
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasy
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19 Chs

16. Meeting and Recognition

the next morning, claudus put a bandage with ointment on tasca's cheek, as her cheek now turned a little swollen.

still, her swollen cheek couldn't restrained her gobling up the breakfast dishes made by claudus, claudus came prepared this morning to make sumptuous dishes in order to lift tasca's mood.

doctor moi too wasn't modest at all, this was the first time after so long he had such hearty meal, he was touched, and ate with delight. as time went by the trio relationships turned better and better.

after finished, claudus went to the backyard, while tasca and doctor moi began to prepare the clinic as usual, cleaning and sorting the tools.

today was the day to replenish clinic's herbs and medicine articles such as alcohol and bandages.

usually doctor moi would help him to organized the items. yet claudus said that he could do it himself.

thanks to his breakthrough last night, claudus had better control and power over his mana.

he could use 2/10 of his absorbed mana to lift the heavy items and arrange them inside. needless to say the rest 8/10 were still wasted and lost.

doctor moi finally witnessed claudus ability as magician, he got so surprised that his mouth gapping wide.

claudus now was also able to control his absorption process to much subtler ones.

different than his usual static lotus position, at present claudus learned to do it dynamically by moving.

it was such a hassle at first, but last night he finally able to do it with simple tweak.


if other magician saw him, they wouldn't know that claudus was constantly absorbing mana all the time if they weren't observant enough.

after claudus mastering over the technique to revolves mana 10 times, the usual absorption process now turned from active one which he actively done by lotus position, into passive one which claudus didn't deliberately absorbs it but let the circling mana inside his body to attract the mana in surrounding nature.

as it turns out, his mana circling inside his body generate some sort of 'mana magnetic field' or so he called.

claudus were now also proficient enough to add another mana output point.

until yesterday, claudus could only use one part of his body as mana output point be it his hand, leg, or head.

but now he could add another body part as his pivotal point for unleashing his mana, he chose his head as his next point. leading him to regains his detection ability from before while his hand doing conventional works.

the range of detection wasn't as vast as before which he could detect something 100m away. currently he could only do it for 10m wide, and he was quite satisfied at this point.

yesterday claudus was upset because of what happened to tasca, nonetheless he still prepared 150 jars of mosquito repellent with 4 scents today. lavender, gardenia, white angel, and the new philadhelpus scent or mock orange with citrus fragrance.

he didn't deliberately limit the amounts, claudus however could only made the wooden jars with so much amount until yesterday, today he was confident to double that amount due to his new mana technique.

he also prepared some bigger ceramic jars in case yesterday accident recur.

after parting with claudus, doctor moi went to help tasca, as at this time there weren't any patients for him to examine.

as the two helping each other, the buyers mostly gotten their hands with the repellent, it was completely sold out just before midday.

at this time, tasca saw two unfamiliar girls stepping inside the clinic, she was left alone as doctor moi now had a patients to care for.

the girls looks around their pubescence about 13-14 years old, tasca could tell both of them had different disposition.

the one on the left has brown short hair, slightly taned skin, black eyes and playful smile with dimple on both of her cheeks.

she wore short-sleeved red loose blouse, black short pants, and brown shoes. looking at her, tasca could feel playful and mischievous demeanor coming from her.

the other one on the right was much more refined, she had serene and graceful disposition, she had common long braided black hair, green eyes, and elegant smile.

she wore pale yellow long dress and suitable white floppy hat with red floral ornaments on its top.

both of them looks like close friend yet in polar of each other, the one on the left had carefree personality and the other was much more serene clearly coming from noble standing.

tasca as usual came close to greet them, putting her cute smile she spoke while slightly bowed, "hello, young ladies, may i help you?"

the elegant girl was quite impressed, tasca greeted them with neither excessively polite nor overbearing manners, it was just right.

it was claudus who had tought her that way, so tasca wouldn't offend anyone who they shouldn't offend, the accident with the maid yesterday were quite baffling to speak off.

the brown haired girl replied first, "hello hello, we come to buy something."

"yes? do you want to buy our mosquito repellent? we still have a few left."

soon tasca was back at her desk, rummaging something from under the desk, she took out the specially prepared ceramic jar and put them on top, tasca already noticed that both of the new girls were from extraordinary background, so she tried to do her best not to slight them.

tasca beckoned the two young

ladies to come over, she began to introduce the jars one by one.

with her carefree personality the tanned girl skipping over, then she took one of the jar and opened it.

the elegant young lady was also coming over, as soon as her friend opened one of the jar a waft of sweet smelling gardenia lingers about.

"whoaa...its really fragrant! it smell so nice!!!" the tanned girl sniffng the clear green gel inside with her eyes shone.

as her friend, the elegant lady had also took another jar and a waft of floral and woody fragrance of lavender coming out from it.

startled, she asked with her natural soft voice, "this is? miss, may i ask if you came from royal capital?"

hearing her question, tasca was startled at first, in a moment doctor moi came out from another room, as he saw the two guests, he immediately went over.

"its great honor for this humble clinic to receive you, your ladyship vivian..." doctor moi bowed slightly as he stood beside tasca.

tasca was also startled, before she answered her previous question, she also bowed deeply in panic, some of the patients who already noticed her identity were already gave their greeting in excited manners.

noticing the old doctor, tasca and some other patients, vivian smiled gently and waved her hand.

"please, cease the formalities everyone. i just interested to buy this mosquito repellent, i seems to recognize this item, so did you made this? i know this gel came from royal capital?"

some patients curiously looking over, and the others smiled warmly towards her while sat back on their seats.

"i wasn't the one who made this young lady, it was my assistant..." answered doctor moi calmly.

the tanned girl perk up her ears hearing the words royal capital.

"royal capital? vivian? have you go there?" she asked with vigor.

vivian shook her head as she explained, "no edna, i never went to royal capital as it is too far, but my friend from school was from there, and i remember she once brought similar item from there."

without caring anyone else, edna began to firing away her questions and vivian with patience answered them one by one.

altough it was slightly awkward, still doctor moi and tasca stood straight politely, when hearing the two of them chatted, tasca was also intrigued, yet she kept her silence as it would be rude to join their conversation abruptly.

using his head to sense the clinic, claudus had also came over from basement, he sensed familiar maid who kept her mouth shut behind the two girl.

another thing, claudus also sensed another unfathomable aura coming from another person who stood outside the clinic.

his aura was so identical to the dead-pan face 2 stars magician from before, yet it was much more profound and deep,

preparing for the unexpected, claudus went over toward tasca and doctor moi. he stood on standby several steps behind as he felt unnecessary to mingle with them.


a couple hours ago, edna along with the old magician went toward lord's manor, the manor was huge befitting the title of the central of maron earldoms.

there were several governmental building beside the manor, using carriage the two of them were received warmly by the house butler and the guards.

soon both them were alighted at one of manor's garden exclusive to young lady vivian bradtford.

vivan personal maid daney came to welcome them, far was the once rude maid, replaced with polite woman in front of them.

"welcome your excellency elder lucas, and young miss edna." she bowed deeply.

without replying, edna was soon darted off inside the garden leaving the old magician lucas with daney.

he shook his head and smiled, "please pardon her, she was too enthusiastic..."

"its fine and well your excelllency. now, would you please go with me to meet our young miss?" daney gestured toward lucas, showing him the way inside the garden.

the old wizard nodded, "please.."

elder lucas walked inside following the coblestone path as maid daney walking behind him, on the way elder lucas could see how huge the garden was, there were several trees and many unique flowers here and there. the field of grass was fresh with morning dew covered them.

sometimes there were gardeners and another maids greeted him in servile manners.

as he walked, he saw upfront there was an open garden house with white post resembling bird cage in the middle of the garden.

vivian and edna could be seen chatting while chomping on several desserts. both of them looks like long lost sister whom finally met with each other on happy occasions.

noticing old magician lucas coming over, vivian stood and went toward him in graceful manner unlike her actual age at all, edna pouted clearly disatisfied as her master interrupts her joyful reunion, yet she also went over.

bowing slightly vivian lifts her dress hem, in curtsy she spoke with her natural soft voice, "vivian elleina montgredy bradtford greet his excellency elder wizard lucas vega."

stroking his long white beard, lucas nodded full of praise, "it has been quite a while young vivian, you may raise."

vivian raised her head while keeping her gentle smile.

"vivi! lets go, we still have to catch up! just let master be, he will be fine!" edna grabbed vivian's hand and drag her back to the garden house.

vivian was quite reluctant at first as it was rude of her if she neglected elder lucas, but the later waved his hand giving her permission to follow edna, vivian smile helplessly as she let edna to drag her back.

usually, guests would need to follow long procedure to meet with bradtford earl's family member and they were also required to meet with the earl first. however, his identity made lucas special, as an elder of witchcraft tower with 5 stars rank, he was exempted from formalities.

after strolling for a while in the garden, lucas went over to the two joyful girls and sat at the table, maid daney poured him a cup of refreshing cold tea.

old lucas put his warm smile while occasionally sipping his refreshing cold tea, hearing the chatter of these two chirping girls, sometimes he chuckled if edna made funny remarks, the atmosphere was amicable and peaceful.

as time went by, edna was sniffing at her surrounding, then she looks at her bestie,

"vivi? did you use perfume? its smeeels good, what flower is it?"

shaking her head, vivian could also smell white angel flower fragrance wafted here and there, she knew it came from her personal maid daney,

"i'm not using perfume edna, maybe it comes from daney? daney?" vivian called.

"young miss.." daney steps forward, while keeping her hand in front of her maid skirt.

"could you show us that mosquito repellent?"

daney complied, she then took out something from her pocket, her expression falter slightly as she recalled yesterday she had unknowingly lost her money pouch, yet she still continue to presents the ceramic jar with clear green gel in it.

'...mosquito repellent?...' old wizard lucas pricked his eyebrow as he too was interested on this ceramic jar.

as edna opened the jar, the sweet fragrance of white angel flower soon pervade the garden house.

"huwaaa! whats this? its smell so nice..." edna exclaimed in excitement.

daney soon explained to her what mosquito repellent effect's are, other than vivian, edna and elder lucas marvelled on its effect.

elder lucas sat up straight as he scrutinzed the jar's content.

he scooped out a little and observed the gel, he rubbed the gel between his index finger and thumb, his old eyes seems going through his memory of his youth.

as he inhaled the fragrance deeply, he thought in surprise, '...this substance! flarse root, gael leaves and thyme extract? this is the original recipe father's made, why is there anyone still know about this? if i remember correctly the current recipes were already been modified several times....'

"young miss, where did you get this gel from?" he asked daney after he returned from his reminiscent.

daney answered him almost immediately, "this humble maid bought it from small clinic at east outer ring."

'...east outer ring? could it be?...' elder lucas fell into deep thought once again.

noticing his interest toward the mosquito repellent, vivian suggested, "if elder lucas is interested, why don't we go over there, i too want to buy some for my personal use, how about it edna?" she winked toward edna.

edna's face brighten immediately, she nodded as she stood, "ok ok! lets go vivi! master lets go! i want it too!"

"daney, tell the coachman to prepare my carriage, us three would like to go to that clinic." vivian ordered as she too stood up ready to leave.

soon the trio along with maid daney went toward east outer ring. as vivian disliked to having big entourage following her inside the city.

she limit the guards to only 2 people, she also felt assured as elder lucas went together with them.


as it took quite a while, elder lucas went inside and he saw the girls keep chattering while ignoring two other persons in front of them.

he sigh helplessly. actually, the reason why he didn't gone inside before was to check this neighborhoods aftermath from the battle of his discpile with criminal named mordoc a couple of weeks ago.

he was nodding as it seems the protective spell of maron city's infrastructure worked well protecting the people from the huge magic battle that happened at this street.

as he went inside, he saw the old doctor with young girl stood awkwardly waiting for vivian and edna to finish their conversation.

clearing his throat, elder lucas called over, "uhum* edna, young vivian? have you finished yet?"

hearing her master voice, edna paused with a hiccup. then she turned her head toward her master while rubbing her head sheepishly, vivian was also putting her small hand over her mouth with hint of pink on her cheeks.

as doctor moi saw who was calling, he was so surprised and with wide eye opened he suddenly knelt!


with trembling voice, the old doctor exclaimed, "this...this old graduate greet his excellency teacher lucas!!!"

tasca was so shocked as her mouth opened wide, as claudus went over immediately to help the old doctor to stand up.

elder lucas was also surprised by doctor moi action, he stroke his long white beard as he said, "ah! please, don't be, you may raise, please i'm no longer a teacher."

vivian and edna were also shocked at how this old man went to his knee abruptly as he saw elder lucas. they stare straight at him.

tasca and claudus went to grab doctor moi's arms, and helping him to stand up.

as he witnessed this, suddenly the old wizard seems like being struck by lightning,

'...this is, a doctor, a boy, and a girl...'

he suddenly thought remembering something.


long ago,

there was an orphan brother and his sickly sister born at vedora, the city without governments and law,

the city was so poor and without hope.

on that fateful day,

the boy met with an incredible figure, he cured his sister and took them as his disciple..

together, they journeyed through chaotic era.

helping a young prince to alter his kingdom's fate.

meeting with various incredible people.

ushered the current peaceful era.

together they became family and went across happiness and grief.

it was such a long time.

in a clinic at a small town in south.

a doctor, a boy, and a girl.

it was such a bitter sweet memory.


today's chapter...

thx for reading...

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