covering his right eye and his wooden right leg.

"ah! its you!" edna pointed at claudus, she knew him from the battle weeks ago.

quite baffled, claudus pointed towards his own face, "you know me?"

claudus pondered for a while, yet he couldn't remember if he had met with this cheerful girl before.

"of course i know you, you are from back..." alas, before she finished, elder lucas cleared his throat behind her, reminding edna subtly.

stuttered, edna changed her words, "...ah, euh..i know you from my senior brother, yeah! yup!"

"senior brother?" now feeling the aura between this old wizard and that dead-pan face man, he realized that both this girl and the man before were seemingly disciples of this elder., "..ah, pardon me miss, if you may, please convey my gratitude to him, it was due to his help that day that we could still be together."

claudus bowed courteously toward edna and the old wizard.

"ah? ahahaha! its okay! no worries! i will tell him that!" edna replied cheerfuly as if it was her own effort.

seeing the patients coming and the room starts to feels crowded, elder lucas reminded vivian and edna to quickly finished their transaction.

edna chose the lavender scent and vivian chose mock orange one, as they wanted to pay, doctor moi refused.

"no, no young lady, for you to take one and young miss here is already great honor."

claudus stay silent beside him, assenting doctor moi's decision.

yet vivian shook her head, "how could that be doctor? i'm here to buy something and not to rob people, if you refused my payment, how could i face the citizen with clear heart later then?"

"but, but..."

"its okay doctor, its just 40 coppers anyway." edna cheekily said.

"please doctor..." plead vivian once again.

seeing the two girls insistence, claudus nudge doctor moi's elbow softly.

with a sigh the old doctor gave up, vivian soon beckoned something from her back.

as the rude maid from yesterday steps up, tasca suddenly hide behind claudus, with a slight nervous expression.

claudus and doctor moi saw her, yet tasca winked and struck her tongue out slightly without vivian and edna knowing.

at first claudus felt odd as tasca wasn't cowardly girl, however seeing her mischievous behavior hidden from sight, claudus nodded.

tasca wanted vivian to admonish her maid here, as long as that rude maid got her due punishment, she would be pleased.

claudus soon assumed odd guarding posture and emitting hostility toward this maid daney.

claudus and doctor moi gave an unwelcoming gaze toward the maid.

he already noticed that, this young lady vivian wasn't simple, her bearing and behavior shows how smart she actually was.

vivian being keen from her youth, noticed this. she suddenly raised her hand and preventing the maid to come closer.

she noticed from their action that yesterday, something unpleasant had happened here and it involved her new maid.

"young lady?" maid daney startled, as she saw the usual kind looking vivian turned toward her with cold gaze.

"daney, what happened here yesterday?" she questioned her with solemn expression.

"tha...thats, this, this humble maid was only...only..." maid daney stuttered as she finally realized what her master meant!

most nobles were arrogant and they usually didn't care what the common folks might think.

alas she forgot that vivian wasn't the same, she was kindhearted and compasionate toward her people.

now she regretted her wanton action yesterday, she gritted her teeth while suddenly knelt down, she kowtowed toward her master.

"young lady! this maid was wrong! i was greedy and dishonest!"

claudus didn't expect her for doing something surprising like that, he doesn't even sure if she was earnest and regreted her action. but he kept quiet as tasca poking her head from behind.

after simple inquiry, vivian soon learned yesterday incident. some patients began to narate the event yesterday, doctor moi and claudus kept quiet as adding here and there would make them look petty.

vivian turned toward tasca whom hiding behind claudus, and with gentle smile she beckoned, "you must be miss tasca right? come here please."

tasca followed her word with slightly nervous expression and excitement.

as tasca stood in front of her, vivian gently reached out her hand toward tasca's slightly swollen cheek which plastered with small bandage.

she rubbed tasca's cheek softly with sympathetic sigh, "you must've been scared and hurts right? im sorry."

vivan let down her hand and with graceful movement she bowed deeply toward tasca startling the people inside clinic.

"young lady!"

"my lady please stand up!"

"please don't young lady!"

the people inside clinic exclaimed one after another.

doctor moi was so surprised as well, as he didn't know what to do, he was conflicted whether to help vivian up or stay silent, claudus stood on his spot without moving.

thankfully tasca was quick witted, she helped vivan up, she noticed that edna was also helping her bestie, edna winked toward tasca and the later smiled awkwardly.

"i'm sorry, it was due my negligence to discipline my maid." vivian was still guilt ridden as she glanced toward tasca.

actually, vivian wasn't at fault here, her maid daney just met her yesterday, she didn't even knew her character well enough, it was all her mother decision to chose daney as her personal maid.

unfortunately no one was aware of this, and she didn't plan to explain about it.

maid daney was still on the floor, unable to registered the scenes for a while.

then vivan spoke with soft voice, she glared coldly toward her personal maid daney, "miss tasca i beg your pardon, please leave her punishment to me, i shall make sure she won't do anything disgraceful in the future anymore."

seeing tasca look awkward, vivian let out a sigh, then she close her eyes while stepping closer to tasca.

"if you still have any grievance, you can lash it out to me, you were slapped yesterday, so i will bear whatever you want to do toward my maid," she spoke full of resolution.

edna at vivian's side was stunned, soon she steps in defending her best friend, puffing her chest outward, she lashed out, "what? now now! if you want to slap my vivi, you must slap me as well!"

claudus was amused by the sight, this young noble lady clearly understood the saying 'never dry out your dirty laundry in public'.

vivan doesn't want this incident to tarnish her reputation, painting her as someone whom unable to educate her maid, so she put herself in a shoes of guilty perpetrator.

however by doing this thanks to her bright reputation, she had gained sympathies from the people presents instead, she was clever and a bit cunning as well.

clearly she hates her maid's behavior, however she also doesn't want anybody to act out of line at her presence, establishing her dominance in this situation.

now tasca's looks like sitting on pin and needles, she doesn't know what to do, claudus could sense it as well, if tasca slap vivian, she would get scorned from the people and judged as petty person, while vivian would be seen as victim instead of perpetrator.

there was also edna beside her now, glaring toward tasca, daring her to steps forward.

as tasca grew nervous of what to do, claudus steps in discreetly.

vivan couldn't see him as she closed her eyes, actually vivian didn't think too much about it, she also didnt think of tricking tasca, it was all her clear conscience. although claudus deemed it otherwise.

as she waited. suddenly,


claudus without warning flicked his finger toward her flawless white forehead!

his action stunned everyone! but he couldn't care less, she asked for punishment? then so be it.

instead of tasca it was better to redirect everyone scorns at him.

"ah...!" vivian exclaimed in surprise as she rubbed her forehead, she opened her eyes as she saw claudus took steps back.

strangely enough edna didn't see claudus coming, she glared toward him in fury, "you! what did you do!"

claudus shrugged his shoulder,

"she asked for it. now, all water's under the bridge." he winked toward tasca reassuring her.

the people inside clinic turned rowdy as they saw what claudus had done.

"what the heck? did he realy do that?"

"how petty! clearly young lady vivian already ask for forgiveness, yet..."

"this boy need to be disciplined!"

fuming madly, edna was about to pounch toward claudus, thankfuly her master elder lucas held her shoulder.

elder lucas didn't step in earlier as it would be too low of him to meddle with youngsters problem. beside, claudus flick wasn't that strong, it was like breeze of wind without any harm done.

"master! let me go! this cripple dare to hurt my vivi! l'll teach him a lesson!" edna struggled readying herself, alas elder lucas hold was like an iron vice.

"calm down edna, this is their problem." said elder lucas, he didn't want to excalate things more than they should be.

edna couldn't stay still while occasionally spouting fire from her eyes. she glared at claudus, as upset as she get, she didn't dare to contradict her master.

doctor moi were also reprimanded claudus while profusely apologizing toward vivian, while tasca couldn't contained her chuckle anymore.

the maid daney couldn't be more dumbfounded without knowing what to do, but she kept her knee on the floor waiting her master's order.

vivian rubbing her forehead, feeling amused of what claudus did to her.

amidst the chaotic scenes of doctor moi reprimanded claudus and elder lucas lectured the restless edna.

vivan locked her eyes toward claudus and the later does the same, perhaps seeing each other like this tickled their conscience. vivian was the first to crack up.

"pffft*... hahahahhahaa" her pearly laughter twinkling like a clear gush of spring water, stunned everyone presents. even edna stops her tantrum seeing her laughing like there was no tomorow.

claudus also shook his head while containing his chuckle, tasca burst out laughing feeling the situations was actually couldn't be more funny.

anyway, after a while the atmosphere turned peaceful once again, no one spoke as vivian wiped her tears given her laughter.

"well, it was truly interesting, how about this. i happen to know a nice restaurant at middle ring. doctor, why don't you three come over for dinner tonight?"

elder lucas suddenly thrown another bomb, who were the trio? they just met today yet he already invited them for dinner.

"ma...master? why?" edna was confused.

vivian nodded as she too acceded elder lucas suggestion, "that is a sound idea. let me use this chance to apologize of what happened...".

tasca's eyes were now shone in excitement, she yearns for it, food? that was her favorite! and claudus couldn't be more impressed by elder lucas beard.

although the old man face was blurred to him, he could still make out of elder lucas's long beard.

claudus felt intrigued with his beard, he recalled elder lucas beard resembled one of the legendary general from earth, yet he didn't shows it on his face.

elder lucas interests actually wasn't on the doctor rather he hoped to find out more about the boy through this dinner invitation.

back then elder lucas put an indistinct enchantment on that technique scroll, he would know if someone could comprehend it in a second, clearly di'en his disciple hadn't, and the scroll was once lost and ended in this boy hand.

aside from that, this boy gives off a very peculiar feeling, he felt like the mana all around was attracted toward him, also he was curious whether this boy had comprehended his nine revolutions mana absorption technique or not.

"this...this, it won't be appropriate right teacher? young lady?" doctor moi stuttered trying to reject the invitation.

vivian assured the old doctor, "it isn't doctor, well. you could say this is my way to apologize for what had happened, as for my maid, i will discipline her properly."

vivian too actually found the girl and boy interesting, who was she? she was smart girl, how could she didn't noticed that tasca's had entraped her maid daney.

while it was true that daney was acting atrociously yesterday, it was her job to punish her. as tasca acting that way earlier she implied that vivian as the maid's master had to disciplined her harshly in public.

obviously she couldn't do that, this was her household problem, it wasn't stranger place to teach her what to do.

so she had also laying the trap for her to jump in, alas claudus beats her to it, he flicked her forehead administering her so called punishment and redirect everyone scorns at him.

even though she also noticed tasca actually doesn't harbor evil intention, she was still interested in this blonde girl and especially this crippled boy.

be as it may, vivian was also compassionate enough to gave her maid another chance, if the maid daney didn't cherished it, then in future she doesn't have anyone to blame.

vivian waved her hand, signaling maid daney to apologize, the maid keeps her head lowered as she spoke in clear voice.

"i'm very sory for my conduct yesterday, please forgive me young miss..." she bowed deeply toward tasca, it seems she was sincere enough.

"it's okay, i'm fine..." tasca abruptly answered as she thought the mater ends here.

while it was fact she got slapped yesterday, she had also stole her pouch. there was even gold coins inside the pouch and that made her forgotten her pain.

vivian gestured toward her maid daney to wait outside, and took 40 coppers from her own wallet, as she took it from her maid before.

"here is the payment for two jars, i will sends my coachman here tonight." vivian gave the money toward tasca.

doctor moi still felt reluctant to accept the invitation, yet claudus nudge him once more.

"thank you for the invitation elder, we'll prepare for tonight lady vivian.." answered claudus casually.

now the atmosphere was peaceful, claudus voice could be heard clearly, he had husky voice with magnetic charm in it.

"hmpff! who wants to invite you?!" edna grumbled clearly disaprove.

"edna, mind your manner. in fact this is a chanced meeting after a long time, i also would like to hear the story of one of my student..." elder lucas nodded, while he stroke his long beard.

"huh! master! @&&$*@(@(&^#(!..." grumbled edna once again.

"if that so, than we'll excuse ourselves then, until tonight doctor, miss tasca and... " vivan glanced toward claudus.

"claudus..." he anwered calmly.

vivian nodded gracefully, soon she went out the clinic followed by elder lucas after he nodded toward the trio.

"hmmppf! just you wait cripple boy!" edna put on mocking face while swinging her tiny fist, soon she also steps outside.


all of sudden, edna tripped at the clinic's door! surprising vivian, tasca and the doctor.

tasca was quick on her feet, she helped edna to stand and doctor moi inspected her if there were any injuries.

"edna? are you all right?" asked vivian with concerns.

grimaced slightly she puffed out her chest putting on strong front.

"hah! of course vivi, i just felt like stumbling." said edna tried to hid her embarrassment.

only claudus and elder lucas knew about what happened, as the former casted concealed mana string to prank her, while the later shook his head thinking that his disciple wasn't acute enough to realize the prank.

as it wasn't dangerous prank, elder lucas didn't want to think much further nor intervene.


as the sun began to set, doctor moi grew nervous, he stayed at his room trying to find some presentable suit for him to use.

it couldn't be helped, as his mentor and legendary figure asked him out for dinner. even if it wasn't exclusive to him, still the old doctor couldn't help feeling agitated.

as for tasca and claudus, the later didn't think too much, so he wears the cleanest clothes he could use. dull white shirt and dark brown pants. as long as it was appropriate it was enough.

as for tasca, claudus made a dress for her, claudus cut several unused cloths from doctor moi, and he began to designs and tailored it for tasca to wear.

tasca was gasping nonstop in amazement as she saw claudus used his mana to quickly tailored her dress.

after the sun completely set, there were knocks on the clinic's door, the well suited doctor moi hurriedly opened the door.

there stood a man with coachman outfit at the door, with polite smile he greeted, "good evening doctor, young lady vivian sent me here to escort you."

"ah, that's right, please, can you wait for a while, the childrens were still getting ready."

"of course, please, no hurry..." answered the coachman.

doctor moi shouted anxiously from under the stairs, "tasca, claudus. do you need help? the coachman is waiting!"

soon the sounds of both of them down the stairs could be heard.

as claudus entered doctor's sight, he couldn't help but frowned, "claudus? why did you wear that clothes? is there nothing left?"

doctor moi actually gave claudus his old clothing, it was old small suit yet it was better than his current outfit.

"its fine doctor, after all you're the one that got invited, i won't stand out at all."

doctor moi snorted in displeasure, however as he saw tasca following behind claudus, he couldn't help but exclaimed in pleasant surprise.

tasca wears dull white sleeveless wrap dress, there was bright yellow ribbon tied around her waist, her shoes was her usual black doll shoes but claudus polished it making it looks like brand new, and her blonde hair was donned in braided bun. with small white flowers as it accessories.

she really looked like summer sprite, with refreshing aura and adorable face, she was still thin, however she gained some weight after she stayed at clinic.

"wow, tasca? i thought i saw fairy here..." praised the old doctor.

"hehehe, it was all thanks to brother's help!" tasca blushed slightly, she was clearly pleased.

"that dress? did you buy it?"

"this? no! brother claudus made it doctor!"

"claudus did?" doctor moi looked at claudus incredulously, and the later shrugged his shoulder.

after locking up the clinic, the trio finally rode the carriage toward the restaurant.



thx for reading....

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