
COTE : The True Elites

[ Seven once-in-a-generation talents all apply to ANHS in the same year - rather than placing them all in Class A and having an extremely one-sided year of students, the school decides to assign these students to their own experimental class: Class-E. Despite their disadvantage in number and lack of resources like Private Points, can this small class of brilliant students climb to the top of the school? ] original author :: Rhymar84

iM_JivanGod · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Ayanokōji's POV

"So, anyone got any plans for today?"

Lelouch asked the group. We were sitting around the same logs we were on before, except this time the fire wasn't lit. The weather was already sweltering enough.

"I'm going to go hunt berries, but, other than that, I have nothing to do." I said.

Early in the morning, before Shiina had awoken, we decided to designate 'hunting berries' as code for occupying spots. We would be far too obvious if we didn't disguise it with a code phrase.

"Oh, regarding that, Ayanokōji, do you mind if I join you?" Ryuzaki asked, from his position crouched on the log opposite mine.

"You want to go with boyfriend-kun? What for?" Lelouch asked teasingly.

"I thought it'd be best to join him, because he's going in that direction anyway. I want to set myself up in the tower that we occupy for the day." Ryuzaki explained.

"The tower?" Kururugi looked confused.

"It's an elevated base," Shiro said, drawing in our attention even though her speech was quiet. "It should be a good vantage point. Taking into account the islands layout, you should also be able to scout key areas from it."

Everybody went silent for a second to ponder over the words. Light took out his map and stared at it for a short while, before expressing a sudden realization.

"Ah! I see!" He exclaimed. "You're talking about this area here, right, Shiro and Ryuzaki?"

Light turned the map towards us, and tapped his finger against a place on the map. It appeared that, thanks to the excessive detail he'd put on the map with Shiro's help, he'd been able to notice what the two were talking about.

A majority of the island was covered by a dense forest, with only occasional clearings and beaches scattered around. However, the location that Light was pointing out was one of the few places where the forest thinned out. Whereas most of the view from above was blocked by a blanket of green, courtesy of the countless trees, this area was one of the few that could be observed.

This wouldn't be significant on its own, however this place just happened to be in a crucial location. More specifically, it was the fastest and safest path to travel between two spots – the two spots that Class A currently occupied.

"Hmm, I see." Sora hummed. "You want to spy on Class A as they traverse between their two spots."

"That's right." Ryuzaki said. "Although Katsuragi is cautious, he won't be cautious enough to think deeply about the travel patterns between his spots. Because of this, by calculating the times at which Class A will have to renew their spots and which people move between the two spots around this time frame, we'll be able to narrow down the identity of their leader."

"Won't that be way too difficult?" Kururugi asked skeptically.

"Indeed, it will take very careful observation and commitment. However, I think I have the ability to do it."

"If it's alright with you, Ryuzaki, I'd like to join you." Light requested from beside the black-eyed boy.

"I don't have any objections, but is there any particular reason why?" Ryuzaki asked, staring at Light blankly.

"Just call it a personal interest in you, I suppose. I want to see how you work. You've been quite mysterious so far."

Well, Light definitely wasn't wrong. Out of all my classmates, Ryuzaki was the one who I knew the least about. While I'd love to also sit at the tower with them and observe Ryuzaki's methods, I had other things to do today.

"I see. That's fine, then." Ryuzaki stated with a nod.

"There's just one problem," I interjected, drawing all eyes towards me. "You'd be extremely lucky to narrow the leader down to just one person using that method. It's wishful thinking, in fact."

"We currently have it narrowed down to nine people. Ryuzaki's method will likely get that number down to two or three." Lelouch said objectively.

"We have it down to nine people? How so?" Kururugi asked.

"Don't you remember when that group turned up here yesterday? Someone there is obviously the leader, since Katsuragi was definitely planning to occupy this spot after seeing it from the island." Light explained.

"But there were ten of them, weren't there? How is it narrowed down to nine?"

"Oh please," Sora rolled his eyes. "Katsuragi was one of them. Do you seriously think that guy would make himself the leader?"

"Uh, well..." Kururugi trailed off.

"Mhm. Katsuragi is far too cautious to even consider such a move. Unfortunately for him, that just makes him that much easier to read." Ryuzaki reasoned smoothly.

"He's predictable because he won't take risks." Shiro summarised.

It was something I hadn't put much thought into before but, now that Sora had said it, I became aware of just how true his words were. Information truly is the deadliest weapon. Just by knowing Katsuragi's personality, we're able to confidently deduce this much about what he'd do.

"Ooh! Isn't this a welcome surprise!" Lelouch laughed as he shifted his gaze over to the woods on my left.

I looked in that direction, and saw two male students wearing wide, smug grins. A strange expression flashed over Shiina's features for a split second, but she quickly rectified it and looked down.

"Oh? Shiina? Looks like you found someone to crawl to after all. Who knew this false class of so-called 'smart people' would accept a lowlife like you?"

Shiina merely kept her head down and didn't give them any reaction. The wisest choice.

"Aren't you guys living the high life?" Sora said mockingly as he swivelled around on his log to face them.

They were stuffing their face with potato chips and drinking bottles of soda. Not water. Soda.

"What did you even eat for breakfast? Grass? Or maybe bugs? Here, you can have some snacks."

They took a bag of potato chips and tossed it near Sora's feet. It was obvious that they were trying to provoke us, but nobody gave them the reaction they were after.

"It's a nice reunion, Komiya-kun and Kondō-kun. Did you come here looking to get beaten by me again?" Light asked sarcastically, garnering a chuckle from Sora and Lelouch.

"Ahh, that's right, you're two of the three idiots that started that fight with Light and then tried to frame our class in that trial! I know who you are now! How wonderful that we finally get to meet!" Lelouch exclaimed in mock enthusiasm.

I saw the two narrow their eyes, probably in slight irritation, but they tried their best not to let it show.

"Don't get all cocky now. We could've easily beaten you up if we actually tried." Komiya sneered at Light.

"How dull. Did Ryūen put you up to this as well?" Ryuzaki sighed in exasperation.

"Well, we do have a message from Ryūen-san—"

"Oh, good, the dogs are here to deliver something from their master after all. They're even adding a 'san' honorific to his name! Haha! How funny." Lelouch laughed in bemusement.

The Class C students had been sent here with the intention of provoking us, apparently, but it appeared that my classmates were quite enjoying the show. The Class C students must be getting quite frustrated by now.

"Oh yeah? We'll see who the real dogs are after you get crushed by Ryūen-san." Kondō said, doing his best to maintain his condescending attitude.

Shiro let out a cute yawn as she stretched, before laying her head on her brother's lap and speaking. "In other words, they're so scared of Ryūen that they've become his slaves."

"Mhm, my sister is quick on the uptake." Sora nodded in approval as he stroked his sister's hair.


"Alright shut up now and get along with it, dog-kun. What message did your master tell you to bring?" Lelouch interrupted, clearly having gotten all the amusement possible from the situation already.

"O-oh, right. Ryūen-san says if you want to enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest, come to the beach right now. Don't hang back. If you're sick of living like idiots, then we're happy to share our luxuries."

After saying that, the boys turned and fled the scene, leaving the bag of potato chips they threw on the floor. It appeared that even they didn't want to stick around for long when being mocked by this class.

"You're quite the proficient actor," Sora remarked, directing his eyes towards Shiina, who was sitting quietly next to me.

"Huh?" She looked up quizzically.

"You were able to keep up the convincing appearance that you haven't been discovered by us yet. Ryūen probably told his classmates to treat you with hostility on purpose, to sell the act that you've been kicked out. You, knowing that the gig was up, still decided to play along. It's quite interesting."

"I just don't want to cause more trouble," Shiina replied sombrely.

"Won't it be more troublesome if Ryūen finds out that you didn't tell him you've been found out?" Kururugi asked.

"There's still a chance she could find out our leader even if we're aware of her being a spy." Ryuzaki elaborated monotonously.

"We'll have to be careful not to slip up," Light added.

It was definitely true. While we were aware that Shiina was only here to find out leader, just one lapse in concentration could cause us to leak something unnecessary.

"Let's split into three groups for now." Lelouch suggested, changing the subject.

"Three groups?" Shiina echoed questioningly.

"Yes. Ayanokōji, Ryuzaki and Light are going to head off in that direction looking for food and going to check out the view from the tower. The rest of us should split up between accepting Ryūen's offer and staying here with Shiina."

Shiina couldn't come with us because then she'd see too much of our strategy, and she couldn't go to Ryūen's camp either because of the act she's put on. Therefore, she would have to stay here, and it would be cruel to make her stay alone.

"Hmm... So two of us should stay here and two of us should go see Ryūen?" Sora mused.

"Ryūen has basically just offered us free information. It would be dumb not to make use of it." Light remarked.

"I think Suzaku and I should go to Class C. Suzaku should offer good protection should that guy decide to do something... unhinged." Lelouch said.

"You don't really think he'd try to hit us, do you? Violence is against the rules!" Kururugi exclaimed.

"I don't think that Ryūen is the type of guy to abide by the rules, I'm afraid. And, knowing how he can be, I wouldn't put violence past him." I commented.

"I-I see..." Kururugi looked a little disconcerted at that, but said nothing more.

He probably felt obligated to accompany Lelouch there now, just in case Ryūen did decide to use violence.