
COTE - A Marionettist and A Puppeteer

The stakes are higher than ever before, as the students of ANHS find themselves dancing in the palms of two monsters. As they are drawn into a twisted game of manipulation and deception, the bonds of their friendships are put to the test like never before. I do not own anything. Props to the original authors.

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Chapter 0 - Welcome to ANHS

As the bus gracefully navigated a gentle curve in the road, the passengers within were swept up in a wave of languid motion, swaying back and forth like the undulating tides of a tranquil ocean. The supple suspension of the vehicle facilitated a fluid motion that could only be described as serene, as each passenger was gently rocked in unison with their fellow riders.

The soft creaking of the seats added a subtle counterpoint to the rhythm of the bus, creating a sensory experience that was both soothing and beguiling.

As the passengers leaned into the motion, the light filtering through the windows danced across their faces, painting them in a kaleidoscope of gentle hues. The effect was ethereal, as if each individual had been transformed into a living work of art, captured in a moment of transcendent beauty.

In that fleeting moment, the sun shone brightly on two forms.

Shrouded in an aura of mystery, his raven-coloured tresses cascaded effortlessly down his countenance as he languidly rested his head upon his arms, which in turn were nonchalantly draped over the back of the seat before him.

The very sight of this individual stirred in us a sense of profound curiosity, as if he were a puzzle that one wanted to resolve, yet so freakishly ordinary that he seemed like a gem in the dirt. Someone whose worth would have never been known unless it was tested. His presence exuded a certain nonchalance that was both captivating and disturbing. Like a sleeping incarnate of evil.

Seated beside the raven-haired lad was a brown-haired youth whose eyes were the same shade as his locks. He calmly listened to a tranquil instrumental piece through a solitary earphone plugged in his right ear, the volume set just high enough to capture every ambient whisper outside of his aural range. Despite his air of nonchalance, his gaze exuded an unmistakable glint of inquisitiveness and curiosity as he took note of every action and conversation transpiring within his immediate vicinity. His expressions, though seemingly disinterested, betrayed a deeper engagement with his surroundings.

"Excuse me, would you mind vacating this seat? It would be greatly appreciated by this elderly lady," a gentle and courteous voice spoke up.

The brown-haired boy---Kiyotaka Ayanokouji turned his gaze towards the source of the sound and beheld an average height girl with lustrous beige locks that cascaded down to her shoulders in delicate waves. Her eyes were a breathtaking gradient of crimson that radiated a sense of warmth and kindness, and her physique was indicative of her refined upbringing, with ample curves accentuating her well-proportioned figure. Her features were exquisitely delicate, with her slender eyebrows arched in anticipation as she conversed with a blond young man who appeared to be comfortably settled in one of the seats.

"I fail to see why I should comply with your request. After all, there exists no legal statute that mandates the forfeiture of this seat," retorted the blonde youth, lazily opening one of his eyes to reveal a striking red iris. Despite the girl's best efforts to persuade him, she was unable to counter his argument and seemed at a loss for words.

However, the man with raven hair named Katagiri Yuichi, who had been dozing off until then, finally stirred awake with a weary yawn. He shifted his gaze towards Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and then to the girl before rising from his seat with a sense of mild disappointment. "You are more than welcome to have this seat," he offered to the girl.

"Thank you very much," The girl thanked while bowing as she led the elderly woman who sat right beside Kiyotaka.

"Ah... It's ok. I was done taking a nap anyways." Yuichi replied with a smile.

"Are you a first-year too?" The girl asked as Yuichi extended his hand towards her.

"Yeah, this is my first year studying here." He introduced himself as he shook her hand delicately.

"I hope we can be good friends." she expressed warmly and with sincerity, her fingers entwined with his as she clutched his hand with a feather-like touch. The sensation of her palms against his skin was akin to the texture of a fluffy cumulus cloud, delicate and soft to the touch. The subtle creases on her skin, reminiscent of the lines on a fine porcelain vase, exuded a sense of refinement and grace, further accentuating the tender nature of her demeanour.

"Friends... huh?" Yuichi mumbled to himself, his mind besieged by a series of fleeting memories that had lain dormant in the recesses of his consciousness for far too long. However, he quickly shook his head, suppressing the thoughts and banishing them back to the sepulchral depths of his mind where they belonged, like buried remnants of a bygone era.

As she observed the conflicting emotions that had warped his features into a curious blend of revulsion and affection, the girl found herself not repelled by his reaction, but rather intrigued by it. A spark of excitement ignited within her, and she felt an unbreakable tether of attraction form between them. Despite the conflicting emotions that seemed to plague him, she felt an unshakeable sense of fascination towards him, enticed by the enigmatic aura that surrounded him.

Feeling her scorching gaze boring holes into his being, he looked down at her, "Oh how rude of me to not introduce myself before asking you to be my friend." She responded with a gracious smile, inching closer towards him as she clung onto his arm. As she drew closer, he felt the soft and pliable pressure of her well-bred bosom against his arm, cushioned by the layers of her blazer and shirt. Despite the thin fabric separating them, the texture of her bosom felt both supple and firm, leaving an indelible impression on his mind.

"I am Kikyo Kushida. Nice to meet you," she introduced herself with poise and grace, her gentle voice resonating with a sense of warmth and kindness.

"Katagiri Yuichi. Nice to meet you too." He replied with a smile.

Two pairs of eyes---Kiyotaka and a lustrous-black haired girl's were fixated on the small exchange of words. The girl's piercing gaze was drawn to the pages of the book as if they held the secrets of the universe. Kiyotaka's eyes were trained on her, his attention focused on her every move, every breath.

Suddenly, the black-haired girl peeled her eyes away from the duo and immersed herself in the world of her book. Kiyotaka, unaware of the effect of her actions, began to monologue about the book she was reading, his voice filling the void left by the silence.

Little did they know that this small action would set off a chain of events that would shape their destinies forever.

A destiny that would be woven by...

...the two of them.


The bus stopped, the people standing up jerked a bit foward before coming to their previous positions. The teenagers dressed in ANHS uniform got down from the bus. Kiyotaka got down from the bus and stopped in front of the school gate.

"So this is ANHS." He thought to himself.

A hand tapped on his shoulder, "Good luck with the girl." A hushed voice said and disappeared in the crowd of students, leaving no trace behind.

"You. What do you want?" A commanding voice boomed from a near distance as Kiyotaka looked up. Long black hair and crimson eyes.

A sigh escaped his thin lips.