
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Tsun Princess??

Genji snorted and with a fierce wave of his hand, had sent out a powerful wave of water.

Like a tsunami, it all crashed into Pakku, tossing him back with great force and thrashing him into the broken houses.

With such a powerful force crashing into his body and then being thrashed upon broken walls, Pakku's entire body was broken as he lay on the ground motionless and in great pain.


Pakku looked up into the sky in a daze.

He couldn't even feel pain from the suddenness of every broken bone of his body.

Suddenly, a shadow creeped up into his vision.

A shadow that made a fire burn within his body as an extreme amount of anger erupted within his body and made his face red from anger.


It was a shame that he couldn't move his mouth because his jaw had been broken from the mini tsunami he had just experienced.


His bloodshot eyes stared into Genji's calm and playful gaze.

"Oh Pakku… you silly fool. You could have remained quiet and lived peacefully," muttered Genji as he began to waterbend some water and turned it into a double edged sword.

Lifting it into the air, Genji just continued to look down on Pakku mockingly before swinging down the sword in his hand and swinging down to Pakku's neck.


In the next second. Genji's eyes went wide as nothing hit him in the face.

His eyes filled with shock after Pakku had literally disappeared from where he was right in front of him. Not a single drop of blood was left behind after his disappearance.

The instant Genji lifted his head, he received an even greater shock as he saw the previous destroyed buildings were as good as new.

His eyes darted around, fear rousing up within him as he wondered what the hell had just happened.

Suddenly, his eyes darted down to his hands and even the sword he had made from waterbending had disappeared as well.

"The fuck…"

Genji stumbled back and fell to the ground, an existential crisis rising up from within him.

A few seconds passed and Genji forced himself to calm down as he stood up and began to walk away from the area.

'Fuck! Just what actually happened…' thought Genji as he nervously walked around with a composed look on his face.



"What's wrong Zuzu? It's like you've seen a ghost," teased Azula as she looked at Zuko with a smile.

"Did father send you?" Zuko asked, hoping his father would take him back.

He was split between wishing to go back to his father and receive any type of love and recognition to staying behind with his loving and supporting uncle.

One was a wish he had since he was banished and the other was something he had desired since forever. Maybe not from his uncle, but it was something he wanted to feel.

Azula frowned at the mention of her father.

She glared at Zuko before smoothening her frown into a serious look.

"Oh Zuzu, that ma-… father… has incurred wrath from a particular individual. It would be wise not to seek him anymore. He was never much of a father either way. After all, he did burn his own son's face," mentioned Azula with a knowing smile on her face.

That 'particular individual' wasn't talking about Genji either, it referred to her.

She wished to exact her own revenge after countless years of being subjugated to torture unknowingly. Her drive for being the best was now a drive for superiority over her own father and any other ruler.

To be superior to her own father, Azula even decided to be the best ruler the Fire Nation could ask for. However, she also knew she wasn't too well to become the Fire Nation's Fire Lord.

It would have to end up on her brother's shoulders.

'I'm too extreme to become the leader, therefore I'll become the protector from within the shadows,' thought Azula, her mind already working rapidly as it worked out future plans.

Perfectionism was something that had gnawed at Azula's Mind. Although it wasn't much, Genji had helped break her bit by bit out of that perfectionist ideal.

"What are you..?"

Just when Zuko was about to continue to ask his sister more questions, Azula ran away suddenly.

Zuko was going to give chase but eventually chose not to as he turned to look at the avatar.

Eventually, he shifted his gaze to Yue and Katara before walking away quietly into the darkness of the Spirit Oasis.

Yue and Katara remained on edge even after Zuko and Azula left. The soldiers had long since fled after the death of Zhao and Azula's appearance.

They glanced at each other nervously and it wasn't until an hour later that they finally began to show signs of relaxing.

"Is it… over…?"

"The battle?"

"Yes… right?"

"I… I'm not sure…"

Both women were confused.

After all, both the Prince and Princess of the Fire Nation had just saved them. Not just that, but the General that had led this battle had died right before them under Azula's blue fire.

They could only question whether they had seen correctly.

"M-maybe you should go check?"

Katara even questioned her own words, wondering what was going on outside.


Yue nodded and walked out whilst regaining her confidence and poise as the Chieftess of the Northern Water Tribe.

Yue walked away and Katara was looking at her, a bit hopeful as to what is happening outside.

As soon as Yue disappeared, another person appeared from the shadows.

Seeing this person, Katara clasped her hand over her mouth in a happy shock.



Sokka gave a self-mocking smile as he looked at Katara.

Before coming here, he had removed the bloodied clothes he was wearing and even went ahead to wear new ones. Yet despite what he did, he was still feeling guilty about what he had done.

Katara quickly walked over and hugged her brother, happy to see him once more.

"I've missed you!"

Sokka returned the hug and felt even more guilty under the warmth his sister provided for him.

"You shouldn't get too close to me. I…"

Feeling remorse from what he was planning to say, Sokka choked up a bit.

Katara hugged her brother tighter as she felt his feelings and pain.

"It's okay Sokka! You have me…"

"No… it was a mistake to come talk to you."


"I'm sorry. But I'm not ready yet. I… have to find out what's going on. I'll travel around and train… I hope we cross paths soon Katara…" said Sokka.

Sokka pushed Katara back with great force, making her fall back onto the ground before he suddenly ran away.

The actions were too quick for Katara to react and before she knew it, Sokka was gone.

Katara looked lost and began to quietly sob within the Spirit Oasis shortly after.


At the same time when Sokka met with Katara, Zuko found himself standing before Genji.



Genji smiled and chuckled a little before briefly looking around.

"I see you've given up on getting the Avatar this time around. That's good… I always hoped that you would become the ruler the Fire Nation needed…" said Genji, his tone filled with admiration and praise.

'The ruler the Fire Nation needs… Do I really have such qualities?'

Zuko mocked himself after hearing Genji's words of praise.

"To have seen the suffering of the people and realize that there shouldn't be such a thing in the World!

To not care whether they are from another ruling domain!

To wish for the best for the people!

To strive for a better future!


Prince Zuko! You have the makings of a benevolent ruler! A man who will help lead the future to peace and prosperity!"


Zuko felt his heartbeat.

A resounded loudly within his mind after hearing Genji's speech.

He felt motivated!

He felt inspired!

He wished to be that exact benevolent ruler!

'But first…'

Zuko threw Genji a quizzical look and asked, "Why are you telling me all this? As the Prince of the Fire Nation, I can have everyone after you."

'He took the bait!'

"Because I believe in you Prince Zuko!"

"Believe in… me?"

Feeling confused, Zuko stared at Genji in confusion. His eyes gazed into Genji's eyes that were filled with admiration and unwavering Will.

'He… really believes in me,' thought Zuko as he looked into Genji's eyes that seemed to glow brightly.

"I KNOW that you can lead the Fire Nation to prosperous times!"

Zuko felt his body shiver under Genji's convincing words as he felt even his mind shudder. Slowly, a small fire lit up within his heart.

A small fire filled with newfound hope.

However, like a newly formed fire, it needs to be cared for continuously. By fanning it and giving it more wood would this fire grow bigger and brighter.

"What do you think I should do?"

Zuko asked suddenly as he couldn't stop himself from wondering what he should do right now. He felt loss and he felt… imbalanced.

His uncle might be able to help him, but it would hurt to ask someone else for help…


"Help the Avatar!"

"Help the avatar…"

Just as Zuko was planning to make that his target. He heard Genji's voice, instantly destroying any fantasies he was brewing just now.


As the man who will become the next Fire Lord and help the Avatar, you must find yourself first and train to become stronger.

Only then will you be able to become the person you aspire to be."

Zuko solemnly nodded after listening to Genji and looked at Genji seriously for a couple of seconds before nodding.

He turned and walked away, heading to the area where he and his uncle had agreed to meet at.

"Your uncle is an amazing person who loves you like you were his own son. He would willingly give up his life for yours.

I hope you can realize before it's too late Prince Zuko…"

Zuko heard this whilst he was walking away and when he turned around, Genji had always disappeared.


With that, Zuko walked away under the dimming light of the setting sun before disappearing into the distance.


"Zuzu is so easily manipulated… or maybe you're too good at manipulation," asked Azula as she stepped out from her hiding place and looked at the spot where Genji was earlier.

"You make me blush," said Genji as he jumped out of the ice ground.

Smiling, Genji turned to look at Azula who had already leapt toward him and planted her plump lips on his.


Genji chuckled a little and just when his hand briefly touched Azula's peachy ass, Azula had already bit Genji.

"No touching… yet…" said Azula, mumbling the last part.

Pushing Genji away and acting like the kiss never happened, Azula smiled in contempt, "Everyone was so easily manipulated and led by the nose that it makes me feel so excited!

After today, father might get word about my betrayal if I don't make a move soon."

Genji knew what Azula was getting at since he understood what her thought process was like. Although her thought process was extreme sometimes, he is able to keep up with her most of the time.

Right now, Azula is planning on getting rid of the messengers and not letting her father know of what she is doing.

Like this, Azula is beginning to look for the most opportune time for the betrayal before officially joining Genji and the Avatar.

'Looks like I have to gather the girls,' thought Azula as the faces and figures of Ty Lee and Mai.

Just when Azula was planning on running away, Genji grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her in for one more kiss before they separated for a long time.

"Die on me and I'll drag your soul back into your body before putting you through unimaginable torture," said Azula as she grabbed fiercely onto Genji's collar and brought her face close to his.

She lowered her head and bit onto Genji's lips before letting go and running away.

"Such a troublesome Princess…" mumbled Genji as he looked at Azula's disappearing back. 'What a sweet ass…'