
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


With Genji's departure, Long Feng could finally calm himself.

'That buffoon, his every word was idiotic,' thought Long Feng.

Walking over to a nearby furniture, Long Feng looked at the items on top of it, a frown forming on his face as he turned to gaze at the other items on his other furniture.

'Everything's out of place,' thought Long Feng, stretching his hand out to put back the decorations back to their respectable places.

However, just before his hand could touch them, he felt a headache coming onto him.

'Ugh… I'll just head to sleep. I'll fix this tomorrow,' thought Long Feng as he rubbed the temples of his head, slowly making his way over to his own bed.

Removing his clothes and changing into his nightwear, Long Feng headed to sleep after getting into his bed.

He closed his eyes and breathed out slowly as he felt his body relax. A small content smile spread on his face as he felt the warmth of the bed wrap him and send into a dream…

"Long Feng!"


Suddenly springing up from his bed, Long Feng's eyes widened and he looked around his room, looking for the person who shouted his name.

"Who's there?!"

Turning on the candle lamp to his side, Long Feng got up from his bed and looked around the room, searching for the perpetrator.

"Who's there?" asked Long Feng more calmly.

However, no matter how long he searched his room, Long Feng saw no one within his room.

Then, with a serious look on his face, Long Feng headed to the door and opened it, peering out into the hall, searching for anything.

"Just who was it?" Long Feng asked himself as he gazed into the darkness.

The only light within the hallway was the light emitted by the moon.

With a frown on his face, Long Feng walked back into his room, and just as he closed the door, a knock rang at his door.

Knock… knock…

Turning to look at the door with a serious look on his face, Long Feng approached the door rapidly and opened it.

Yet just like when he woke up, there was no one at the door.

'What's going on?'

Anger began to spring forth from within Long Feng as he looked around, searching for the entity messing with him.

With eyebrows scrunched up together in anger, Long Feng walked back into his room, leaving the door open this time around.

Knock knock…

Another set of knocking sounds rang out, this time from the windows.

The instant Long Feng heard the knocking, he turned his head to the window and found a shadow there, staring at him.

Rushing toward the window in anger and springing it open, Long Feng glared at the darkness as he searched for the shadow.

"Where are you?!" Long Feng yelled in anger as he peered into the darkness.

"Come out!!"


With Long Feng's yell into the darkness, hours passed and the sun began to make its appearance.

Basking Ba Sing Se in it's light and warmth, a group of 10 Dai Li were standing out in the courtyard in attention, waiting.

Minutes passed and before long, an entire hour passed.

Turning to look at each other, these 10 Dai Li were confused.

These particular 10 Dai Li are the commanding officers of other groups of Dai Li.

The only way to distinguish these ten Dai Li from the others would be through the different shade of green from the tassels on their hats.

Though the difference would be hard to tell at first glance.

In order to get their instructions and begin their days correctly, Long Feng has them wait for him in the morning to eventually delegate them their responsibilities.

Yet today… he was nowhere to be seen.

Without speaking to each other, the ten Dai Li split up in search of Long Feng.

With the Dai Li commanding officers separating in search of Long Feng, a certain Dai Li runs straight to Long Feng's bedroom.

"Master Feng!"

Yelling in surprise, the Dai Li was confused to find the door to Long Feng's room open.

Wary and prepared to fight at a moment's notice, the Dai Li inches closer to the door before stepping into the room.

With a serious look donning upon his face, the Dai Li agent looked at the disordered and destroyed room of Long Feng's.

Scanning the room, the Dai Li eventually found Long Feng huddled up in the corner of his room with a blanket wrapped around himself.

He was dead asleep, dark circles under his eyes as he finally got a chance to sleep.

Noticing Long Feng's state, the Dai Li agent didn't even know what to do in this situation. Just when he was about to begin brainstorming on what to do, the Dai Li heard a yell coming from the door.

"Sir! We heard that the Grand Secretariat has gone missing," reported one Dai Li, two others next to him. "We would like to… join in on… the search…"

Hearing the end of his sentence, the yelling Dai Li agent finally noticed the awkward look on his commanding officer.

The commanding officer slowly turned his head, afraid to see what he would find. Peeking over to Long Feng's corner, the commanding officer found Long Feng glaring at him with bloodshot and tired eyes.

'Fuck your mom…'

"You! Why won't you let me sleep!?"

Standing up in anger and with disheveled hair, Long Feng pointed his finger at the man in anger.

The commanding officer Dai Li agent quickly shook his head, denying what Long Feng was saying,"Grand Secretariat! It's not what it seems! It was already past-"

"You're relieved of your position as a Dai Li agent! I don't want to see you here anymore!"

Sending out the Dai Li agent with anger, Long Feng watched as the Dai Li opened and closed his mouth before closing it in defeat.


With the commanding officer Dai Li gone and fired from his job, Long Feng looked around the room, noticing three Dai Li standing outside his door with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Go and leave, tell the others not to bother me. Have someone distract the king for the entire day, don't let the Avatar and his friends meet the king."

The three Dai Li bowed in understanding before walking away and reporting back to the rest of the Dai Li.

With squinted and tired eyes, Long Feng sauntered over to his bed before dropping himself onto it and closing his eyes as he felt the warmth slowly take him away.

Knock knock!


Getting up from the bed, Long Feng turned to the door with a glare only to see a shadow disappear into the corridor.

"You won't get away this time!"

With a yell of anger, Long Feng sprang into action and rapidly ran after the shadow using every ability of his.


Training outside, Genji was currently reading books whilst also performing some movements for his bending, sharpening and refining every move to perfection and even further beyond.

"Is that the Grand Secretariat?"

Katara asked in surprise as she saw a man run around.

"What is he doing?"

Genji raised his head and looked at Long Feng before shaking his head, "Who knows. This might be some form of training for him."

"… you might be right," muttered Katara before returning to Waterbending.

Focusing back on training, Genji continued to read books whenever he got the chance, especially when resting.

Before long, four hours had passed and he was beginning to feel famished.

"Hey there babe! Let's go stuff ourselves with some food," said Toph as appeared before Genji.

Throughout the entire morning, Toph had just been idling around in her room as she rested and slept. Now with her finally waking up, she decided to drag Genji along with her to get something to eat.

"Right on time Toph, I was beginning to feel hungry," said Genji, stretching a little before following behind Toph.

"I'm always on time!" proudly proclaimed Toph.

Genji smiled and shook his head as he began to make casual talk with Toph before arriving at the dining room of the palace.

As soon as they entered, they were guided by some servants to some chairs before heading to notify the chefs.

Stopping one servant, Toph asked, "Will the king be joining us today?"

"The King had already eaten earlier in the day," replied the servant before walking away.

Genji and Toph waited for the servants to disperse before beginning to talk.

"The King must be an early bird," muttered Toph as she reached over to her side and placed her hand on Genji's thigh.

Genji chuckled at Toph's words, "Everyone is an early bird compared to you."

Reaching further up Genji's thighs, Toph found something she could hold onto before suddenly gripping it tightly.

"Ngh… are you getting mad?" asked Genji in a teasing voice as he felt Toph holding onto his third leg tightly.

"… shut up…" said Toph with a red face as she squeezed even harder. "Say you're sorry."

"Hmhm…" Genji smirked at Toph's words. "You said the funniest thing just now. Ngh… I will never surrender that easily."

Toph held on tightly to Genji's cock for a couple more seconds before letting go with a sigh.

"You're no fun," said Toph with a pout.

Rolling his eyes, Genji felt his third leg twitch in pain.

'What part of this seems fun?'

"Here comes the food…" Toph whispered to Genji, completely ignoring what she had just done to him.

The doors to the kitchen opened and revealed a cart filled with food as it was led over to Genji and Toph.

Without playing around anymore, both Genji and Toph began to eat, occasionally making some small talk.

Once they were done eating, they separated since Toph wished to begin training and Genji wanted to devote the rest of the day reading and studying the books.

Heading back to his room, Genji began to think about the efficiency of his training.

Since he could no longer rely on the system to level up, Genji had to think of ways to speed up the improvement of his skills as well as increasing his strength.

With strength alone, almost no one was his match aside from spirits and earthbenders, so his wish to go stronger isn't as strong as improving his skills.

Rubbing his chin, Genji wondered whether the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace had anything in the library that mentions such a method of improvement.

Checking the treasury of the Royal Palace might be one such way as well.

If not, Genji might just create his own method of training.

Arriving at his room, Genji entered it and began to read his books.

After reading all of Lao He's books, Genji had already studied every word within the book and had a good hold of the essence within the book.

He just needed a bit more before he could completely recreate the immortality technique of Lao Ge.

Genji might have been done already, but he would split his reading time into the other books, seeking ways to possibly combine the insights within the books.

Like this, ever since he attained the books over a week ago, Genji made a steady and rapid progress in understanding and comprehending the insights written in the books.

All he needed to do was to deconstruct the insights to understand how the creators' of such insights gained enlightenment into them.

Whether Genji was aware of it or not, his mind would grow stronger along with his memorization and analyzing skills. His eyes were bright and whilst reading, he would don the look of a wise and profound man.

Flipping the pages in the book, Genji rubbed his chin as he mused to himself.

'Looks like Lao Ge slowly began to fear for the future due to the terrible conditions of humanity during his time,' thought Genji as he read through one of the last books. 'To wish for immortality only to act as an emissary for the greater good…'

Lao Ge, Immortal Tieguai, had no qualms killing kings or innocent children if they impeded the growth of humanity or the betterment of the people.

Once he became immortal, Lao Ge made it his life goal to lead humanity to growth. As long as one was an effective leader, Lao Ge cared not if they were the devil.

'A truly Chaotic Good person…'