
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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111 Chs

Come! Ride On Me

In an instant, within Vision World's frame, a massive, pale, and salivating skull emerged.


Immediately, everyone watching the livestream screamed in terror. Even the camera feed noticeably shook, quickly retreating at an unimaginable speed, not daring to approach.

"It's that same Headhunter from before! The Origin-level monster (ΩДΩ)!!"

"You're kidding! Impossible! Could it be that the monster didn't come to Wandering Soul Lane to slaughter, but was actually summoned by Lynne?!"

"How could that be?!"

[Ding! The Bell Ringer's fear level towards you +10]

[Ding! The Night Scavenger's fear level towards you +10]

[Ding! The Blood Servant's fear level towards you +10]

[Ding! Achievement activated: Spreading Fear. You've gained 200 Experience]

[Spreading Fear: Milestone achievement. Attainable when over a thousand creatures fear you. You've taken another steadfast step towards the indescribable evil spirit. Permanent buffs acquired: All Attributes +5, Monster Fear Level +1, Happiness +10.]

Lynne was dumbfounded by the system notifications ringing in his ears.

Little eagerly extended its long tongue, licking its lips, exclaiming: "Is this — takeaway? So much — and such rich meat — I can't — hold back anymore —"

"Don't worry, Little. No one will compete with you. They're all yours."

Lynne reached out, caressing the skull's face.

Mech-Demon stared rigidly, trembling, at the skull before the human. Mouth agape, his mind buzzed incessantly.

"Ori... Origin level... How... Why..."

He retreated step by step in horror, his entire body shuddering.

"This can't be..."

[Ding! Mech-Demon's fear level towards you +10]

[Ding! Mech-Demon's fear level towards you +10]

Lynne slowly moved forward, picking up two fleshy puppet eyeballs from the ground. He toyed with them in his hand. He stared intently at Mech-Demon, saying: "If you've all summoned beings, then of course I shouldn't be left out. Did you think I'd stand before you so boldly without preparations?"

He adjusted his monocle, stating seriously: "I told you. Yet you still haven't run. Are you looking down on me?"

[Ding! Congratulations on achieving: Paper Tiger. You've gained 200 Experience]

[Paper Tiger: Special achievement. Obtained with a probability when successfully intimidating a target stronger than oneself by leveraging the might of a powerful ally. Permanent buffs acquired: Intelligence +3, Fame +5.]

Lynne: "..."

Mech-Demon staggered backward, his eyes reflecting the imposing figure of the massive hunter, and then to the mangled, blood-soaked puppet and its twitching hand. Incessant urgent warnings from another flesh puppet echoed in his ears.

"Target Analysis... Origin level... Highest level warning... Cannot resist... Cannot consume... Battle success rate... 0%... Consumption success rate... 0%... Recommend immediate retreat... Retreat immediately..."

At that moment, Mech-Demon snapped back to reality, turning around to bellow: "Run!!"

In that instant, he moved with a reaction speed he had never before reached in his life. Turning around with unimaginable speed, he sprinted in the direction from which he had come, like a gust of wind.

Witnessing this, Lynne grinned, saying: "Little! It's up to you now. Feast to your heart's content! If you're still not sated, I'll take you to their lair for more!"

Little replied with joy, "Mhm—"

In a blink, Little, brimming with excitement, opened its mouth wide. Numerous tentacles surged out like a tidal wave, hurtling toward the hunters on the street.

After sweeping them up, Little popped them into its mouth, crunching delightfully, reminiscent of chicken.

"Mmm— So delicious— Beyond the meaty aroma, there's the metallic chewiness— It's scrumptious!"

Little (✪‸✪) expressed its exhilaration.

[Ding! Little devoured a hunter, its Favorability towards you +1]

[Ding! Little devoured a hunter, its Favorability towards you +1]

In an instant, the entire Wandering Soul Lane became a diner's paradise. One after another, the hunters screamed in panic, running helter-skelter following Mech-Demon. Yet, a few brazen hunters rushed forward, striking Little's nose with a blade, which then shattered upon impact.



Little (T ^ T) gleefully rolled up one after another, savoring each catch. The overwhelming sensation of being pampered by a doctor whom she was extremely fond of was genuinely overflowing from within.

I must consume them all. No waste can be tolerated; I'm truly... truly overjoyed! Other than Mr. Unihorn from the past, nobody has ever treated me this way!

Within the Vision World, witnessing this sudden turn of events, every spectator's face contorted in shock (ΩДΩ).

"Indeed! That Origin-level headhunter was summoned by Lynne!"

"I can't believe... in my lifetime, I'd witness an Origin-level creature feasting! I... I've made it in life!"

"It's like watching it snack on chicken... This... This..."

"Hold on, do you all remember a while back when three headhunters consumed numerous beings in our region but never approached Wandering Soul Lane? Could it be..."

"Is it because of that apprentice's presence?!"

Upon hearing this, every resident of Wandering Soul Lane was flabbergasted.

Yes! With that realization, it all made sense. No wonder! No wonder at all!

That means, if not for the young man named Lynne in Wandering Soul Lane, they might have already... And just as that thought settled, their attention returned to the Vision World, where they were utterly stunned.

In the footage, the massive Origin-level headhunter suddenly extended a tentacle, wrapped it around Lynne's waist, and placed him atop its head. It then began hopping around, joyfully ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ chasing down the food attempting to escape.

"Holy crap (ΩДΩ)!!"

"No way! That Origin level hunter actually... actually let him ride on top!"

"What's their relationship?! This bond can't be just a mere acquaintance!"

"He's blown our minds! He seems to be the first-ever human daring to ride atop an Origin-level creature's head!"

"The Origin Knight!!"

Witnessing this horrifying sight, everyone was trembling, on the verge of breaking apart. It was beyond their comprehension!

It felt as if a world-renowned queen suddenly appeared in their remote, desolate village, and to your ordinary neighboring fool, she said: Come, ride on me!

It's undeniably a scenario that would shatter one's worldview!