
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Two against One - Part 1

'Spirit and World... Sea, The congregation of water, Earth, The congregation of solid things, Things with weight. Free from weight, Free from distraction, silence is the key, pressure is the way' thought Feng Zhen.

With his closed eyes, he stood motionless on the surface of the water.

Hiding within the tall grasses that is 5 km away from the lake, are two seven colored serpents. One of the seven colored serpent has a red core on its forehead (male serpentia) while the other has a golden core on its forehead (female serpentia).

Staring at Feng Zhen with an invisible aura of hatred, the eyes of the male serpent glowed red.

The moment the eyes of the male serpent glowed red, Feng Zhen opened his eyes and muttered 'Aura of Malice'.

Then he leaped out of the water, spinning 360 degree in midair.

Immediately his feet touched the ground, with the spinning momentum he took his wooden spear that was nailed on the ground, and shoot it toward a certain direction.


Without any decrease in momentum, the moment he shot his spear, in curiosity he dashed towards the direction he shot the spear, using the {Flash Step of Asmos Movement Technique}.

(Note: {Flash Step of Asmos Movement Technique} - The movement he learnt from the Asmodeus Serpentia, also note that after analysizing and mediating on his movement technique, Feng Zhen divided the movement technique into nine stages...)

"What? What a freakish perception for a human with such low cultivation" exclaimed the male serpentia when he saw that the spear Feng Zhen shot was heading straight towards them.


Hissed the male serpentia as he moved, and stopped at the front of the female serpentia.

After arriving in front of the female serpentia, the male serpentia looked at the lake and discovered Feng Zhen was no longer there.

"Where is he" muttered the male serpentia with a vigilant expression.


"There...." muttered the male serpentia as he spotted a black-haired figure behind the wooden spear dashing towards him in a zigzag pattern.

Neglecting the wooden spear, the male serpentia wagged it's tail, while gathering Qi at the edge of his tail.

In less than 10 seconds, Feng Zhen was 20 meters close to him, 'He's fast' thought the male serpent.


Like a collided metal, the shaft of the spear collided the scale of the male serpent.

Surprisingly, the shaft of the spear wasn't able to penetrate to scale of the male serpentia.

"Eh!" exclaimed Feng Zhen in surprise when he saw that the shaft of his spear couldn't penetrate the scale of the male serpentia.

'I thought the scales of Asmodeus serpentia are supposed to be smooth' thought Feng Zhen.


Hissed the male serpentia as he slashed Feng Zhen with its tail.

"Shit!!" exclaimed Feng Zhen as he quickly crossed his arms over his chest.


"Ah!" screamed Feng Zhen in pain as he was sent flying.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!

With a continuous bang! The body of Feng Zhen kept breaking the trees in the valley.

With more than ten broken tresses, and after some little rolling and pain groaning on the ground, Feng Zhen slowly stood up and cleaned the blood at the corner of his lips.


Like a bolt of lightning, two seven colored serpent surrounded Feng Zhen.

At his back is the female serpentia, while at his front is the male serpentia.

Staring at the unarmed black-haired figure standing before him, the male serpentia spoke, "Where is my child"

"Your child..." said Feng Zhen in confusion, but everything became cleared when he saw the female serpentia at his back.

'Shit! This is bad... A beast that can talk can only be a Level 4 beast or above. Dammit! Just that other one at my back is already troublesome, much less the talking monster' thought Feng Zhen with a very serious expression.

"I don't like repeating myself, Where is my child" shouted the male serpentia in anger as he wagged his it's tail, while gathering Qi at the edge of his tail.

'Nobody ever told me, that an Asmodeus Serpentia can have such tough scale and can attack with its tail... What kind of Asmodeus Serpentia is this' thought Feng Zhen while staring at the male serpentia.

Staring at the male serpentia with a serious expression, Feng Zhen said, "This is bullying, Two against one, this is very unfair... Since it has come down to this."



The earth Feng Zhen was standing on, cracked.

Suddenly the aura of Feng Zhen started rising, following his aura rise, his hair and pupils turned red. Following the changes in his hair and pupils, the bandages on his forehand turned into burning chains, then he muttered 'Open: Gate of Opening'.




Far away from the valley of the ten mountains, there is a beautiful city, carriage made of Golds, Silvers could be seen entering and leaving the Silver City gate of the Imperial Capital of the Moonbright Empire.

Located at the central area of the Imperial city, is a Crystal Palace.

In the Palace....

Looking at the spirit stone Shoukang was holding, the Emperor asked, "What you just said now, is it true"

"Yes" said Xi Shoukang, confidently.

After Xi Shoukang responded, it wasn't just the Emperor and the council that was staring at the truth stone, even the Miss Qin and the guards were as also staring at the truth stone.

Surprisingly, a few seconds later, without any reaction, the truth stone broke into pieces.

As quiet as a graveyard, the entire palace fell into deep silence when the truth stone broke into pieces.





With the gust of the wind, four figures appeared in the palace.

Immediately they saw the figures, except for the two kids and Miss Qin, they all bowed their heads with a cubbed fist and said, "Greeting, to the Ancestors"

Standing in front of Xi Shoukang, were three old men with long white beard and a pretty old woman.

Looking at the fragments of the truth stone on the ground, the ancestors smiled and asked, "Do you know where your big brother might be"

Staring at the auraless figures before him, Xi Shoukang shook his head.

"Hah! How disappointing" muttered the pretty old woman with a disappointed expression.

(Note: The pretty old woman is actually beautiful. Anyway, don't ask me any question concerning her appearance)

"If what this kids said are true, then don't you think that mysterious master is actually from the other realm" said a wrinkled faced old man with bald hair, while holding his white beard.

When they heard what one of the ancestor said, except for the Emperor and his wives, they were confused.

'Eh! Other realm, what's that'