

The world Usman knew altered once he awoke from the coma. the only thing he is looking forward to is the time he brings his revenge on all of them.

Reidro · Realistic
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3 Chs

Waking up.

I awoke from my sleep and opened my eyes, as I had done every day from the day I was born, expecting to see the peeled ceiling of my room, which I had been observing every time I awoke, sometimes I see Che Guevara's face in it, sometimes it appears like a global map.

When I'm still drowsy, I play checkers with pieces of paint that are still clinging to the ceiling.

My blanket has a tiger drawing on it; I've had it for years, and every time it tears, my mother sews it back up; the poor tiger kept losing portions of its body, including an eye, then a leg, then an ear, till it became deformed and resembled a cat.

Sewing the blanket wasn't the only cause for its state; the amount of urine -which no one has a way of measuring- that it absorbed should also be considered; the scent of my urine as a youngster is still a part of it, despite being washed more than any blanket in the world.

When I forget to take off my socks and go to bed wearing them, the various smells combine and the party begins.

One day I dreamed that I was a snail swimming in a pot full of other snails, I was fighting the waves and kept swimming hoping to find an island to rest, I kept fighting my way out until I realized that a "flying saucer" was descending from above, I thought to myself 'Woah I will be saved, space should be better than the pot realm,' I climbed and secured my spot on the ship, only to discover that the flying saucer was just a Snailseller's ladle, just my luck.

He put us on a plate, there were three other plates with snails like us, and this dude was eating like he was racing, rapidly finishing the three plates before us, then he took up our plate, I was the first...

He stabbed me in the head with a toothpick, but I didn't die, just as he was about to toss me in his mouth, he burped the loudest burp I've ever heard to this day, what is hurricane Katrina to this? A little breeze. But if you smelled it, you must bid farewell to your sense of smell, may it rest in peace!

And here were all the partying smells manifested, the smell of the blanked, the socks, and other smells as well; that don't need to be mentioned, I woke up instantly the moment that dude burped, I usually wake up with eyes full of sleep crust, if you collect it and throw it at the window glass, it will shatter it.

All of this was merely a grain of sand on the beach of my life after waking up, But when I opened my eyes today, the ceiling in front of me was not our ceiling, the smell was not my smell, and the blanket wasn't mine.

My eyes took a while to adjust with becoming able to see my surroundings clearly, and that's when I was shocked to find myself in a hospital, umm, is this some sort of dream inside of another dream? or what?

They inserted something into my nose, there are tubes everywhere, and machines surrounded me...

hahaha this is a crazy ass dream, I kept tilting my head and waiting for my phone alarm to wake me up, the clock is ticking and I'm loving the scent of the hospital, which reminds me of a chewing-gum with phyllo flavor.

Then a nurse walked in with glass bottles of something, and when she noticed my open eyes, she let go of the bottles, which broke to bits on the ground.

Her eyes popped out as she covered her mouth. I thought 'I see. so today, I'm going to enjoy myself in this dream. the nurse will start taking off her clothes to the tune of a great blues song, and the cat on the blanket will wake up drenched in milk'

As I waited for the intro to end to finally get down to business, but all of a sudden she started ululating, why is she celebrating? what is she happy about? what's wrong with her?

She moved closer to me and murmured, "Congratulations," which made me wonder 'for what?'

My tongue, however, felt heavy, and the words that came out of my lips were incomprehensible.

"Can you tell where you are?"

I glanced at her, wanting to score a goal in response to her question, but I can't articulate what's on my mind right now, she continued "Don't force yourself to speak, relax, it's been a long time since you were in a coma."

Hahahahaha this check is seriously entertaining to converse with.

After hearing her ululating, some nurses and doctors started coming in; everyone who comes in is shocked for a while and then joyful, a stereotypical behavior that repeats; after watching that reaction every time someone walks in, they felt like a class that had cheated from the same paper.

A doctor in eyeglasses approached me.

I still don't understand why a doctor wearing glasses appears more capable than one who doesn't.

"What's your name?" he asked.

I simply kept staring at him, waiting for my phone alarm to ring so I could go have my breakfast, a bunch of doctors and nurses ruined my plans to have fun even in my dreams; I wish they hadn't come, but she is the cause of them showing up, can't do anything about it.

"Can you hear me?" he asked. but since my mouth was sticky, I simply nodded.

pulling out a pen, he continued "Follow this pen with your eyes anywhere I move it," uhh that's kids' play, but as a mature adult, I had to keep him entertained.

from left to right, up, down, and in circles, my gaze is fixed on the pen.

"Good!" he said.

He flipped the pen and began pressing it against my leg; I didn't feel anything, and when he realized that I was not reacting, he pressed it as hard as he could. That's when I let out the loudest scream I could muster, and with it, I realized I wasn't dreaming.