
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 47 - Heavenly Star Palace

Everyone finished their meal and had returned back to their respective worlds where Erix arrived at his office looking out the window where it was clearly around 6:00 Pm as the sun began to set. He had already informed the other that he will be gone for a few hours to ensure that there won't be any panic.

Erix remains seated and Ultima, Carrera and Testarossa arrive in the room where they kneel down, sensing that their master is stronger than before. How can it be? It only been a few hours since they last saw each other and yet the gap widened to a ridiculous degree. However, this increases their eagerness to show their loyalty to him.

"Report. How did Marshall go? Did the Lizardmen accept the offer or will they wait a week?" He noticed how Carrera was avoiding eye contact and understood that the annoying Lizardmen, Gabil, had done something to receive their wrath.

"They were willing to discuss it but…. These two almost killed the son of their leader, my lord." Testarossa glanced at the Primordial yellow, annoyed since she was the most mature when it comes to taking action.

"It's not my fault that guy annoys me!" Carrera clicked her tongue in annoyance as Ultima remained quiet but enjoyed the sight when Gabil was slammed into the ground when he tried to mocked their leader who was Erix. Testarossa got into details when they arrived at the marshall where everyone was perplexed at their sudden arrival and were tense as the power wielded by a Primordial could easily eliminate the entire Lizardmen in the marshall.

Their leader was a reasonable person and told his men to stand down listening to their reasoning for being there and Testarossa gave what their master told them to say in which every Lizardmen was shocked to learn a new Majin capable of creating a kingdom. He was even more shocked to learn that he defeated the orc disaster and took them under his developing country.

"Tch. Where is your leader then? Threatening us when he doesn't even show himself means he's a coward." Gabil opened his mouth instantly made everyone glare at him and his father almost wanted to slap some sense to his child when yellow haired woman walked close to Gabil who curious what he was going to do when she raise her legs floating a bit since lizardmen are taller before slamming his head into the pavement cracking the floor. Gabil's sister, the future Souka, shook her head at his brother's foolishness and arrogance.

"Oh sorry, I think I stepped in shit. Didn't know lizardman have their assh*le for a mouth to spout some bullshit*t." Everyone shuddered when Carrera released her killing intent realizing their master would be immensely more powerful than them if he was able to turn them into his servant.

They knew that being under somewhat capable of leading and forming a country of Monsters as well tame these Majin, even though their Daemon. Ultima smiled seeing the trash under Carrera feet and Testarossa up close to Carrera smacking her head dispelling her killing intent.

"What the hell!?"

"Enough. We're to convey a message and not fight."

Carrera wanted to refute but gave up letting Gabil go who was picked up by his lackey while Testarossa moved to ask the Lizardmen leader for his answer in which he told what Testarossa currently conveyed to Erix at the current moment.

He nodded at the report since it won't take long for them to take their stand since they won't easily let go of the opportunity to serve someone stronger. They are not that into complex scheming unlike human or demi-human since they know that their abilities in terms of strategy and tactics is greatly limited.

Erix was satisfied with their answer and summoned Diablo that had Misery and Rain with him, receiving their report from the surrounding race.

Though, they only got hold on two villages which were the Gozu and Mezu who refused to cooperate unless either of them was helped by Erix to eliminate one of them. He shook his head and decided to wait until he invade their villages, beating some sense to them since they will useful for the future.

After he received the report dismissed them and called Slaneesh to know if there was any update on her side after they left the Dwargon. She reported that everything was under control where a few rats had been discovered that came from other country intent of stirring conspiracy letting her handle the situation.

Everything seemed to fall to the right pieces and called it a day since the event of Shizu arriving would take a few days while the Demon lord taking action would take a while. He went to the streets and bought some skewers where he encountered Mare and Aura who quickly greeted him patting their heads before letting him join where he was enjoying the scenery of their country.

Shuna and Shion followed by Yuina who greeted him where Erix asked how their people were doing in which she replied that everyone was adjusting to their new environment and appreciated the hospitality of the [ Hobgoblin Lord ]. He asked them for the geography and Majin residing in the Jura Forest since they mapped out the place but still don't know the details since he hasn't contacted the other villages.

"Well, in the west there is a small Forest containing Elves, and in the north are Kobolds while in the south west around the Kusha mountains restid the Tengu, who are close relations with ours. I believe Hakurou-san has some relation with them."

Yuina said while Erix nodded as he was being attended by Mare and Aura who were clinging beside him and Shion massaging his back while Shuna looked at her chest then to her mother sighing in relief. Yuina notice this chuckled and continued

"I'm sure, their founder, Kaede-sama would negotiate with you as she's known to be a reasonable person, however, I'm unsure about the current Matriarch which happens to be her daughter." Erix recalled them and from the way he mentioned Hakurou was likely still in a relationship with Kaede, who was their leader.

"Kaede's late husband was Hakurou-san's brother and may be able to persuade them to join." His eyes lit up hearing that she was free to be taken and if things were similar then she was at the edge of her life.

"That was informative, Yuina." She smiled that was certainly enticing with her motherly body and Sakura hair that draped into her kimono. Yuina was happy that she was able to get his attention while her daughter was jealous of her mother acting more provocative than before feeding Erix.

Her mother giggled seeing this while Erix was surprised but happily took it and enjoyed being pampered by the woman around him. After a while, Erix head to his chambers where Albedo and Shalltear arrives wearing lingerie not hiding their intention and as their lover didn't hesitate to give what they want that soon followed by Supersei, Kanami, Asue, Burasato, Aifu and Kugime. Amaia and Arryn joined after everyone was too exhausted to continue. The room was filled with the sound of pleasure and delight.

The next day came through and Erix went to spend his time with his girls since there wasn't anything beside sending Primordials to continue conveying his message to the village. Demiurge had been sent to make his own group to spread his influence making an organization of Qliphoth where it would consist of the Pleiades and other criminals to spread throughout the kingdom.

Erix went to visit Jibril to learn more of the world to find if there's anything that worth noting. He found her in the library with Supersei who was studying magic along with the other goblins using the textbook that came from Yggdrasil and the magic textbook from the Central Axis World. He learned a bit of magic enjoying the Demise Magic since it was similar to his nature.

Jibril was happy when he arrived to visit her and complained that she waited for a long time which Erix ignored. She moaned when Erix ignored her and her lord shook his head before asking for the update.

"Ah yes, I may have found what you're looking for."

Jibril's task was to find the Heavenly Star Palace in which Veldanava was born after the True Creator became bored removing its Omni-science and Omni-potence state. This meant theoretically, Veldanava was not the true creator and most likely something exists outside their cosmology. Though, this is the origin of Veldanava in LN.