
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 110 - Kuroinu 10

I wonder for how long I'll keep updating like this....oh well.

Just enjoy the update and hopefully I keep this up.

That aside. Give me some Lewd images (If you're in webnovel)



Serenus Continent

Feoh Fortress.

Since Kuroinu's army had been seen marching towards the Fortress, a citywide alert had been declared.

Everyone was to stay indoors.

The same went for the small church located in the Northern part of the city, behind the palace and near the back door.

In this place there were only 6 women.

It was maintained only by these 6.

Together with Alicia and Prim, they represented the Holy Order of Iris in this city.

Right now they were hiding in the small church there.

But unfortunately, monsters and demons found them and dragged them out.

Ignoring the nuns' pleas, the demons used large poles brought by the Ogres, and ropes to crucify them all.

Then, they tore off various parts of their cloaks to expose their nakedness to the air, their breasts and their tender vaginas were in the filthy and hungry sight of every one of the monsters and demons.

And when a small demon climbed on top of the strong red-haired Nun, the one with the biggest breasts, Chaia, she screamed in the loudest voice she could muster.


Her screams could be heard across the fortress and fortunately for her someone who has enhanced hearing is capable of picking up the sound.

'Please Kami-sama... save me!'

She prayed for some miracle fearing for her purity to be taken by the ogres and demons.

Chaia closed her eyes and waited for the nasty creature to touch her large exposed breasts.

However, she felt nothing and slowly opened her eyes to look around.

Even the despicable and lustful laughter that the demons had, was completely silent. She only felt a very strange sound.


Chaia thought staring at the broad back of a person who appeared to be a demon with scarlet red skin and red hairs protruding on the side that curb towards his forehead then pointed upward like a crown with a red crown hovering above like a Halo.

He was tall, easily the same height of the ogre with four strong arms that seem to be coated in armor wielding two blades that had chains wrapped around his forearm and his other set of arms wielded a long crimson spear.

Her heart stirred as her call was not heard by a god but demon and her fellow nun were in awe feeling the same way as her.

They all felt the air itself shifted the moment he arrived and without a uttering a single words swiftly swung his chain blade towards were cleave into cubes and more than fifty demons were incinerated from the flames and the three ogres holding the wooden poles on which the nuns were crucified had gaping hole as the pressure of the thrust of his spear killed them.

"Hyaaaa-.... Hmmm?"

The moment the Ogres let go of the poles due to the man's quick blows, all the nuns fell forward, and the smallest of them screamed as she saw herself fall face first to the ground, but stopped when she saw that she herself and even the others were levitating in the air still tied up.

"Hold on ladies. I'll be with you in a moment." Their heart pounds hearing his deep and baritone voice that entices them. He looked too handsome to a demon and an evil person wouldn't save them, right?

"For now, here." Their arms and legs were finally free as they slowly placed down on the ground leaving them in awe watching him turn back to face the enemy. Despite his appearances they felt they were safe.

The man, Erix, could feel their lust, longing, gratitude, devotion, and many more emotions simply byproduct of his soothing voice and he couldn't be happier.

Erix decimated every single monster and demon, giving the most gruesome end by ruthlessly dismembering their limbs and crippling them while ensuring they won't die that easily. He showed his sadistic smile relishing their groans of pain as their vocal cords made them mute.

These were the humans, no, damned soul that had been laughing as the helpless nuns running and dreaming of defiling only for their fate to turn into catastrophe as they had called hell on earth.

None could escape even those who begged for mercy were mutilated and eviscerates showing their viscera as result yet the nun weren't disturbed and felt comforted watching their savior while praying for him.

In a matter of seconds, the surroundings were filled with men and monsters groaning in pain as a pool of blood and organs soaked the ground.

Erix exhaled as if steam were coming out his mouth where his fang were bare and his five eyes peering through the shadow of his face. He is currently holding the last survivor.

"You bastard! Let go of me this very instant! I command you com-GAAAH!!"

It was Minister Beasley who appeared to be an ugly bastard old man and tried to use his position to order him yet Erix gripped tight.

"How foolish to not know your titles and power is no more." He chuckled mockingly at the old man's dismay.

"D-Don't!! I-I can pay you!! What do you want!? Money? title? Wo-Gaaaah!" The old man was slammed into the ground as Erix pointed the spear inches away from his face.

"I have all of that. I have endless treasure that you could not commute and countless worlds under me as well as countless women ready to warm my bed. Do you think a mortal human could give me what I can obtain?"

Erix could feel his fear increasing and the utter dread was delicious filling his heart with joy. Beasley couldn't believe he was now beaten and unable to do anything.

"Nooo!!! I-I can't die!!! I don't want to die!!" Beasley begged and tried to escape but was raised by Erix to see his hopeless expression that made Erix smile contorted in a monstrous manner.

"You forfeited your life the moment you were born."

Erix said in a matter of time holding Beasley seeing the dread in his eyes gave him immense bliss.

"However, I do not intend to kill you nor any of you." His words gave him a glimpse of hope that only made it taste even sweeter.

"For you won't find peace and shall live in eternal torment." Erix said, causing Beasley's expression to distort once again and almost crying while he laughed hysterically until the old man fainted.

"Too bad, you will get some peace until Alicia decides what to do with you." Erix said, throwing him to the side and having his eyes glowed before a beam of light came out as he sent his own Omega beam towards the monster and traitor, sending them to the Omega Sanction.

'Once this battle is over, I should call someone from the empire to handle the first fortress and I can talk with Alicia about turning them part of the empire.'

Erix thought since it would be a great help on their side if they accepted. However, he has to discuss it with all seven fortresses and fortunately he is in no rush. He reverted back to his human form having his shorter hair when in this form walking towards the nun.

He looked in the direction of the Nuns, who were crying with joy and liberation.

They didn't even mind being naked right now as they had undergone an experience too traumatic for maidens like them.

The nuns were stunned when they spotted Erix reverted back into a human unable to speak as their hearts were churning at his handsome face.

"Hold on, let me fix your clothes." Erix held out his hand and their eyes widened witnessing their clothes being restored even the bruises from being grabbed and thrash around during their chase were healed.

"A-Are you a demon or a god!?" Chaia was the first one to speak, thinking he had to be a god because he couldn't perform such a miracle.

"In the manner of speaking, I am. I'm Erix Khan, True Diabolos Dragon God of Armageddon. I am happy tha—Ooof." Erix was introducing himself when all of sudden.


The Nuns interrupted him and threw themselves on top of him to hug him as best they could. Chaia was the closest to him and hugged him very tightly putting her head on his chest.

Erix was surprised by their action but wholeheartedly accepted them and briefly comforted each of them. He could feel their faith shifting toward him since he was a god after devouring a new god like Darkseid.

He brought the six nun, kept their embrace on Erix as despite being a lot smaller than his Asurayasha form still taller than the nun and held them tightly.

After some time, the carcasses of the Kuroinu and the rest of the enemy army were gathered up before burning while their souls were taken by Slaanesh sending them to her floor by using her father's permission.

Once everything settled and the citizens came out of their homes, Alicia had announced to everyone what happened and how currently they had new enemies with the two dark elves now their allies and was saved by their Hero Erix.

The remaining citizens were mostly women with only a handful of men remaining who were loyal to their wives and elderly men while also children.

Erix could feel the lust in the eyes of the woman and he wholeheartedly welcomed it, especially the nun who kept close. Olga and Chloe couldn't help but giggle seeing this unfold even Amaia and Arryn who had been silent can't help but tease.

[ Even pure maiden could not escape master's grasp. ]

{ Hehehe can't blame them and it clear our master intend to have an orgy once this is over. }

'I do but that can be done later. Anyway, have you informed Albedo and the others about my plans?'

[ We have done as thou commanded. ]

{ What she said. }

'Good, bring a few of the army. Also, inform Jibril since I'll be needing her report soon in person.'

Erix chatted a bit with them until everyone was gathered in a conference room with Vivian, Chaia, Prim, Olga, Chloe, Alicia and Slaanesh to discuss something.

"Once again, I am forever indebted to you Erix, Olga-san, Chloe-san and Slaanesh-san." Alicia showed her utmost gratitude by bowing and Prim followed her older sister.

"I am also grateful, we couldn't do it without your help." Vivian said bowing to her gratitude.

"Me too! Without Lord Erix's help then we don't know what could have happened to us!" Chaia said doing the same thing as the rest of them and Erix smiled.

"You are welcome. Though, I am curious what you'll do to that old man…what was his name again?" Erix pretended not to remember.

"His name is Beasley and currently we are thrown into prison until we can find out what kind of punishment he deserves for his betrayal." Alicia said having all her trust and respect completely gone after what had happened.

"Well, Danna-sama wanted to help you and we naturally would follow. Additionally, we also know the dreadful feeling if…Danna-sama did not appear." Olga said and everyone shakin imagining the horror awaits them.

"My previous hate toward humans is gone now. I only devote all my feelings to Danna-sama."

Chloe said doesn't feel obligated to hate humans anymore and felt that it was more of a burden than anything. She felt liberated the moment she let go of her hatred.

"Fufufu~ if you wish to repay us then there are a few things you could offer." Slaanesh licks her lips, eyeing at their body while Erix holds her head.

"Don't mind her. There is actually something I wish to discuss with you Alicia." Erix said, getting her attention.

"If it's in my power then I will do anything to repay you." Alicia answered since there isn't anything she could do besides listen to his demands.

"Well, I wish to form an alliance with you." Erix said, confusing them a bit.

"An alliance? What do you mean lord Erix?" Vivian asked.

"I haven't fully introduced myself. I am Erix Khan, True Diabolos Dragon God and the Emperor of Asurayasha Crimson Empire from the world called Central Axis World."