
Crazy Girls : Crossover Yandere Harem

I thought that I finally hit the jackpot. I thought that this was my chance to realize my dream. Well. I should have seen it coming. Never trust a demon to not try to fuck you up. "Darling... Are you trying to leave me?" Fuck! I ducked as I avoided the knife that nearly stabbed me. "Akira-Kun is mine." Lol. You think I didn't see you put the drugs in my drink. Those girls are fucking crazy!!!! But... Gotta admit that they are hot. Hum... Perhaps... I am the craziest one of the bunch?... Na... No one is saner than me. --- Here link of my new Story. Name is MIDNIGHT PRINCE : Empire of Sin https://www.webnovel.com/book/midnight-prince_24908760405236305 would appreciate it if you could give reviews and put it in your collection. NOTE: I am also writing an original story called SON OF THE HERO KING. Go take a look, please.

HIKARU_GENJI · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

CH 11: THAT'S IT? (1)

"Akira-sama, how was your sleep? Yesterday night must have been tiring."

I stopped as I looked at the man who was bowing in front of me. 

He was a white haired old man wearing a white shirt, white vest, black bowtie, black dress pants, and a black and blue coat. In short, the perfect butler attire. Despite this, his trained body could be easily seen. 

Name:Wilhelm van Astrea

Alias: Sword Demon

Race: Human

Affiliation: Karino family 

Age: 61

Affection: 20

Specialties: Sword, Reinforcement Magic 

Abilities: none

Thought about you: Respect, worried. 

Minor Secret: He is searching for the beast that killed his wife. 

Major Secret:??? 

Most guarded secret: He hate his grandson

Wilhelm van Astrea this man was without a doubt one of the most badass old men in my memories. Though his presence here confused me at first I came to understand what happened after a while. 

"Thanks Wilhem, yesterday was indeed a little tiring, but I managed to broaden my horizon so I guess it was good."

After saying so I began to walk and reached for the chair behind the large desk that was occupying the room. Once I was properly seated, I turned my attention back to Wilhelm who was still bowing. 

To tell the truth, I wasn't really happy to have this old man here. 

Oh I liked him as a character. But his presence meant that the plot was even more fucked up that I thought. 

Did he meet the sword Saint? Did they have children together? Did she die? If they had a child, was this child able to give birth to one of the most OP bastards in this world. 

In Re:zero, Wilhelm had a grandson. 

Reinhard van Astrea. That motherfucker was so OP that the day I read his skills list I couldn't help but wonder what the author of Re:zero smoked while creating him. 


"Wilhelm what about what I asked you?" 


As he said so, he walked toward me and put a folder on the table. As I took it and opened a name and a picture was presented in front of me. 

Name: Fuli

Nickname: none

Affiliation: Black Lotus 

Abilities: Fake mortal

Specialties: None

[Fake mortal: Allows him to seemingly modify his entire body at will. More research is necessary.]

Current location: Unknown 

Threat level: Very dangerous. 


"What else did you find? What about black lotus? Please make an oral report." 

Wilhelm simply bowed even lower as he said, 

"Black Lotus by itself isn't a dangerous organization. At least it wasn't until one year ago. They had recruited two very dangerous individuals, Fuli and another man called Wang. Those two's innate abilities are rather troublesome and allowed the previously unknown organization to become a powerhouse."

I covered my face with hands to hide my frustration. Wang was supposed to be a guy whose delusions created his own power. The EIGHT. 

But then again it was easy to understand. In Darwin's games, Sigils were rather rare during Wang's life. Making it so anyone with a powerful sigil could be considered as a main character. But this wasn't the same in this world. 

The extraordinary cease to be extraordinary once it becomes something common. 


"Okay I understand. What about the mole?" 

"We found him."

"Show him to me."

I could see him hesitate a little. 

"What is the problem?" 

"The problem is… He isn't really in a good enough state to receive visits."

Meaning they went a little bit too far while interrogating him and didn't want me to see too much gore. 

"Lead the ways. This will be interesting."

---- Wilhelm Pov 

"Akira-sama are you sure?" 

As he stood in front of the large black door that leads to the basement, Wilhelm asked his young master once again while still a little unsure if he was doing the right thing. 

On one hand, as the leader of the Karino family, Akira-sama had to become used to this kind of scene. But on the other hand, he was hesitant to show such a scene to a young boy. 

"Stop pussy footing. I already told you I am sure."

With a nod, and hoping he wouldn't regret it, he opened the door. The overpowering odor of urine and feces immediately began to seep out of the room making him frown a little. 

In the middle of it, a man whose sole attire was a pair of ripped trousers was bound to a chair, his head hung low as if asleep and his eyes were blindfolded. 

This wasn't all. The multiple gashes and cuts littering all over his body as well as the brown bit mixed with a yellow liquid told a clear story of what happened. 

Wilhelm, once again, after seeing this scene, couldn't help but worry about how the young master would react at this situation. 

Would he gag and vomit?

Would he cry and turn his head? 

Would he rejoice and laugh? 

Would he speak about justice and morals?

He thought about many situations, but what he saw as he took a look on his face chilled him from the bottom of his heart. 

There was no joy, no pain, no sadness nor fear. Just a cold indifference. As if this scene was so mundane he was about to yawn. As if the mixed odors of piss, shit and blood was nothing to him. 

The words that followed were something he would never forget. 

"You were so worried that I thought I would see something out of this world. But… That's it?"

(AN: You love this story? You want to be ahead of the others? Want to support me? Take a look at my *******. You can get up to 14 advanced chapters, 7 chapters of SHK and 7 chapters of Crazy girls.


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So. This is the start of the second volume. I must say that when I started. I didn't think that I would get such good responses from the readers. I am really happy.

The second volume will have a little slow start. But once things begin, it will be more action packed. Stay tuned. Love you guys.

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