
Chapter 1

June 6,1998

Charleston,South Carolina


Lucia's pov

It was a very humid morning on this cozy day. I get up out of bed and stretch away my problems I walk away and turn on my radio for some music and then I head to bathroom to wash away the filth of life. I go to the sink bowl and rub some water on my face, then I stare back at myself in the mirror and sigh I am 15 years old today but I don't feel it at all, I get myself ready for the day I was born on, the day that the baddest witch there ever was born. I look over at my luggage( that still needs to be packed) today was also the day that I was going to be going to my luxurious school down in hell where my future husband and father in law is the devil himself.

I get myself ready for the day as today was the day I was leaving for school and and the last I was sending with my crazy ass family but I loved them more then anything. I look at my outfit for the day.

I feel ready for day and walk out of room and cascade down the stairs as if I was Cinderella I smell something burning and as soon as I find the source of this smell I hear my family chanting,"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy to Luciaaaaaa, Happy birthday to youuuu"

My family finished very cheerfully,"Come on honey"my mother said"Make a wish",and so I did I blew out my first candle then the second and the the rest of them.My family all gave me hugs and kisses and we sat around the table and ate breakfast.


10:30 am

"Hon, Me and your Mama are going to head out now okay"My dad said to me

"And make sure you have fun today is a special day and also Ariadne don't go overboard with the celebrating I really don't want to hear the sheriffs mouth for the millionth time I just can not deal with that man and Lucia make sure you get on train safely alright now bye sweetie we love you so much and we are so proud of you" My papa said to me as he and my mom kissed my forehead.

"I love you too and be safe now" I said

As soon as they closed the door and their car was out of sight Ariadne quickly went to the liquor cabinet and got the good stuff.

"Now its party time" she said while shaking the bottle

"Ariadne don't you think its too early for you to be drinking during the day and on the day the our fifth teen year old sister was born" My sister Belinda said to our older sister, "Also aren't you supposed to be driving said little sister to the train tracks this evening sober" Belinda finished with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah I agree with her A, I want to see you sober before I go and not buck wild, please for me"I said to Ariadne with my signature puppy dog eyes that most of the worked on her.

"Fine",Ariadne said while putting away the liquor,"Your right but one of these days you're are not going to back down from the opportunity"she finished while hugging Belinda and I.

"Well we about 8 hours left with you before you go to hell so what do you want to do birthday girl"She said while her and Belinda looked at me.

"I really just want to go shopping with the two of you, order some pizza and watch movies and listen to music on the way to the station before I go" I said earnestly to my two older sisters.

"Well I think that is a wonderful idea and I think we should get started now",Belinda finished holding on my hand,"Yeah lets head to car now to get started with you're birthday/going away party"Ariadne said with a lot of spunk in her more then usual.

We each gathered our things and headed out to venture into the world knowing today was the last the we would be seeing each other for the next couple of months and enjoying the little time they had with each other as much as we could.


2:50 pm

Belinda,Ariadne and I were sprawled out across different parts of our living eating pizza and watching ,Beetle juice, until the phone on the other room starts to ring we all look at each other to see who will get up first and judging by the staring contest between us its decided that I was going to answer the phone so, I roll of the couch and up to where the phone is and answer it.

"This is the Varlett household,how may I help you."I said in a fake cheerful voice

"Hello Ms.Lucia how are you this is Melvin I was just letting you know that we are to be arriving at the station around 5:00 sharp to escort you to masters house so please get ready and we will see around that time and also happy birthday madam its so great to see you grow up each year." He finished.

"Thank you Melvin and noted we will see you there"I stated saying my goodbye and hook the phone back in place, I walk back to my sisters and see them still entranced with the strange movie,"Well I guess its time for me to pack up and go the station"I told them while their eyes stared at me full of sadness.

"Really its time already, well damn I guess you need to finish packing up and get ready for the adventure to the station"Ariadne got up and said while stretching.

"Wait, how did you know I still didn't pack yet" I said looking at her suspiciously

"Lu I know, I always know"Ariadne said while walking away with the pizza boxes in her hands in a very sly way.

Belinda walked up to me and said,"I'll help you pack okay, we all know how you get around this time so just don't stress out about it okay." She finished while holding my hand and walking away with up to my room to finish the task that has been holding her back for a while now but with some help now which made things much better for now.



Train station

We been at the station for about 20 minutes and its kinda nerve wracking even through this isn't my first time.

"Lu did you get your letter from your future husband yet today or do I need to fuck him up"Ariadne said to me while Belinda just shook her head.

"He hasn't sent me anything for the past 4 months but its not big of deal" I told her

"Um not that big of deal, hon that is your future husband/ baby daddy Its a very big deal little sis"She said while looking at me with determination.

"Well just because we are engaged to each other that doesn't mean that we are a couple we are just friends and nothing else" I said while looking at her deeply,"Look if we develop feelings for each other then its cool but right now we are just friends and by the looks of it that's how its going to stay for awhile." I finished and before she could add anything to the conversation we hear name being called and turn to see Melvin in his long tailored outfit with my name on a sign.

I get up and watch as my luggage is being taken away to my cabin on the train, I get up along with My sisters and hug them so tight as we if its the last time I see them.I look at both of them and give them a special charm for protection.

"Be safe okay I really don't want to have to make a fucking portal to beat up your boo, just have fun and be okay."Ariadne said to me while holding on to my shoulder.

"Yeah be safe okay I really don't want to hex anybody either especially during this rainy season"Belinda said gripping my other shoulder.We finally say are last goodbyes and I walk over to Melvin and the others and get onto the train and my respectable cabin. I look at the window and wave goodbye to my sisters as the train moved and they got smaller and smaller until I couldn't get see them or the other people at the station anymore.

I turn to Melvin and ask him,"So did you have any letter to give me good sir" while smiling to him,"Yes I do matter of fact madam" he said while handing me a letter my excitement quickly dwindled as it was from Lucifer not Leo.


Its always so strange to see you grow from that little girl in the hospital bed to the girl that is the best in her class and one of the most finest witches of this age, I am so proud of you and all the things you have single handily accomplished in such a short time and I feel so proud that sooner or later you will be apart of this family officially when that day comes I will the most happiest demon in the world. Now when you do arrive I want you to take the day off and relax as it is a special day and now you just relax and take a nice nap.

Yours truly,



Leo says hi and happy birthday."

I finish the letter and I have mixed emotions Its great to hear from Lucy but it hurts that all that Leo said was hi and Happy birthday the least he could've done was say more but I guess he has other things to do then talk to his best friend/fiancee but I don't want to seem like I'am really hurt by this at all.

"Miss Lucia you look very sad at the moment what is bothering you madam" The other servant, Ruth asked me," I am fine Ruth its just that I'm a little sad that Leo didn't say anything else beside the usual hi and happy birthday it would've been nicer if he said more then those two things"I tell her very sadly

She looks at me and says,"Master Leo recently has made some new friends and well that's all who he as been hanging out with these days" Ruth told me while keeping it quite from everyone else," To be completely honest with you ever since he has been hanging with his new friends he has changed into a very unlikable person." She said while being very courteous," I just wanted you to know before you found out for yourself."

I looked and thanked her then I got comfortable and went to sleep to prepare myself for the mess that I was going to walk into.