
Count Meow

I am shaker of peoples, I am cat.

AuthorJackPage · Urban
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2 Chs



Cat thought to himself while rubbing his fur with his stubby little paw.

He glanced down at his paw and let out a groan. Not this, anything but meowthis.

"Honey is everything okay in there? You will be late for the villian meet up; you know all the big heads will be there."

After a moment she continued..

"Galactic fizz, Popple Topple, Rolly Rick and even Mr. Snitchems."

His paws dragged both eyebags down; his bright green eyes and 1 foot stature were a recipe for doom.

Just not the one he wanted.

His name was Mac and he had a dream to be the worst villain of them all.

He had a tall strong figure almost like the hulk and he sought invincibility.. only to end up... a.... kitten.

*meo--* there it goes AGAIN dam.

My wife the iron chef will only have my head at this rate.

His head slowly lowered thinking of this...

Then just as quickly he meowed "I rule all with DOMINANCE!"

A little static buzzed behind him.

He said this as he shook his little paw in the air and his little furry adorable chest puffed out.

This cat had a future.

No sooner then he could meow the door opened and the iron chef came in..

A tall woman will bright red eyes and an iron bosom. She was covered in bolts that held her together.

Cat was pleased just at the sight of her. DAMMM, almost like the first day we met. That beautiful metallic face and an iron shape that would melt any man.

Quite literally, she could heat her body to insane temperatures. Although when he was Mac he had heat resistance.

His abilities were super strength, luck, and heat resistance.

He just wanted to be invincible... what could go wrong he said... meow.

Cat felt despair looking down at his little form and white fur.

"Well hello there, you despicable little thing." She glared at the cat. Normally villians might like cats but Iron chef despised them.

She hated animals because they reminded her of what she could never be.

Only a few moments later, a white cat was in a cardboard box down the street. It said free ugly cat.

Cat tried to scream at iron chef, "Honey its me, you CAN'T do this to me!!!" As little tears welled up in his eyes.

As iron chef walked away her sensors only picked up the pleas of angry cat. "Meow meow meow, meow meow meowwwww" the car pleaded.

Iron chef was gone even quicker than before. They lived in a red town house that had yellow windows and blue shutters.

For undercover, it screamed villiany.

Cat struggled to pull himself up to the ledge of the box... "ugh... eh... meow..." his little paws just barely finding a grip on the edge after hopping a few inches off the ground.

Cat was a far cry from lifting buildings, he could now barely lift a marshmallow.

It was a thing of luck he even had the strength to lift his body.


Something whacked him in the face. He looked around dazed wondering what the hell had the audaci-meow. "Dang it" he thought tied up with cat thoughts.

He realized a smell had knocked him on his tail.

It was a disgusting smell. He thought what is that awful smell. It is an assault to everything evil.

He looked over at the other side of the small cardboard box he was contained in.

It was a pair of his boxers. I don't smell that bad.

Where was his luck now.

He looked up to the sky just to see a building overhead and a little grey mouse looking down at him.

The little mouses eyes beat down upon him, the little eyes squinted; then a little sound came from above.

Cat had to focus his ears, his eyes already zooming in on the oh so high mouse, it cackled.

He realized, the dam mouse was laughing at him. Him.. a man who could lift buildings, who was impervious to lava, who had world changing luck and most of all the worlds hottest iron babe.

*squeak squeak*

*eh squeakkkkkkk squeak squeakkkkk*

Cat pushed all his strength into his tiny little legs and boosted atop the tiny cardboard box's edge feeling triumphant.

The feeling however only lasted for a moment as the card board box tilted right into a massive mud puddle.


HE LOOKED UP FAST, no one saw right?


That little mouse couldn't breathe now.

If villiany was cats goal then he did one hell of a job.

He took the mouses breathe awa-



First world evil plan when I restore to my natural form, eradicate all mice off the face of the planet. If anyone asks, they brought the black death right?

Why was Cat making excuses. What was he even doing.

He didn't have time for this. His current goal was to get back to the house and reverse whatever the machine he built had done to him.

Looking at his paws this was a tall order..

But his eyes began to sparkle, which soon went into a squint then a maniacal laugh thinking about the revenge on all mice.

All everyone else heard in that moment...


and some faint hisses.

He was practicing for his speech maybe?

Then just before Cat took take his first step


Cat was knocked out by a net picking him up.

He was about to do time again.

Life was hard in the pound.

He would probably have to smuggle catnip in, many thoughts raced through his head.

His consciousness faded as he was drugged to sleep.

He was placed in the back of a van inside 1 cage of many around him.

Just before his eyes closed, a dog in the opposite cage from what he could make out, was motioning his paw across his neck...

What the meo...w...