

The world Usman knew altered once he awoke from the coma. the only thing he is looking forward to is the time he brings his revenge on all of them.

Reidro · Realistic
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3 Chs


I started screaming and trying to stand up but my bones felt too rusty to be able to do that, ''wh..what's going on? whe..ere am I? what happened? H..how did I get here?'' my tongue got smoothed and I kept going in and out of topics, screaming and cursing at them, they had to calm me down by injecting something into the tube connected to my vein, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and my boding sinking in the bed. I slept.

When I awoke, my mother was holding my hand, her mouth moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying; she may be praying or praising God.

I kept looking at her, observing and wondering, but she didn't notice. A few moments later, she turned to me and our eyes met, her face shrank from emotions, and tears streamed down her face, she said, "thank god you awoke safe my son," because of the shock, mother didn't know what to do anymore, kissing me all over where ever it landed, my hand, shoulder, cheek, chest, and forehead, she feared hugging me might break a bone in me.

She took my hand and placed it on her cheek; I felt the warmth of her tears run through my palm; I had to work hard to let words out of my mouth; I asked, "mother... what happened to me?"

''Son, it has been more than three years since you fell into a come, you left us without a shoulder to lean on from the hits of life.'' mother responded.

''What? three years… what are you talking about, Mom?''

''Listen son! three years ago, you and your father went out to get the supplies for the shop, on your way back… a truck hit the taxi you were on.''

''For the love of God, Mom, what taxi, what three years, yesterday, I was just chilling with my friends and then I went home and slept! don't you remember?''

"Do you know what year this is?" she said.

"2015," I replied instantly.

"I swear to God, son, this year is 2018, and if you don't believe me, let's call a nurse to as..."

I cut her talk and said, "It's okay, I believe you..."

I know that if my mother swears on anything, there is no way she is lying to me.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't; I felt chills ran through all over my half-corpse, what had happened? Did I lose three years of my life? wasted? deleted? stolen from me? there is no way.

I looked at mother and said, ''father! how about father? what happened to him?''

She said, ''he is doing well, he was lucky to come out from the accident with just a broken leg. but he is fine now…'' at this moment, the doctor came in, interrupting the conversation, he couldn't contain his joy when he saw me talking, he said, ''I'm glad you're okay! Did you know that many people who awaken from a coma are unable to talk? Your mother visited you every day, and how many times did I have to wake her up from sleeping while holding your hand? soon, you will be back to your normal daily life, and I want you to put this woman in your eyes! god may forgive us for what we put our parents through…''

He continued, "To cut a long story short, this is the file holding all of your case records since the day you were admitted to this hospital. It has been three years and three months since you fell into a coma, and there are also your images with dates. You arrived on June 6, 2015, and today is September 18, 2018."

He kept talking, but the only thing that kept bothering me was; how did my family manage to let me stay here all this time? I know we are just from the farter class; lower than the lowest class, we don't own a penny, and my family doesn't have any way to get money to let me lay my ass for three years in a hospital.

The doctor kept explaining my condition but I was just waiting for him to finish, he kept talking and talking until I mustered some courage and said, ''Doctor, can you please just give me one minute with my mother?''

He replied, ''there is no problem, take your time!''

When he closed the door, I turned to Mom and asked, ''please, just tell me, how did you get the money to let me stay here all this time?''

"Now, son, you should rest and forget about that till later, okay?" she replied.

''This doesn't make any sense, please, just tell me what is it?'' I begged.

"The owner of the business from which the truck -that crunched into you- came is paying for the hospital bills, and above all that, he still does a lot of good deeds…"

My mother fell silent, and I felt she was still hiding something from me, which she never did, so I followed her example and closed my lips as well.

I pondered about this life, this life that kept punching us from the day we opened our eyes to it, it wasn't satisfied with the shit it had us go through when we were young, lacking so many things that others take for granted.

When you untangle a knot, ten more are tied.

Your life's forehead is wide, stamped with the misery tag; you could rub and wash it all you want, but it will stay. At every turn, there will be an obstacle...

Life. this shit is beyond ridiculous; you've already crossed the line and spit on it, and now you've taken three years of my life...