
Chapter 2

June 10,1998




I feel a tap on My shoulder and see Ruth,"We are here now miss Lucia please wash up and dress now as we are leaving."She said to me as I started to feel the sleepiness drain away. We have been traveling for the past 5 days and we are finally at the portal spot now. I get up from my cabin and grab my the outfit Ruth had picked out for me.

I looked at it sighed,well at least I'll have some of me in it.So I wash up and put the outfit on along with some doc martians and a choker and then get ready for the day.I sit back down in the cabin and wait for it to stop soon.


I wake up once again to see that the train has stopped so I get my purse and head out with Ruth and Melvin next, we get into a car and start driving to the portal spot for hell and while we are driving their I ask Ruth,"Do Leo's new friends go to the same school as me and him," and she answered,"Yes they are but the thing is their parents are high ranking in the court of hell so its very hard to tell them to stop doing what they are doing."She said while holding her head down I was about to ask her more about that but that came to a halt as the car came to a halt.

We finally get out of the car and walk towards the portal the more we walked towards it the more I felt like something bad was going to happen but once we got there I said the usual Latin spell for this type of portal and then the portal was open as it spewed a blueish but red tone to it we all looked at it and I jump in first. The thing with portals is brings out the magic especially when you have to go through a hell portal and with those you can see the dead floating around the different things they say, the different things they want you to see its almost terrible when you can see and hear them every single day.

The light suddenly gets brighter and brighter until I feel myself on the ground and not floating around I look around and breathe in the air, shit I am in hell and it feels like second home. The carriage pulls around and Melvin helps me get into the carriage, The horses start moving and now I am just waiting to get to the home that is my second home.



The carriage finally stops and get out so I can feed the un dead horses they may look ugly but they have a beautiful story behind each and every single one to too.While I was feeding them I hear my name being yelled out I turn around and I see My future father-in-law, the devil himself.

"Lucia you got bigger didn't you" He said to me while hugging me and twirling me in the air.

"I guess in the brain department but I am still the little Lucia that you know"I told him while I grab on to his arm as he walked me into his home(our castle really).We talked about how my summer was and how my family is doing so I tell him it was okay even though their were a couple times were Ariadne almost burnt down something in the house or town.

"So where is Leo he usually would be here with you when I come" I say to him, he stops and looks at me in the eyes,"Well he is with some friends of him but I promise to you my little flower He and his friends will be there to so you can meet them." He said to me holding my hands.

I nod my head and tell "Okay well I am very exited to see him and his new friends then" I say to him with the best smile I can put on myself.

"That's great to hear my sweet, now I want you go to your room and get some sleep before dinner okay" he told me," Oh and also you can dress casual this dinner okay you don't have to dress up" He said while we reach my room. We say our goodbyes and I head into my room

I put my stuff down and start taking my stuff and head into the shower to clean myself extra well, I get out and do a quick drying spell and I put on a night grown provided by the maids and go to bed so fast its not even funny.I climb into my comfy king sized bed and fall asleep into a well deserved nap.


7:00 pm

When I woke up I felt a large arm around me so I turned around to see who's arm it was and when I seen who its I almost jumped out of the bed as it was the one person that I've asking to see,"Leo!"I said out loud,"The one and only, soo did you miss me."He said to me while he was playing with my hair.

"Leo I haven't seen or heard from you since the last day of school, I missed you such much",I said to him while jumping up and hugging him, He hugged me back almost squeezing me,"Well I was busy and I really wanted to surprise you honestly." He said to me while pulling away.

"Okay so, how the hell did you get into my bed again Leo." I asked while Me and him fixed my bed together.

"Well dad told me you were home and was asleep so I came in to wake you up but you looked so peaceful and I kinda wanted to take a nap so I climbed right in and boom now we are here"he finished with that charming fucking smile he always charms me with.

"Well now I'm up and I need to get ready for dinner" I told him while picking out some clothes and before I could start getting out of them I realize that A certain someone is still here,"And you can meet me outside of mine room now"I told him while pushing him out of the room.

After I get out shower and into my outfit I look into my mirror,I wonder why Leo was acting more like himself then normal but I really don't know to be honest.

Once I get that out of my head I walk out to my room and immediately Leo starts looking at me like me a crazed animal,"You look really pretty luc, more prettier then usual,"He said to me very shyly,"um thank you Leo that's very nice." I said to him after what seems like forever we start to walk to the dining room but whenever I wasn't looking at him I still felt a pair of golden eyes on me which was a little weird since he never really acts like this with me.

Well we finally get to the dining room after the intense one way staring contest the door opens and I see Lucy and 5 other people at the the dining table.Lucy got up and basically ran to us like his eternal life depended on it.Once he got his way to us he said,"You are finally up how was your nap."

"Well needed and I got a surprise too with Leo showing up in my room." I told him while smiling from ear to ear.

"Leo come on son grow up just a little bit."Lucy said to him with some sternness in his voice.

"Father I hadn't seen her in months and I just missed her cute little face"he said while pushing my cheeks together. I swat him off playfully and start to walk over to my spot next to Lucy I sit down and wait for the food to come out as Lucy starts to speak again,"Well since everyone is now here I want to know you all and I want you all to meet my Friend" He declared as the leader he is.

The first person down on the end introduces himself first,"Well my name is Dolion, I know Leo from school and I very excited to be here," he said with a smile that didn't feel real at all,"My Name is Gedeon,I know Leo from sparring school." He smiled very shyly,"Our names is Nero and Fneriz and we know Leo from school too." and the final one was a color with very pale skin and long black,"My name is Carmilla and I also know Leo from school since I am in the same classes with him."

After the introductions,Lucy looks at me to finish this awkward interaction,"My name is Lucia and I am a family friend I actually just came back from the mortal world just a couple of hours ago." I finished wanting to just eat but when I looked up Leo's friend looked at me like I was crazy,"The mortal world what were you doing in the mortal world." The girl Carmilla said very confused,"Well she lives there when school down here is not in session,"Leo said in my defense,"She is part of the witch side of the school" He finished while grabbing my hand underneath the table and giving me a reassuring squeeze.

After that very judging dinner Leo's friends say goodbye and finally leave and after that I started heading to room until I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and spin me around I finally get down and see that its once again Leo."Lucia I'm really sorry about dinner tonight and how things ended up,"he said while looking down at me with sorrowful eyes,"Its fine Leo Its normal for other creatures to act like that towards witches." I told him as it really was the truth that some creatures are really just scared of us and what we can do.

"Well at least I can keep you to myself then to share you with those goofballs" he said while holding my face again.

"Yeah that's true but all I want to do right know is take this stuff off and go to bed" I said to him as I really wanted to go to sleep and before I could even open the door I feel him hugging the back of me,"Do you think I can sleep with you tonight like old times shake pleaseee" he said while acting like a child."

I look at him and nod and he immediately goes to his room to change into something comfy, I head into my room to change into my own pj's which consist of some shorts and a cami and wait in bed for Leo In till I see something that really shocks me, some long pj pants and no shirt I repeat no shirt but because I can not even stay awake I don't even care but as soon as am about to doze into dreamland I feel something or someone peck my cheek and whisper"Goodnight Lucia" and after that I don't even think I can sleep anymore.