
Crimson Hollow

"What is this red thin-----" That was the last words of a person in front of him. If he wants, he'll get it.

Kitsoune · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The second test ends...

Again, arriving at the end, he stopped at the big platform that was the last one he would go. Looking down, he saw nowhere to jump, confirming that this was the last floor.

Looking back, he saw that the girl was in the same situation he had been in, but with the difference it was that it was a red eel. She was struggling, jumping from platform to platform, while swerve and tried to fight back.

Her way of attacking was strange, as she used her hands like if they're snakes, quick and flexible. With every move of his hands, a cut appeared on the fish.

The man on the other hand, was fighting a green and fat fish, the fish was slow but still very strong and very endurenced. The two seemed to be exchanging punches, even if it's just a fish.

The man jumped from pillar to pillar, while directing punches and more punches against the belly of the green fish at an impressive speed, but the fish did not seem to care about the punches, when his tail went against the hands of the man, throwing him a little back by the force of the impact and forcing him to go to the pillar behind him.

Back at Noah, who was sitting on the larger platform, which was at the end of all the obstacles, he didn't notice any openings, so he thought he'd have to wait for something until he could get out. So he returned to watch the fight of the two.

The girl was on a platform, you could see the path she went through the lack of pillars, which retracted to the ground when she passed.

The girl then jumped off the platform she was on, which immediately began to retract, but instead of going to the next, she jumped on top of the red eel, which did the same and advanced on her.

The eel ran into her arms. And then the eel's tail and the girl's arms turned into blurs, when several sounds of crashing blows resounded across the place, when she exchanged many blows with the eel.

The eel did not seem to give up, but lost the strength of being in the air and fell into the water, while the girl moved away a little panting and stepped on another platform, all this exchange was made in the air, while the two was falling.

The eel didn't wait long before jumping on to the panting girl. Seeing this, the girl let out a snitch when a smile appeared in her mouth. She put her hands in her pocket, and pulled out four little knives, putting them between her fingers.

This time, her hands seemed even more of a blur as she jumped to where the fish was going, shortening the distance between the two. Once again the eel used its tail to attack, but this time the answer to this was a deep cut, when the girl's hand quickly passed where the tail was.

And soon more and more blows passed, and all of them aiming at the same place, with tremendous precision, she was cutting without difficulty the meat of the eel still in the air. With each movement of his hands, the cut became longer until the cut went through completely, causing the back of the tail to separate from the rest of the body and fall into the water.

All this happened in the air and she was about to fall into the water, seeing this, she spun in the air while aiming her feet at the eel, and using the eel as a trampulim, she used the impulse to go to another pillar.

The thrust of her movement was strong to the eel too, sending the eel to one of the walls while hitting hard. The eel's eyes lost their lives when she finally fell into the water. Soon, the same scene of several smaller fish eating the body was repeated.

The girl a little panting and with the clothes a little torn from the bites, continued her way until reaching Noah's side, who was looking at the man's fight, sitting on the floor.

'Is it over?' She thought, while looking at Noah, and then where to he was looking, only to sit next to him. She was wanting to talk with him, but rejected this idea and decided to watch along with him, in silence.

Returning to the man, he was against the green fish, which was constantly jumping out of the water and whenever he did, the two exchanged blows.

The man was wearing gloves and appeared to wear boxing techniques while his punches fell one after the other on the fish, which did not seem to bother to take them. The fish once again jumped out of the water toward the man, while wearing his tail aimed forward.

The man punched towards the tail, and this punch produced a small stuffy sound when the man was thrown back hard, leading him to manage to stabilize only three pillars behind where he was.

Looking at the fish, angry, he advanced upwards, while clenched his fists more tightly.

From the tip of the gloves, a half-moon-shaped blade appeared, and circled the front of his hand as he used it to punch.

His punch fell on the fish, which had already positioned its tail for the punch, but the punch with the blades were something the fish did not expect, while the blade stuck in the body of the fish, trapping it, but the fish began to rummage and become extremely restless, and thanks to this, managed to get out of there.

Once again, this time bleeding from where the cut was, the fish jumped on top of the man, leaving a small trail of blood in the water.

The man punched with both hands several times, making the scene of the cut repeat itself throughout the body of the fish several times. Unlike the cuts of the girl, which were all focused on one place, he made cuts all over the body of the fish, which soon fell into the water as well.

Your big body making the water splash up. The fish tried to jump once more, but his body full of cuts and blood coming out prevented him, when once again, thousands of fish appeared and began to eat him.

He tried to get out of there, but the fish were too much and soon devoured him alive.

The man who was looking at this, wiped the sweat from his forehead and put his hand on his belly, whose was the place that the fish hitted.

'I hope I didn't break a rib...' He thought, as he jumped from platform to platform toward the end.

"So I'm the third?" He said with a sigh when he arrived at the scene. Looking at Noah, he saw that he still had the number 001 badge. 'It looks like it wasn't lucky he got the first badge...' He thought.

"You're the third and I'm the second! I think we're going to get along. I didn't think there'd be a little monster in the hunter exams." The girl said while looking at Noah. Making the man nod to the head as he remembers the show Noah did, by nullifying the fish beam and killing him without difficulty.

"Well, they say most hunters are eccentric." He spoke, shrugging, as he looked at Noah.

Noah was sitting and did the same, shrugging.

"I wouldn't be on the hunter exam if I were like everyone else." Noah said, as he looked back, to see a door opening from a place that didn't appear to be a door.

The two of them heard it and couldn't help but nod as they looked at the same place.

Noah got up off the ground and walked out to the door. As if Noah was leading the group, the two soon began to follow him.

What was a comic scene, an 8-year-old boy leading a group with an adult and a teenage girl twice his age. But no one there seemed to care.

They thought there was no need to wait for anyone else, since no one else seemed as remarkably as they did.

Noah really don't mind being followed, as long as they didn't get in his way or try touch him without permission, he'd be fine with it.

Walking forward, what appeared in front of them was a lawn floor and the sunlight, it had been a few hours that they did not see this, since they entered that place, it took about 4 hours for each floor. Although they were very strong, and the floors wasn't too difficult, they were long.

In the middle of the lawn, there was a airship with the same acronym as the Hunters, while one person greeted them.

"Congratulations for passing the penultimate test. I will be in charge because some problems arose for the examiner that needed to be treated immediately." The guy said, as he turned to the airship and walked towards it.

"Accompany me gentlemen, this drive will take us to the finals area. The trip will take about 20 hours, I hope you are comfortable about it." He said, as soon as he came in.

Noah just accompanied him and also entered, being received by the internal area of the airship.


Author notes:

Sorry for not giving much focus to the Mc on this chapter, i was really out of ideas to him for this chapter, so, this is what this is...

Also, the POWER STONES is up now! U can vote on my history to be on the TOP of the ranking!!!!!!!

Well, if you are liking it, please give me some power stones, this motivates me a lot knowing that more and more people are liking my work!

I hope you like it! I'm really trying hard to do the best as i can!

Please leave a comment with constructive criticism so i can improve myself.

And if you have some ideas, please tell me!

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