
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 48 - Magic Study

The Heavenly Star Palace is the place of beginnings where Veldanava first awoke during the dawn of creation. It's a universe isolated from all other universes yet adjacent to them at the same time. The only ways in are to have a special "Key" that allows for inter-dimensional travel to and from it at will or to access it through the gate of heaven guarded by Dagruel.

This is what Erix remembers from reading the novel and knows that it is the base of operation by Feldway. He wanted to take him into his army since they will be useful in conquering other worlds once he is able to find worlds that are close by and weak in his opinion. Erix also pondered of the possibility a small fragment of Veldanava exist in palace and wanted to steal it believing that he'll gain [ Information Lord: Akashic Record skill ] if part of the Webnovel timeline exist.

It is the only Origin Skill which is a higher type of skill than Ultimate Skills that allows one to know, create and use any and every skill. He looked around using the [ Seven Phase View ] where the Heavenly Star Palace was vast world where it can be described as Universe itself containing angels and what seem to be a gate was a giant, Dagruel guarding the place then suddenly glance at his direction but Erix unfazed and continue his searching but found that it was impossible to peer inside even with a Genesis rank item.

'From what I remember, his brother, Fenn is sealed inside unless Feldway freed him then Dagruel won't be guarding. For now, I should let Jibril search for Ivarage.' Erix thought to himself recalling a new character from the light novel that never existed in the Web Novel which was Ivarage, the World Destroying Dragon.

From what he recalls, Ivarage's exact origins are unknown, with Feldway stating that it had to have come from deep space or to have come from another universe. Regardless of its origin, it ended up on the planet the series takes place on, where it was deemed a threat to humanity and assaulted by the acting Watcher of the time, Feldway. Ivarage proved too strong for Feldway to handle alone, with back-up eventually coming in the form of the rest of the Seven Angels of Origin and Guy Crimson.

Together the eight of them battled Ivarage in a three month long assault that destroyed the surface of the planet. While little in the way of decisive damage was dealt to Ivarage, it did eventually escape to the Underworld where it was then sealed in the Spooky Palace by Veldanava.

Erix wanted to confuse someone that powerful to add to his arsenal but searching for the Spooky Palace that still hadn't been introduced the last time he read it.

"Jibril, continue your search and update me when you find anything new." He still had things planned where he was thinking of exploring the dungeons on his own unless Shizu arrives but she most likely won't arrive after a few days.

"Of course, my lord! Anything for you! Want me to strip naked!?"

"No…not now at least." Jibril squeals in excitement while Erix just chuckles, shaking his head before he leaves to join Supersei in studying magic since she had been fascinated in all forms of magic. The tier magic and Cardinal world magic system function the same way but the latter defies the natural law.

Erix does not need magic since he has Law manipulation but prefer using them since it acts like a button that makes things easier and more precise. He has been developing his own magic system by mixing the two, helped by Supersei who has a skill called [ Origin ] that grants the ability to easily learn many things including but not limited to any magic, and even improves the user's memory.

A downgrade version of his [ Ultimate skill: Lord of Dark Magic, Mephistopheles ]. Erix also uses this skill to reform and reshape his power separating the Power Cosmic from Magic trying to condense reform the energy itself hoping to attain something using [ Lord of Deception, Lucifero ] to grant what he desires.

Erix hoped that he had skills that grants him skill manifestation but decided to wait until he could plunder someone. He eventually forms the [ Demise Magic ] that deconstructs anything to its purest form that is nothingness.

He does aim in heading to the end of time to absorbed the Nihilistic energy to form some kind of new energy but felt that it was not yet the time even his resurrection empowerment might cause him to get erase from absorbing the purest form of energy.

Erix delighted at what he discovered but enjoyed the most of it when Supersei laid her head on his shoulder. After he finishes studying magic went to the training ground where Hakurou had been fighting Cocytus sharing their warrior view showing their respect through their blades. Everyone was diligently training and Erix left to check on the dwarves who had begun working in making and studying weapons from Yggdrasil allowing them to make weapons using the materials from Yggdrasil.

Kaijin was amazing as they had already made Rare to Unique class items where Erix took some of the samples seeing that they were refined in the highest quality. It was amazing that they only lasted 2 days yet they already made some amazing works.

"The materials you've provided have strange properties that certainly are not foreign to the world. Tell me, are you from another world?" Kaijin took a break to discuss things with Erix who nodded and said.

"Indeed, we came from a world that was grumbling that was fortunate enough to arrive in this place. I can't tell you about the world besides these materials." Kaijin nodded not finding it strange that other worlds exist since it is well known information.

"It's fine but I merely wanted to confirm it. The materials does make me excited and understand that I still have room to grow." Erix nodded understanding his sentiment and after a while went to check on the orc where he met with Geld who was acting as figurehead to the other orcs.

He had been the most hard working and showed that his endurance is strongest asset. Erix found that they were all doing fine and were building roads and improving the kingdom. After having visited them went to his floor in Nazarick and concentrated his attention at his core.

Fundamentally, in tensura Body and Soul have layers in them. The Body or Corpus refers to 3 out of 4 fundamental existential components of most lifeforms. The Soul, the remaining component, is surrounded by the three bodies, from innermost to outermost: Astral Body, Spiritual Body, and Material Body.

Astral Body is the innermost Body and surrounds the Soul. It is basically the "Vessel" of the Soul. It is also considered as the container for the soul and the form of a being. This layer requires a medium to preserve it, with it otherwise slowly dissolving back to Magicules in the surrounding space, releasing the ego and nucleic heart and allowing for reincarnation.

That medium is usually the Material Body but it can temporarily be the Spiritual Body. Those with the power to solidify their spiritual bodies can maintain their existence indefinitely.

Spiritual Body is the body-type responsible for the memories of an individual that prevents those with just Soul and Astral Body from collapsing. It serves as a virtual memory.

Material Body refers to the physical body as most know it. It is required for Daemons and other spiritual beings to permanently remain in the material world without being affected by the rejection force of the world.

Meanwhile, a Soul has the Nucleic Heart or Heart Core is the core of the soul, where the most powerful of skills tend to be stored. It is not possible to remove skills that are engraved here, though Mammon, Lord of Greed, can remove it under certain conditions. It is essentially their True soul.

The Ego is the "being" of an individual, and their sense of self. It's the only part of a soul, when removed from its makeup, results in insanity. A being without an ego cannot access skills. The ego is described to be a set of amorphous wavelengths. Surrounded by a group of information particles, this construct is known as the Nucleic Heart.

Reincarnators usually lose most of their ego, but sometimes strong souls, like Satoru Mikami, can retain their ego despite the dimensional travel. Everything has a soul even the simple air and grass and even trees have a soul but only few have an Ego.

Erix and his existence was different as his Nucleic Heart was the World Tree that span through a subspace where it continues to grow providing unlimited space for skills. Even how strong and powerful Erix can acquire it, plundering them. On the other hand his Astral body was his Soul Mutation that was as strong as his material body perhaps even more.

'I need a piece of the wood and give it to Treyni and her sister.' Erix with his mental image projected into his subspace went to the tree that made him appear like anywhere leaves as big as the entire city block. He chipped a piece of it while noticing spirit was forming and the tree was gaining an ego.

"Hmmm, perhaps I should spread its roots." He said before reaching out where he was expanding the roots and felt the branches move through his Soul Mutation or Astral Body turning it into a vein that acts as conduit in perfectly utilizing his energy intake.

Once it was over, Erix took out his mind and went to visit Treyni and her sister to help them move around without leaving their true body, which was a tree.