
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


The day flew by in an instant…

The escape happened…

The baby of the new Omashu lord escaped with them…

Everything occurred similarly to the show, the only difference being that Azula and the other two ladies were here in Omashu when it happened.

Azula didn't stop this from happening to help lower the reputation of her father. Although this matter was too small to cause any ripple, it was one way she could vent.

Genji was sitting down within a room of the new Omashu Lord's residence with Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.

Mai had an annoyed look on her face as she refused to look at Genji or at Azula.

Ever since yesterday when she heard Azula say various things that infuriated her, Mai wished to no longer associate with Azula. However, she had a duty to attend as Azula's 'friend'.

Afraid that Azula was only putting up a front right now, Mai continued to follow Azula in fear of that really being the case.

Ty Lee looked at Genji with a happy look on her face and waved at him.

"Have you told them yet?" Genji asked as he sent Azula a meaningful look.

Azula frowned and shook her head.

"You have to tell them soon or they won't trust you."

"Tell us what?!"

Ty Lee jumped up happily hearing what Genji had said and how Azula had reacted.

She wondered what type of secret they were hiding and wondered whether she herself could learn of this secret as well. Ty Lee squirmed at her spot jitterily.

"Azula," Genji urged as he sent her a meaningful look.

Seeing Genji's looks, Azula could only sigh as she resigned to Genji's urging.

"But only because you're begging," said Azula, hiding her nervousness, a new feeling to her.

Genji rolled his eyes in amusement after hearing Azula.

Turning to look at Ty Lee and Mai, Genji began to worry a little about Mai's reaction to what Azula was going to say.

Ever since the prior day, Mai had been giving Azula the cold shoulder after Azula spoke about friendship. He noticed it and knew right away the way Azula had treated Mai in the past.

He sighed and could only wait to fix it later.

'Making Azula apologize will be difficult to make it happen. Might as well let her apologize in her own special way,' thought Genji as he turned to look at Azula who was finally ready to talk.

"I'm… planning on taking down my father," said Azula with a serious look on her face as she looked at both Mia and Ty Lee.

She said it confidently, but there was a small portion of her that was nervous about Mai and Ty Lee's reactions.

Azula clenched her hand and waited.

"Are you sure Azula?" Ty Lee asked Azula, worried whether Azula had thought it through or not.

Hearing Ty Lee, Azula finally unclenched her fist and gave a devilish smirk.

"Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't sure of myself," said Azula with a serious and fiery look in her eyes. "That man has done many things that I am unsatisfied with and I won't let him live the rest of his life without having done anything to him."

Azula glared at the mental figure of Ozai as she thought about all the abuse Ozai had done to her.

Both physically and psychologically.

She couldn't even learn about various things because her father had prevented her from learning them. To this day, she still wasn't sure what 'normal' families do together.

Ever since Genji had helped broaden her worldview, Azula had spent her nights wondering when she could experience something like that.

Glancing at Genji from the corner of her eyes, Azula felt a small smile form on her lips as she thought about all the nice moments she has had with Genji.

Mai shuddered when she heard Azula speak about taking down Ozai.

She just couldn't believe Azula's words.

It was just something Mai could never imagine hearing Azula say. She had known Azula almost all her life and could certainly say that the most loyal person to the Fire Lord, Azula, would say something like that.

Her eyes shot open and she looked at Azula with a look of shock on her face, not daring to believe what she had just heard.

Slowly, her eyes drifted from Azula and over to Genji, finally understanding the reason behind Azula's change.

Mai's eyes filled themselves with amazement as she thought about how unbending Azula was. She wouldn't budge even if someone offered her the entire world's gold.

She wouldn't even bat an eye if she were to kill an entire city.

Yet now, she had changed and the reason behind this change was the strange man that became Azula's partner.

Silently, Mai began to hold some admiration for this strange man.

However, despite the admiration and amazement at confirming Azula's change, she just couldn't shake the anger she felt after hearing Azula's response to Ty Lee's question.

'Then shouldn't I make your life miserable as well!'

Mai clenched her fists whilst her gloomy face remained unchanged as she gazed at Azula.

"That's admirable Azula. You would never do something like that," said Mai as she looked at Azula's eyes.

Azula nodded and narrowed her eyes slightly as she responded, "That's right, I would never do something like this.

That's why…

That's why I have decided to stop being Princess Azula.

From now on, I will just be Azula, a normal girl who is the partner of Genji and friend to both Mai and Ty Lee."



Groaning as his stomach rumbled from hunger, Zuko continued to walk alone throughout the Earth Kingdom.

Back when he had separated from Genji at the Northern Water Tribe, Zuko took the chance to flee with his uncle, Iroh.

By doing this, they had willingly cut their ties to the current Fire Nation.

Cutting their hair, both Zuko and Iroh began their journey, one was going through a spiritual one and the other was just following his grandson.

However, a couple days into their travels, Iroh had decided to send Zuko off alone so that he could temper his mentality and to see what the Earth Kingdom was going through during these times of war.

Zuko obliged and walked alone in the Earth Kingdom.

He didn't even steal the Ostrich Horse from the poor family that had helped them. A positive point of the growing Zuko who is slowly becoming more dependable.

A young man that Iroh began to slowly approve of.

A look of trust had appeared on Iroh's face when Zuko's back slowly disappeared into the distance and began once more his spiritual journey.

'I need food,' thought Zuko as he ignored his aching legs and instead placed a hand over his rumbling stomach.

He looked around but found almost nothing worth of notice before continuing his walk and heading to the nearest village or town he could find.

After such a long day of traveling, Zuko wished to rest properly under the protection of a roof.

Walking without rest, Zuko eventually found a village where he could rest for the night.

He entered the village and instantly made his way over to a store that sells food.

Buying some bread, Zuko eventually resumed on his trip to travel and find himself, seeing all the terrible things the Fire Nation had caused to these people.

It was such a terrible thing that pained him.

'Is war really the only way to try to help these people?' thought Zuko as he gazed at a young orphaned child with burns on his legs.

A little at a time, Zuko began to change the idea he had about the reason for this war and what his father was doing.

It pained his heart seeing the suffering of these people and at how his father continued to incessantly kill various innocent people and soldiers.

Whether it was here or at the Fire Nation, the deaths of the people continued to rise and the main cause were those people that are under the Fire Lord Ozai.

'Sacrificing soldiers, killing innocent civilians, conquering lands and forcing them to follow our ideals… it's all wrong… this…'

Zuko left the village with a saddened heart as he could no longer take this suffering that he was casting his eyes upon. Clenching his jaw, Zuko left the village and headed to another town.

After having traveled for over a week already, Zuko had traveled half of that with his uncle, Iroh.

In both instances, Zuko had seen various terrible things and also kindness even from those who have suffered a lot.

Despite having suffered so much, these people still continued to help others and help them recover. It moved Zuko's heart and he couldn't bear to steal the Horse Ostrich that they had.

'War causes unnecessary suffering,' thought Zuko as he continued on his journey, his eyes slowly becoming more clearer as he continued to walk past various villages that had suffered.

'If it wasn't for that Genji, I would have never seen the terrible world that the Fire Nation is creating. A black lands and charred corpses wherever they go whilst their flags were raised in those places as if they were proud of such accomplishments…

It disgusts me, just how could I have thought that this was okay.

Why is father so proud of all this suffering that he is causing?!'

Quietly, Zuko's lonesome back left the village as he continued on his journey of self-discovery.


Traveling up a mountain with a resolute look on his face, Sokka's gaze was firm and unyielding as he looked forward to something. Something far and seemingly unattainable as he searched for various things within his mind.

For the past week, Sokka had spent it all on looking for anything that could help him grow stronger and dependable. Someone who doesn't have to worry his sister Katara.


After searching for two days, Sokka had arrived at a single conclusion after hearing rumors and planning.

To grow strong and dependable, one must train.

Looking up at the gate standing before him, Sokka stood tall and confident before knocking on the large gate.

Seconds later, the gate opened slowly, revealing a tired and gloomy looking servant opening the gate.

"Can I help you?"

"I've come to train under Master Piandao," said Sokka, not missing a single beat as he looked straight into the servant's eyes with his firm and steady gaze.

'Hm… good confidence and resolute look,' thought the servant, silently praising Sokka whilst maintaining his tired look on his face.

"Did you bring anything for the Master?" asked the servant as he stretched his hand out towards Sokka.

Not feeling any shame at all or embarrassment, Sokka shook his head and instead offered something else.

"I may not be able to offer anything, but I can offer to train under Master Piandao with great perseverance and not giving up at all!"

"Ha… very well come in."

The servant sighed in disappointment and led Sokka into Piandao's Castle to meet the Sword Master Piandao.

Clenching his fists, Sokka looked forward to his training with his only goal of protecting his sister and making her know that she doesn't need to worry about him.

Walking with his back straight, Sokka followed the servant and met the Master of the castle, Piandao, looking out the window at the beautiful sunset.

Without any reservation or care for etiquette, Sokka dropped to his knees, a pessimistic look on his face as he felt all his sad feelings suddenly well up.



Both the servant and Piandao were shocked by Sokka's actions and instantly drew his attention.

"I wish to learn the Art of the Sword!"

It only took a moment for the Sword Master Piandao to regain his calm as he looked at Sokka with an amused look.

"Why do you wish to learn how to wield a Sword? If you wish to learn how to use a sword, you could learn it from any sword wielder," said Piandao, his eyes revealing a deep look as he studied Sokka's actions and words.

"Self-respect and virtue!

I searched for a master with these qualities. One who is always acting for the sake of the people and won't harm them. To protect the defenseless and see the world for what it really is."

Piandao's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at Sokka with praise. He rubbed his chin and looked into Sokka's watery eyes that were resolute.

"Tell me, what's your name, young man?"


Piandao's eyes lit up upon hearing Sokka's name before a small smile formed on his face.

"From today and onward, you will be my disciple, Sokka."