
Could YOU stop?

A hurricane love. Nothing is ever straight forward, but never thought I would be taken through so many obstacles. In one moment, "No" could of stopped this spiral of events, as lust brings two people together leaving the aftermath of a hurricane. Could you have stopped?

Rilee_Curtis · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter One 'man of my dreams'

"wake up!" my dad said in a whispered shout. "we are going to be late, I've made you a cuppa tea. See you in the car in 5"

"Okay, thankyou" I mumbled, pulling myself out of bed. I am not a morning person, let alone getting up at 5am,

even the birds arnt that stupid, there still asleep.

Throwing on my underwear, cargo work trasours, baggy tshirt, hoodie, socks and quickly slip my feet into my trainers. Grabbing my work keys off of my desk as I shut my bedroom door as quietly as i can, not wanting to wake the rest of the house up.

My mum is asleep and my younger two brothers. My mum had me when she was only 18yrs old, I was unplanned and my parents weren't particularly ready for me. My mum didn't want me but my dad emotionally blackmailed my mum into having me. It's not as bad as it sounds as it all worked out. Hence the 8 year age gap between me and my middle brother and the 2 year age gap between my brothers. My bothers are still in school and my mum is a manager of a restaurant down the road from us.

Tip toeing through the house I slip out the front door and pull it shut lifting the handle to lock the door.