
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

The Flexible Cutey

His firebending skill still had yet to reach the Expert Rank even after a week, but his control over his energy had become more refined after continuously trying to control Fire behind his back.

Now that a week had passed since the departure from the Northern Water Tribe, Genji and the rest arrived at Omashu.

However, to Aang and Katara's dismay, the Fire Nation had already taken over it.

Various Fire Nation factories are already built within the city.

"The Fire Nation's metal work is quite impressive," Genji complimented, making Katara and Aang unsure of what to say.

Genji wasn't one to talk a lot or take the initiative to do so, however, both Katara and Aang required a lot of counseling.

Aang was still at the tender age of 12 so his mentality wasn't too strong and Genji didn't want him to stray too far from his 'destined' path.

Katara is older, at the age of 19, but is also on the same boat as Aang.

She lost her mother at a very young age, her father left her and her brother behind to go fight in a war leaving them alone shortly after their mother's death, and now Sokka had left her all alone.

Before Genji could help to make their mentality stronger, he needs to first 'fix' their mentality in case they get the wrong thoughts in the future and they are too difficult to convince otherwise.

Either way, it's been going well and Genji just feels like he constantly has to drink water from the constant counseling he's giving both of them.

"Let's head to the city," said Aang as he looked at the Fire Nation flag in worry.



Katara nodded and Genji remained quiet as he followed behind them both.

Night arrived and Genji's mind was replaying the exact scenes that happened during this part of the series.

The pentapox was something necessary for freeing the citizens within Omashu to help spread Aang's name. They will also become fighters in the future when Aang needs them for the fights on the day of the eclipse and on the day of the comet.

Although Genji was a bit doubtful about where the war would continue until the day of the comet. Genji believed that he could very well defeat the Fire Lord already, but defeating the Fire Lord is something Aang has to do.

It's an annoying matter, but it's the truth.

Various annoying matters would happen if he defeated the Fire Lord. It was much better if Aang did and brought peace to the world.

It wasn't just that, but Genji wouldn't get any peace and tranquility if he were to do it.

'Alright, let's just hope that Zuko can get over his hurdle much faster than before,' thought Genji as he glanced at Aang. 'For now, all I need to do is encourage Aang and make him confident in his own choices of Justice as long as he still listens to reason as well.'

Entering the sewer and bending to keep the waste from touching the, Genji quickly caught a couple of Purple Pentapus before pocketing them away and leaving the sewer system.

"Aang, come over here quickly," said Genji, becoming Aang over.

Soon, the group of three ran into a small group of patrolling night guards and the same scenes from the show happened.

"How did you know we would run into them?" Aang asked in an amazed manner.

Genji smiled.

"The Fire Nation has been taking over territories for an entire century. In order to lower the rate of revolts and secret meetings, the Fire Nation began to be more strict with security. Including sending out various night patrols."

"That's smart…"

Aang nodded whilst feeling a little lost before gradually beginning to walk around.

After walking for a while, stopped them for a second.

"I'm sure that the two of you can meet the citizens of Omashu without me just fine. So I will walk around here and see if I can find anything," said Genji as he looked at Aang and Katara before briefly glancing at the flying Momo in the sky.

"I trust you both not to get in trouble!"

Genji turned around and walked away as he left the confused Aang and Katara behind. They didn't even know how to react and just when they were going to stop him, he was already gone.

"… Let's go meet the people of Omashu," said Katara, a confident look on her face.

Aang looked to where Genji walked towards with worry on his face.

"Aren't you worried Katara?"

Katara shook her head with a small smile.

"He's an amazing waterbender and our Teacher, I'm confident that he won't be captured at all. In fact, I feel pity for those guards that try to attack him."

Aang carried a worried look on his face despite the confidence he had for Genji's abilities. He believed in Katara's words, so he wasn't too worried.

However, even his Airbending teacher and father-figure, Monk Gyatso, had fallen to the Fire Nation despite how strong he was.

'I just can't help but worry… but… I'll believe in his abilities!'

Aang let go of his worries and only a small speck remained behind as he unconsciously looked back before walking away with Katara.


"Is this all you have as guards of the Princess?"

A mocking voice rang out as a young man was casually oppressing a group of five firebenders proficient in body bending and close combat.

Dodging the fire attacks, the young man quickly subdued three Firebenders by dislocating their arms and legs.

They dropped to the floor and the other two Firebenders looked on in shock and just as they were about to yell for reinforcements, they found a hand on their throats.

"Who… are you?!"

One of the guards struggled to say as they glared at the golden eyed youth.

"A friend of the Princess."

Genji smirked and was about to knock them unconscious when he suddenly felt some sharp hits on his arms.


Watching as his grip on the two Firebenders became nonexistent and they dropped to the floor, Genji quickly spun and kicked out fiercely.


Genji's foot shot out at Lightning speeds before roughly striking its target and sending them flying back in pain.

"Ouch! That hurt…"

Hearing that sweet and charming voice, Genji raised his eyebrows as an exquisite and lithe figure that could bend gloriously assisted within his vision.

Ty Lee!

Genji's eyes lit up and he put on a smile as he ignored his two disabled arms.

"That's a pretty nifty technique you have there…" said Genji.

Ty Lee rubbed her stomach in pain and looked at Genji with a pitiful look on her face.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"A friend of the Princess."

"Ah? I'm also a friend of the Princess!"

Ty Lee's face lit up in joy as she looked at Genji.

The poor girl didn't even doubt Genji in the slightest and fully believed him.

Such a naive and innocent girl like this is with Azula?


Genji sighed as he began to regain the sensation in his arms.

Like Ty Lee, he knows some acupuncture, and although it isn't a martial art like her's, Genji could still perform it. With weak and trembling hands, Genji pressed some points in his arms and instantly felt the sensation in his arms return completely.

The instant he felt the sensation in his arms return, Genji remembered the feeling of having been attacked by Ty Lee. With his martial arts and acupuncture experience, Genji quickly managed to recreate the way Ty Lee had attacked him earlier within his mind.

Then, just like in his mind, Genji used the attack Ty Lee used on him on the nearest Fire Guard that was standing up.

"Ah! You also know Breeze Touch?!" exclaimed Ty Lee after she saw Genji performing acupuncture on himself.

There are various types of techniques and different styles of the ancient art of Chi-blocking. The one Ty Lee knew was called Breeze Touch, one of the few remaining Chi-blocking martial arts in the world.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that only three chi-blocking martial arts remain in this day and age. Considering how amazing this skill is, the masters of said skills will remain hidden during these times of hardship where the Fire Nation is attacking the entire world.

Genji shook his head and rubbed his chin, "I already knew some acupuncture. I'm also a great physician and martial artist. Imitating a couple of moves is easy."

"That's amazing!"

Ty Lee jumped in front of Genji and did a small twirl before performing a couple of more moves before turning to look at Genji with bright eyes.

'This girl…'

Looking at Ty Lee with an amused look, Genji knew that Ty Lee wanted him to copy her. Although she wasn't teaching him her martial art, Breeze Touch, Genji was going to end up learning it.

Even if he only learns half of it, it would be enough for him to build upon his half and create his own style.

Without saying anything, Genji copied Ty Lee.

Ty Lee's eyes lit up and she was instantly interested in Genji. She approached him and looked at him with a big and sweet smile on her face.

"Wow… I think you performed it better than me!" praised Ty Lee.

Genji patted Ty Lee unconsciously and said, "You're just such a great teacher."

"Hehe~…" Ty Lee blushed in embarrassment before pulling Genji's hand off her head. "Why were you attacking Azula's guards if she's your friend?"

Turning to look at the four guards on the floor and the last guard trembling off to the side, Genji sighed.

"I was checking the quality of Azula's personal guards. I'm disappointed to say that they are very weak. Although Azula is also too skilled to really need any guards," said Genji as he muttered the last part.

Ty Lee looked at the guards and revealed a hopeless smile before turning to look at Genji and nodded.

"Let's go meet Azula! She came here today to find Mai!"

Not being able to keep quiet, Ty Lee couldn't help but speak up as to why Azula was here. Ty Lee then proceeded to smile cheerfully as she began to ignore the guards and walked forward.

"Follow me!"

"You look very happy, girl," said Genji as he noticed that Ty Lee was all smiles.

He didn't notice a single shred of fear within her eyes, maybe a bit of worry, but nothing else aside from her joy.

"Because I am!

When Azula came to look for me, she actually spoke nicely to me. It was… surprising.

On the trip over here, she was so talkative and she was much brighter than before! I've never seen her glow so nicely!"

The more Ty Lee spoke, the more it sounded like she was a proud mother seeing her daughter grow into a wonderful woman.

It made Genji want to chuckle, but he held himself back and just looked at Ty Lee from behind. However, the nice mood that Ty Lee was making didn't reach Genji as his gaze slowly slid down from her exposed neck to her slim waist all the way down to her peachy butt that was hidden behind her short pink trousers.

Ty Lee seemed to notice Genji's silence after a while of her non-stop talking and she decided to turn her head around. When she saw where Genji was looking towards, she blushed in embarrassment before placing her hands behind her back and subtly covering her behind.

Naturally, she also slowed down and walked beside Genji to keep him from looking at her behind.

"You're weird…" mumbled Ty Lee as she turned her head to the side and looked away from Genji in complete embarrassment.

She was used to people looking at her and wasn't too conscious regarding the stares when there were various people. It was a different story if it was just one person however.

Ty Lee became too conscious of Genji's presence and his lascivious stare, her blush deepening until it was dispelled by Genji.

"Are you happy that Azula changed?"

Keeping quiet for a couple of seconds, Ty Lee looked up at the moon in the sky before turning to Genji.

"I'm happy that Azula is able to find herself. She deserves happiness and I know she hasn't received much…

In a way, Azula reminds me of myself.

Both wishing for attention and love from our parents…

In the end, I ran away and Azula remained behind, suffering more and more as the days passed. That's why I stayed next to her despite how badly she treated me sometimes. I thought that if I showed her some type of love and attention, she wouldn't suffer too much in her own home, but…

In the end, I couldn't even remain by her side when I ran from home."

Genji raised his eyebrows in surprise and subtly nodded as he remembered everything related to Ty Lee.

Ty Lee, a young woman who might be of airbender descent, is able to see the 'auras' of other people and read them like that. Knowing how close she was to Azula, she knew that Azula is a prideful woman who would refuse the help of anyone in order to stick to her ideal of perfection and her being above everyone and under only one person, her father.

A high EQ, that was what Ty Lee had.