
Crafting Destiny: A New Life

"I'm not sure how long I can make it as my adhd can't let me focus on letting me make my work. Ash is a reincarnated person with small memory of just stuff how to craft his things but not how to use it and his old family and friends so let's read and see what he gets up to in this brand new world. PS: I use AI to help with my spelling and sentences as that is not my strongest area but ideas that are what keeps me up at night."

AshtynKC · Fantasy
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2 Chs

the start of something

???: "Ash, get down! They're flying over us!"

Ash: "Thanks, Spot." *bombs blowing up in the background* "When this stops, get me my next target."

Spot: "No problem." *boom as the final bomb drops, he takes out a drone and starts to fly it* "Got one! And nice, it's a supplies convoy with something expensive."

Ash: "Nice, where is it?"

Spot: "Past the third tree line. I can send the feed to you."

Ash: "Thanks." *he activates his smart glass* "Okay, got the angle." *he takes the shot and fires his rifle* "Got it."

Enemy POV:

Grunt 1: "Ugh, why are we the ones who have to sacrifice ourselves to blow this up secretly?"

Grunt 2: "Probably because we were doing things we weren't supposed to. It pissed off the higher-ups. And plus, we have no family to return to."

Grunt 1: "Yep, probably that." *starts thinking as the planes fly over* "Why don't we just surrender and become POWs? That way, at least we'll live longer. Plus, what's stopping us from just leaving here? It's just the two of us."

Grunt 2: "Yep, that's smart. Let's do that." *as he says that, a punk sound is heard and a hissing sound starts*

Grunt 1 and 2: " #%$^&"

The hissing sound stops as a massive explosion happens.

Ash: "Duck! I think that was a nuke. Glad I met a friend like you."

Spot: "Yep." *he was looking through the drone* "Glad I had a friend like you."

*BOOM* As a massive heat and wind blast hits the building Ash and Spot were in.

In the void:

Ash: "This is what I get for trying to follow what my dad is, and it had to happen when I joined. I'm surprised I lasted that long, a good 20 years at that." *looks around* "Hmm, where am I though? If it's one of those isekai types, then I don't deserve it for what I have done."

??: "Are you sure about that? From what I've seen, yes, you killed over 100k people, but you saved billions."

Ash: *just doesn't care at this point* "And that is?"

??: "Yes, you set off a nuke, but you also made their secret plans fail and made the war stop because that was their last-ditch effort. Granted, those two decided to just leave it there and surrender. But they would've died by tiny explosives anyway, and then someone else would do it, and then all the secret nukes would explode, killing everyone on your planet because of how much radiation those nukes held in them. But back to you, as I can go on and on about it. So, for you, I'll be doing that thing you said earlier, okay?"

Ash: "Okay, but just one thing. Make me only remember my family and friends, just that. No experiences. But if I am crafting something, I remember how to build it and not how to use it until I've practiced with it."

??: "That's a first, but okay. I'm guessing OP like an Artificer class then?"

Ash: "That's fine, even though I was a sharpshooter, my hobby was tinkering and crafting things."

??: "I know. Now scram."

Ash: "What?" *as a white blinding light hits his eyes, his body starts to cry and scream and squirm around.*

Inner Thoughts: "Ow, it's one of those." *as that also starts to disappear.*