
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 109 - Kuroinu 9

I don't have anything to say beside the his might be the last chapter that I'll post.

In a while.

I'll be busy with school and stuff but I'll try to keep posting



Serenus Continent

Feoh Fortress.

The female knight of Feoh Fortress could not feel but feel overwhelmed by the sight of the gruesome massacre below them where in a matter of minutes almost hundred of Kuroinu mercenaries and monsters were ruthlessly disemboweled and mutilated by the swing of his weapons.

The ground had puddles of blood and viscera scattered around where the foul smell could be smelled even at the fortress walls. The person responsible is currently cleaving dozens of them in half as they had no option but to fight and hope to survive.

The calm and reasonable man from before seemed to have vanished and what appeared was a laughing catastrophe decimating the army with his weapon. The sound of screams was heard from behind the fortress making them realize that the people station was not present.

'Damn Beasley! How can you betray us like this!?' Alicia thought since the one responsible I'm handling the back was his army and now they left it open for their enemies to attack. Beasley was their minister and someone that Alicia trusted but now he decided to be a traitor and cost people lives for his lowly ambition.

"Alicia, there are only over a dozen of enemies left. I'll leave you since I sense an enemy coming from the back."

A voice came as he turned to see the person who had appeared when they were facing a calamity and changed the outcome of the upcoming future.

Despite his face filled with blood and how terrifying he appeared, slaughtering Kuroinu and their army made her feel at ease especially how his face looked calm unlike the hysterical image that he portrays himself.

"You two, Chloe, Olga, And my daughter give your support."

He said afterwards storming off even before they could respond to him. Alicia, Vivian and the rest of the female knight watched as he flew at blinding speed almost like a shooting star.

"Well, you heard my father, all you may vent your anger towards these men who aim to defile you." Slaanesh stirring their heart letting them feel overwhelmed making them even stronger than before. Her words snapped out of their

Vivian and the veteran army of women snapped out of their shock, complied with the orders and began to head down before opening the gates to kill the remaining army.

Alicia watched this unfold and felt indebted to Erix but also angered by the fact that without his help then their fate would have been nothing more than an object to satisfy these men and felt disgusted.

"Alicia Onee-sama, are you alright?"

Prim saw her older cousin's expression being overwhelmed by everything happening, that staring at her younger cousins reminded her of what she saw in the possible future and blushing a bit thinking how Erix saw her naked and how she can't get married anymore.

Though, if Erix was there he would have blankly stared at her since she was basically naked because of her proactive outfit that showed the most arousing part. Unless she has life fiber from kill la kill them her armor is complete nonsense.

"It's not your fault.... it's only Kuroinu's bastards' fault.... so don't feel bad, okay? We both share a bond after seeing what the future could have been without our dear's help."

Olga finished speaking in a very motherly tone and put Alice's head between her giant breasts. She was surprised that their most feared enemy had become their allies and was comforting her.

They realized that their conflict had been utter nonsense and were somewhat grateful that they had a common enemy that made them feel united.

"Thank you…Olga-san." Alicia couldn't believe that she would feel grateful to their mortal enemy and Olga couldn't be happier. Soon, she let go of Alicia and noticed Prim looking at them with envy.

"Oh do you want me to comfort you too, Prim-chan? Come here." Olga said, embracing Prim, feeling her hand petting her head.

"Hehehe~ umu." Prim giggled while Alicia watched her young cousin with a smile thinking that the future was no more.

"Well then, I didn't get the chance to vent my anger against Volt but now."

Chloe smiled, holding onto her cloak before throwing away revealing her outfit, shocking the female knight at the outstanding quality of her armor and holding out her arms as two long daggers with green blades appeared before she vanished from everyone's sight.

The remaining Kuroinu gain hope upon seeing him flee and took their chance in at least getting their hand on the woman since they more people since the remaining Kuroinu and their army are around three hundred and the woman still were two hundred fifty given ogre and orcs have strength of five female knights give them the edge.

"H-He's gone!! Everyone we still—Huh?" Before he could finish his sentence saw his vision turn upside down and slowly spun around stopping to see his headless body.

"I really like how Danna-sama gave this "System" and assisted in making me stronger." In the shadow appeared Chloe and showed her skills as a level 100 player from Yggdrasil with rogue orientated jobs.

Erix replicated the system then gave it to Chloe and Olga since he already had the power to do pretty much anything. She didn't need to level up since Erix already provided most of it.

Though, he helps them during their travel towards the first fortress. This helps get to know them and build their relationship.

Should Erix be worried that being carefree might cost the downfall of a fortress? Nope. Erix's luck is immense even without doing anything and the plot of the story bends to his narrative.

"Ara~ Ara~ let me also try the power gifted to me by Danna-sama." Olga let go of Prim who pouted and watched the dark queen.

[ Summon - Abyss Demon! ]

She used a tier of magic and darkness that seemed to manifest before their eyes before the muscular demon with the bare-bone head of a ram with black wings sprouting from the back.

There were at least five Abyss Demon current flapping their wings that produce a gust of wind but not enough to knock the people below and hover before them.

"You have summoned us, Lady Olga! We await your command!" The abyss demon places their hand on their chest showing respect while holding their halberd ready to slaughter any enemies for their mistress.

Olga understood that they were bound to her and saw her as their creator therefore betrayal was not even an idea that crossed their mind since for them it was hubris and the greatest shame.

"Go and kill all the men and monsters before me."

Alicia felt dumbfounded when her instinct knew that fighting a single one of these was a death wish and yet Olga summoned five of them!?

If she had this kind of power from before then the war would have already tipped to her side. She wondered where the dark queen could have obtained such power then instantly clicked.

'...How powerful are you, Lord Erix?'

Alicia felt she could never repay him any more when he had the power to obtain everything and none of them could do against him. The only thing she could offer was herself.

At that moment, She realized what she was thinking and her face lit up like a headlights.

'W-What am I thinking!? I am just a lowly knight while he is someone above… but…it wouldn't hurt to try?'

Her mind pondered thinking of being up close and intimate with Erix especially after seeing how handsome he was and how he can be.

Meanwhile back in the battlefield, the Kuroinu mercenary fought against the female knights where they were able to kill them much easier as the female knights had been strengthened by Slaanesh as the woman became blood crazed.

"Hahaha~yes turn this battlefield into a canvas filled with viscera and scarlet river! Play the beautiful symphony of their flesh being cleaved and their cries of anguish!!"

Slaanesh made all female knights into a Yandere as they mutilated and disemboweled the Kuroinu mercenary as their body moved like it was dancing.

They weren't driven to madness but ecstasy and liberation enjoying the art of battle. Their movement became more fluid and graceful almost at the peak of swordsmanship.

'I..I have never seen my knights act in such a pristine and graceful manner. They act a lot more bloodthirsty yet it is clear none of them truly succumb to madness…' Alicia thought about killing the imp who managed to fly towards them.

"This is my ability called [ Excess ]. It would make them reach the peak of their abilities." Slaanesh said currently bisecting an imp then making a horrifying and disturbing art piece with it by transmuting them together.

"Wow~ that sounds amazing, Lady Slaanesh?!" Prim praised her trying to gain favor and have Erix as her husband and Slaanesh smiled.

"Of course! I am a perfection incarnate!" She said, patting her head, making her giggle before turning her attention to the battlefield.

"Raise buildings and sing songs in My Glory. In My name, pursue your arts and enshrine all Beauty." Slaanesh began to speak as if chanting and dancing, heading down conjuring a blade.

"Let all people follow their every desire, sate their every hunger, and deny themselves no adventure." With a simple flick the blade of her sword separated into segments and whipped it around.

"For it is in these things, and in other, that you will find the greatest pleasure, and it is through these things, and through each other, that you shall rise yourselves higher, even unto the steps of My Throne…"

Her face filled with joy and excess eviscerating those who tried to get close. They were mesmerized by her beauty that their lust was their downfall. Slaanesh was their downfall and ambition. She is like Desire of the endless but in a depraved point of view.

"You will take pleasure in all that is, though your bodies will break and your souls be forfeit. For I am Slaanesh, most jealous of Gods, and most demanding of lovers, and My Thirst for you shall never be sated…"

Slaanesh said as her blade wrapped itself around a dozen of me before pulling turning them into mince meat. It was gruesome yet had a sense of elegance and beauty.

"Ara~ Ara~ trying to touch me but only my Danna-sama is allowed to do that." Olga said, sensing imps surrounding them.

[ Negative burst! ]

In an instant all those imps and demons disintegrated into nothingness with Alicia jaw dropped at how insanely more powerful Olga had become then wondered how Chloe would fare and turn to look down.

She witnessed the Kuroinu men being slaughtered by something unseen and at blinding speed. Their eyes were first to be damaged then their shin and before they could scream had their tongue cut before their vocal cords yet somehow they were alive.

"Fufufu~ this is really fun. Is this what Danna-sama feels when dominating an enemy?"

Chloe never has been in Frontline that often and serves her queen close by but now that her vengeance at her hand couldn't help feel joy and satisfaction.

She did not shed pity, instead only the joy of ending the life of a lowly scume hellbent on turning them into objects of their lust.

"The only who can rape me is Danna-sama~" Chloe became a lot more attach to Erix that she showing sign of being possesive but that natural because Erix like that idea.

She soon vanished once again and decapitated a dozen more of the monster and men cleaving them like their body was simply grass in the ground. It was a one sided slaughter where no one was left alive because even in death would not meet peace.

"W-Wait I surrender!!!" The Kuroinu threw his weapon when he saw they were outmatched hoping he can at least lived only for him to see a halberd raise over his head as the Abyss demon looked down at them

"Too late."

The abyss demon said as he swung his halberd and cleaved the man in half vertically while the others were also slaughtering the remaining army overwhelming the once six hundred army had reduced to less than hundred in a matter of minutes.

As this was happening, Erix was flying towards his destination instead of teleporting because he wanted to arrive with style and find it fun that way. Also he sealed his true power to enjoy himself.