
Crazy Girls : Crossover Yandere Harem

I thought that I finally hit the jackpot. I thought that this was my chance to realize my dream. Well. I should have seen it coming. Never trust a demon to not try to fuck you up. "Darling... Are you trying to leave me?" Fuck! I ducked as I avoided the knife that nearly stabbed me. "Akira-Kun is mine." Lol. You think I didn't see you put the drugs in my drink. Those girls are fucking crazy!!!! But... Gotta admit that they are hot. Hum... Perhaps... I am the craziest one of the bunch?... Na... No one is saner than me. --- Here link of my new Story. Name is MIDNIGHT PRINCE : Empire of Sin https://www.webnovel.com/book/midnight-prince_24908760405236305 would appreciate it if you could give reviews and put it in your collection. NOTE: I am also writing an original story called SON OF THE HERO KING. Go take a look, please.

HIKARU_GENJI · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


[Look up now, the really high place of dark sky] 

[The seething stars shine brilliantly in blasphemy announcing the engraving of fate to thy.] 

[Listen to my voice, o the mockingly laughing person at the depth of all consciousness.]

[The seething stars shine brilliantly in blasphemy informing thy the time of destiny.]

[Answer to my call, o Lord of the Interstellar Spaces, he who must not be named, HASTUR, THE KING IN YELLOW.]

That soul of language resounded at the cloudy sky in an instant that didn't even take a second, however, it was let out from the mouth like a nocturne with soft and slow melody.

Each time a single melody reverberated, the color of the sky turned deeper.

The ash-colored clouds that covered the sky turned muddy black, tinged with lightning.

Even the light of the moon that pierced through the cloudy sky and illuminated the ground was perfectly blocked, a darkness that was equal with the dark of night fell onto the land.

Anyone that was on the street obtained a single premonition from the sudden change in the world.

―Something terrifying was going to happen. 

At that time, all the people that were looking up to the sky saw that.

Ten golden tentacles brimming with electricity were thrusting out from the clouds.

And then, the sticking out tentacles took hold of the clouds, before they slowly pushed open the clouds to the left and right.

As if opening up a curtain, the sky was torn open until beyond the horizon.

The split open heaven and earth. What was peeking in from there was the universe of another world?

The stars shined bright in an ominous light, the spreading black had no end in sight as if it would swallow everything.

And then―They saw it. In the middle of such a universe where everything was insane―it was there.

A gigantic… an absurdly gigantic size that made one not even understand if the concept of size could even be applied to it, of a corpse clad in black cloud and wind.

The spots that appeared to be eye sockets were filled with darkness even deeper than the black clouds, twin green stars were inside those spots while shining clearly in radiance like a pair of eyes. Yellow brilliance shining like pure gold. A grotesque body reminiscing of a beast of the deep end. 

This was exactly the true appearance of that being.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

"A, aa…!"

Here and there, the hunters that were looking up at the sky fell to their knees on the ground.

The appearance of the evil god that ought to be feared, froze anyone with dread.

If they could, they wanted their heart to just stop beating right now immediately.

Such wish was seriously floating in their hearts.

They held an unshakeable conviction in their mind from that grotesque god's appearance.

This thing, was absolutely not a person that was on their side, such conviction.

This was an existence that was overflowing with absurd evilness, and malice that was hard to describe, to the degree that the imagination of diminutive humans like them couldn't reach, to the degree that even those who were called monsters couldn't even compare.

But, there was an existence here that such wicked people were answering to.

"Do it."


With those two words, Akira Karino ordered the evil god <Great Old One> behind him. Thereupon―

{OOoooooo… nn}

With his words, the evil god that appeared by splitting the sky showed a movement.

While making a voice that sounded like bellows, it swung one of his tentacles at the building that was pointed out by the boy. 

Silence fell as everything in a ten kilometers radius was immediately encased in a translucent box. Just as the Yellow king was about to swing a second time. 


It immediately stopped attacking. But displeasure could already be felt brewing. 

{Are you going to refuse my tribute?} 

A voice sounded in the air. Making the strongest hunter who somehow managed to keep their mind have the urge to kneel down in worship. 

"No, of course not. I will let you take your tribute. I just need to personally deal with someone you see. Once I finish you can do what you want with the rest."

For those who heard those words, only one thought resonated in their mind. They should never bother that boy if they weren't ready to suffer. 

----[AKIRA POV] 


I could not help but laugh out loud after finally managing to calm down Hastur. The current scene was simply fulfilling all of my goals. 

The building belongings to black lotus was in a deserted part of the city, so I had absolutely no scruples in using this ritual. The only people currently present were hunters who were a little too curious and some other hunters working for my family I had ordered to observe and control the situation in case anything happened. 

My goal in doing all that wasn't just petty revenge. I also needed to send a message. I had to show that I had both potential and actual power. 

If everything worked well. Tomorrow there will be some news about incredibly hard, but not impossible conditions to summon other Great old ones. You could say that this was my nuclear bomb of sorts. 

But it wasn't enough. Be it Mamako or Hastur or any other ones, those guys weren't me. They were just assistance. I needed to show them all. Just how powerful I truly was.

"Hastur, I want you to project all that is about to happen."

I didn't bother using honorifics or the like. I truly didn't fear them. It didn't really matter if they could make me go crazy. Our relationship was purely one of using and being used. Though it was a little more complicated with Chiyo. 

"Well, let's go. It's time to end this arc of my life." 

<<Melancholia: Gravity lowered 8x>>

The distance between the roof of the building I was positioned on and the roof of the building black lotus was located in was about 100 meters. It wasn't something I could cross without exerting myself, but thanks to my incredibly lowered weight, a simple jump was all I needed. 

Just as I was on the peak of my parabole, I looked at one of the windows, the window of the leader's office, and after coating my whole body in mana–

<<RESET>> <<Melancholia: Gravity increased 10x times>>

–I plunged down like a meteorite. Ah! Newton my old friend, you would be proud of me. 
