
Planet Norms

Faijay's mission is located in the 3-star system milky way a planet called planet norms while Shayne's task is in the northern part of milky way 2-star system.

Planet Norms was a low-level planet in the southern part of the Northern Milky Way Starfield. So far, there have been only a few primitive races on this planet, with no traces of civilization.

Faijay and Shayne's task is to exterminate the primitive races on their respected assigned planet.

In the face of the upcoming mission, Faijay was very excited in his heart because he can now exert his effort to train and build his foundation, and that would be the first step in his journey to become strong.

"Hahaha now it's time to temper myself. And after waiting a few years to get strong then i can go to other places in the universe. At that time I can go to Planet yardrart, to learn instant transmission"

Faijay right now began to think a plan for there future. Because the destruction of planet vageta's is slowly approaching. Soon, Faijay and Shayne's departure had arrived.

On this day, Faijay and Shayne's parent personally sent them to the Planet Vegeta's spaceport on the other side of the City.

The spaceport is like one of the modern style port on earth which is few kilometers in radius and is the primary gateway to the outer space of Planet Vegeta. At the same time, a towering tower similar to a cignal tower was located at the periphery of the spaceport using as a security and at the same time it is a cignal use for receiving and giving cignal. Around the walls of the building, there was an open ground where hollow caves made of gravitational poll like magnet were everywhere, and every cave had a spaceships landing site.

Just a few moments after they entered the spaceport, several dozens of round object going in and out in the spaceships landing site, one after another.

"Faijay, when you arrive at Planet Norms pay attention your safety, Don't relax put your vigilance to the max just because it is a low-level planet you have to drop your guard down what I'm saying is don't be careless. When you run into danger escape as soon as you can and don't recklessly fight" Zed looked seriously at his son and stated.

Zed's point of view is to ensure there safety especially because they are just a children.

Seeing Faijay nodded this time he began to relax and sigh... Now Robes and Rebecca began to consult their daughter "Shayne although your strength is higher than Faijay you too be careful and don't be careless. If a time comes when you are in danger, then know how to back down"

"I know!" Shayne blinked her little eyes while grinning.

"Little shey, little jay take good care of yourselves, and return soon after finishing the task we will be waiting for the two of you" Rebecca looking reluctant, approached the two and embraced them.

"Aunt don't worry about shayne she may be foolish but not stupid enough not to take care of herself"

Faijay assured Shayne's mother.

Right now faijay look into his mother and said

"Mom i know you are worried about me even though you don't say anything. Don't be sad mom i well be alright and i will be back safe for sure" Faijay then embrace his mother. Right now beatriz coudn't help but tears began to fall down in her eyes. Without any second thought she embrace her son telling him to take care.

Faijay remembered when his mom cried when he got home that day. Those day was there days of suffering and now that they are here faijay want to change there future with him.

After the mother-son scene, Faijay began to go to his spaceship.

It was a small round shape spacecraft. After Faijay lied down inside, the cabin door automatically closed. Through the blue-green glass, Faijay saw his parents standing not far away, waving at them.

Faijay could not help but get emotional in his heart due to leaving on a long journey, his eyes turning somewhat hazy.

After waving outside, Faijay pressed the start button on the spacecraft. Suddenly, a wave of force acted on his body, and the whole spacecraft rose upward in a straight line as if it received a tremendous push. In a moment, they left the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta, into the starry sky of the vast and dark universe.

Due to the speed, a long white light was left behind the spacecraft. Through the glass of the spacececraft, Faijay saw that due to the speed, Planet Vegeta was soon left behind and became blurry.

Not far away from him, there was a similar round spacecraft following closely which is naturally Shayne's spacecraft. At this time, Shayne's entire body was stuck to the glass of the ship, and her small face was looking around while her round eyes involuntarily glanced at him seemingly nervious.

Faijay smiled, and sent a message to Shayne through the spacecraft's communicator, then entered hibernation mode.

Planet Norms is very far away from Planet Vegeta, as it takes seven months for the spacececraft to reach it.

The planet that they are task to is just a low-level planet. According to the detail given by the staff the primitive races there there Battle Power is below 1000 so faijay do not need to worry about the place making it his training ground.

With Faijay and shayne's 300 and 370 Battle Power, as long as they are careful they will not be in any danger also Faijay is full of confidence in shayne because before he and Shayne's departure, Faijay gave Shayne his equipments so he can be assured thay as long as she train diligently there will be no danger will arise. After a while Shayne's spacecraft separated from him.

According to his estimation, Faijay only need a few years of time, and his Battle Power will totally exceed the Battle Power of the Planet Norm with the help of his system.


In the vast endless universe, countless planets and stars could be seen and stars who were twinkling sliding through his eyes. While Faijay is watching inside the spacecraft, Faijay's vision suddenly become blurry because of the speed of the aircraft. In the darkness, a bright lights rapidly flashed and disappeared.

In an instant, months have passed since they left Planet Vegeta, and the destination, Planet Norms, was almost within reach. 'Dididi!!' the spacecraft automatically lifted the hibernation mode, Faijay slowly woke up from his sleep looking at the window of the ship.

What reflected in his eyes was a huge light-green planet.

"This is Planet Norms?"

Faijay was surprised to think that Planet Norms color was much more beautiful than the dark-red color of Planet Vegeta.

Faijay never thought he would see a planet as beautiful as this it's a waste that this planet has been targeted by the saiyan race.

Planet Norms atmosphere was light green like a color of a plant, and the ocean area covered less than 35% of the planet, while the rest is a dry land with beautiful forest area. The rest of the area is verdant with vegetation, A beautiful green planet. Today, a sudden roaring sound could be heard that broke silence in the sky of Planet Norms.

After which a flaming and shiny round objects suddenly fell down from a high attitude. To spacecrafts made two consecutive loud "rumbling" sounds. "Boom boom"The violent impact sprayed sand and stones all over the sky and filled the air with dust making the view hazy.

A large area of the forest was destroyed from the impact while a violent shock wave it spread on all sides from the impact site, and countless towering trees were bent to the ground, and some of an entire tree was also uprooted.

Gradually, a fine powder of sand dust dissipated what appeared in front was close a spaceship close to a 10-meter square bared of sand and stones that had changed beyond recognition.

In the middle, bared of sand and stones, there were two 5-meter ring-shape craters which were upto five meters deep, and at the center, two round spacecraft were half-buried below the sand and stones, while continuously emitting smoke.


The spacececraft's cabin door opened, and a child wearing a combat suit with a tail behind it got out.

Lightly patting his body which was muddy with sand dust, Faijay softly coughed twice and then moved towards the ground.