
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Two against one- Part 2 (Asmodeus Flash Steps)

"This is bullying, Two against one, this is very unfair... Since it has come down to this."



The earth Feng Zhen was standing on, cracked.

Suddenly the aura of Feng Zhen started rising, following his aura rise, his hair and pupils turned red. Following the changes in his hair and pupils, the bandages on his forehand turned into burning chains, then he muttered 'Open: Gate of Opening'.



Staring at the transformed figure before him, the male serpentia slash its tail.

Immediately the male serpentia slashed it's tail, as if he knew the trajectory of the slashed tail, he jumped and landed on a branch of a tree.


"Damm you humans!!" shouted the male serpentia in anger when Feng Zhen dodged its attack.

Unexpectedly, Instead of mocking the male serpentia, Feng Zhen had a different expression.

'Where' thought Feng Zhen as he frowned while looking around in search of something.


Perceptively, he jumped to the branch of another tree.


After landing at the branch of another tree, he turned and looked at the corroding tree he previously stood on.

'There you are...' thought Feng Zhen as he stared at the female serpentia which had it's body coiled around the corroding tree.


Without any warning the female serpentia shot it's spit at Feng Zhen, at the same the male serpentia shot itself at Feng Zhen.

Looking at the incoming attacks, Feng Zhen took in a deep breath and jumped down from the tree.

Just as his feet was few meters close to the ground, he muttered, "Asmodeus Flash Steps: First Stage: 3 Steps"

Using three steps In a zigzag manner, he dodged the attacks of the two beasts.

Restlessly, the male and female serpentia attacked Feng Zhen again.

Looking at the incoming attacks without any trace of panic, he muttered, "Asmodeus Flash Steps: Second Stage: 6 Steps"

Using six steps in a zigzag manner, he dodged the attacks of the two beasts effortlessly.

"Damn you humans!!!" shouted the male serpentia in anger, when Feng Zhen dodged another of it's attack.


The female serpentia hissed in anger, when Feng Zhen dodged another of her attack.

With both anger and restlessness, the male and female serpentia attacked Feng Zhen more aggressively. The female attacked with her venom, while the male attacked with his body and tail.

Unfazed by the incoming attacks, he muttered, "Asmodeus Flash Steps: Third Stage: 9 Steps"

Using nine steps in a zigzag manner, he dodged the attacks of the two beasts effortlessly.

"Curse it!" muttered the male serpentia after his third attack couldn't touch the skin of Feng Zhen, much less hurt him.

After her conservatives attacks failed, the female stared at Feng Zhen with a complex expression.

While staring at Feng Zhen, she had just a simple thought, 'When did he become this agile'

"Since you guys aren't attacking, I guess it's now my turn" said Feng Zhen.

As soon as they heard what Feng Zhen said, they retreated a few meters.

Looking at the overly cautious beast, Feng Zhen sneered, then he muttered, "Asmodeus Flash Steps: Fourth Stage: Soundless"

Unlike the previous steps he used to dodge the attacks of the two beasts, this stage of the Asmodeus Flash Steps enables the user to run without making a sound.

Like the movement of the gentle breeze, soundlessly, Feng Zhen speedy ran towards the female serpentia.

When the male serpentia saw the movement of Feng Zhen, he shouted in rage, "YOU DARE!!"


Ignoring the warning of the male serpentia, Feng Zhen increased his speed towards the female serpentia.

Just when Feng Zhen was few meters close to the female serpentia.


The female serpentia hissed in fright, and turn around, before running into the valley.

"Dammit!" exclaimed Feng Zhen as the distance between him and the female serpentia was increasing.

'I have to catch it' thought Feng Zhen, as he extended his left hand, while aiming at the female serpentia.

While he was aiming at the female serpentia, the burning chains started vibrating, in notification that it was ready to be of service.

Looking at the vibrating burning chains in the forearms of Feng Zhen, and recalling the memories he got from the female serpentia, the male serpentia shouted in anger, "I HATE YOU HUMANS!!" as he shot a red beam at Feng Zhen.

Sensing something that was speedily approaching him, Feng Zhen glanced at his back.

The moment he looked at his back, he saw two red beams heading straight towards him. Unexpectedly, instead of dodging, he gazed deeply at the source of the beam.

"What the-" muttered Feng Zhen as he swiftly dodged the two red beams at the final moment of contact.

'Can someone tell me, when did the Asmodeus Serpentia have the ability to shoot beams out of their eyes' thought Feng Zhen as he halted his movement.

"DIE FOR ME YOU LOWLY HUMAN!!!" shouted the male serpentia with an unstoppable momentum.

"That won't be happening, Asmodeus Flash Steps: Fifth Stage: Traceless" said Feng Zhen as he vanished before the eyes of the male serpentia.

In the eyes of the male serpentia, it may seem as though Feng Zhen blurred and vanished before his eyes. Actually, unlike the previous stages of the Asmodeus Flash Steps, the fifth stage: Traceless, enable the user to substitute him/herself with an illusion, and also it also the user moves without aura and without sound.

"DAMM YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY, STAND AND FIGHT THIS KING" shouted the male serpentia as he lost sight of Feng Zhen.

"Who told you I was running away" said Feng Zhen who was standing behind the male serpentia.


In shock the male serpentia turned quickly, but it was too late, Feng Zhen has used the burning chains to wrapped around its neck.

"Ah!" in pain, that was caused by the burning chain, the male serpentia screamed.

"Die!" shouted Feng Zhen as he drew the male serpentia forcefully, and smashed its body at the trees.

Bang!! Bang! Bang!!! Bang!! Bang!!

"Ah!!" screamed the male serpentia in pain.

Immediately after smashing the male serpentia on the trees, the burning chain retracted.

After smashing the male serpentia on the ground, restlessly, Feng Zhen dashed towards it.

Surprisingly, the injuries the male serpentia got from being smashed, started healing at a visible rate. Although the recovery wasn't that fast, it's still enough to put more pressure on Feng Zhen.

'Self recovery... What exactly is this beast, Is this Actually an Asmodeus Serpentia.' thought Feng Zhen while running towards the beast.

When the male serpentia notice Feng Zhen was speedily approaching him, he quickly positioned himself for battle.

"Except it's my time, Death is nothing but a facade" said the male serpentia in resolve as he slashed its tail at the incoming figure.