
Cottage Dream Café

"Do you want to live in Merveilles ?" Drusilla Rosa, a lady that just got expelled by her adopted parents. Wish for a better life than the past. One day, her old friend, Louis Noah, ask her if she want to live in Merveilles without visit it first but she refused it. Suddenly, a flying rabbit not a rabbit with a waist coat lead her to his hole.

Ruphelia_Rosa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Episode 2

"N-No.. Not again", yes. She lost again. She shouldn't exit the café for to soon. She sighed. All of the regrets are useless. She can't return from the last step where she was with Louis. The adventure start again. The hopeless dream is here. The only thing that she can do is only go towards and towards and towards and towards to unidentified destination.

"Whatever the reasons he wants, I'll never fulfill it! I may died instead of helping those villagers", she's mumbled. She fall. Those knees. It can't be used anymore. "Ouch", she keep repeating that word again and again. She want a happy ending. Just like what others got. She don't want to die here. Here. In this maze-like-forest. I'm sorry Drusilla. Maybe you should say goodbye.

"Byebye, world. I'll see you soon... In the next life", she close her eyes. She really don't want to do this. Drusilla. Better luck next time.

"Wake up. Wake up", huh? Who's that? I've never heard that voice before. "Wake up, your majesty", she opened both of her shiny ocean blue eyes slowly. She woke up in suprise. A sign suddenly appear. It shows two lanes. That way and This way. She was gaped. Which lane should she choose? "Both of the lane look suspicious. Wait. Is this the only way on how am I going to get out from this hell? Why would I choose the lane if I can just turn around an-- ", the forest. It disappear. Not in a good way. The only thing left is only she and the sign. Nothing else after them. Not even a piece of rock. "I think... I'll choose 'This way' ", she made her choice. She's so confident with her choice.

"There you are", that voice. It's familiar! Turn around with curious. It sounds like that guy. The guy who broke her dream. The guy who manipulate her mind. The guy who always tells lie than the truth. The guy who allegedly say that he will always love her but he lied himself. He crawl into her dream everyday. Never missed a day. "You", she reply with a disgusting face. "Yena, where have you gone? You only give me anxiety!", it's him. Her adopted father. Howard Black, an elf that masquerading as a human. He have a deep emerald eyes. Have a black long straight hair and he always wear suit with a mantel. But you know what? That role will never suit with him. "Let's go! We need to talk.", he grab her hand. "NEVER!", she pull her hand back. "What? Now you know how to disobey me, huh?" "I'll never be with you! NEVER!" "What do you mean? I'm your dad. And you should obey your dad. Or... Do you want me to ground you again?" "But. You're not my real dad! My only father has already dead! So do... Mother?".

"That's it. I'm done with you", he carry her body on the way to his home. "NO!", she push and kick his head but it doesn't change his mind at all. "(What should I do. What should I do ...)", she talk with herself in heart. "(Nightmare. Please don't come again. You'll only make me feel like I'm already been buried alive.)", she don't like it, this situation. "Ah...", her mind suddenly show the memory between her and his family. She was only the maid in the house. Always got beaten by his wife. Both of his daughters love to play and chat with her but his wife will never allow it and the reason why is she really hate this guy still remain a mystery. She can't hold it anymore. This is the perfect time to let it go. One more step and her dream will turn into ashes. "(I will do it)". She bit his neck until his neck bleeding. He's screaming with all of his feeling. When he threw her body from his arms, she run away to the 'That way' lane. Oops. Darling, you chooses the wrong lane.

Run, run and run. She ran away from her dad. "Dang it, it's the wrong lane!", what should she do now. Different from the previous forest. This one. It's much more. Weirder. ".....". "Maybe I need to rest. Maybe not forever. Or maybe it is. I'm such a crybaby", she lay down and put her hand under her head. She close her eyes. With her tears fall like rain.

She's now having her most perfect dream in her mind. She's dreaming about her own family. Her biological lovely dad, Moon Taemin. His red hair always reminding her with strawberries. He will always play with her even though he want a son not a daughter. Every night, he will always sang the song he wrote it by himself when he was a teenager. Inside her dream, she will always ask her dad. "Papa. Where's mama?", and her dad will always replied "It's ok, baby. She will found you. One day. For me. Because I can't do it ", she always thought that her mother will found her one day. In reality. Not in her dream. She wish she could touch her. Said the most powerful words. 'I love you'. But that's only a theory.

I'll pray for you, my lady.

"Your majesty, wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP, YOUR MAJESTY!!!", she woke up in heart attack. "Ooh! My heart! I almost die ",she push her chest, checking if her heart still beating. That voice! It's the same voice from the previous. The 'wake up' guy! Wait a minute. I smell... Vanilla and... Cinnamon! And it's from that guy. "Oh my god...", she can't believe what she saw with her eyes. A flying black rabbit holding a chocolate just asking her if she's good. Not a White rabbit with a waist coat. It flew away when Drusilla said that she is. "Wait! Why are you calling me 'your majesty' ?". It keep flying. She chase it. With those weak knees she run just as fast as lightning. The area around her get darker and darker. She have never saw that type of rabbit before. Finally, she found it.

"A... hole? ", is it for that rabbit? Its pretty big. Even a human will fit it, I guess. "Hello there! I... I didn't mean to scared you. Umm... Hello? Mr. Black rabbit?" ,she come closer to the hole. A hole. Is this the hole to the Wonderland? Or not. Or it's just a regular hole for rabbit? That vanilla and cinnamon aroma. It become stronger when she come closer to the hole. One mistake and you'll lose forever. "Hello, Miste-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!", she fall into it. Lady Drusilla, you should be more careful next time.