
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · Fantasy
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66 Chs


The next morning,

It's time to advance now. Adventurers guild here I come...

That sounded Hella lame..

Anyway, it's time for me to go rank up a bit, I need access to better commissions to well.... I don't know, find something challenging to kill?.. yeh exactly that.

This time before going out I made sure to wear my mask.

I went to the said Adventurers Guild uneventfully and headed straight to the reception.

After waiting for about half an hour in line, it was finally my turn.

This time, at the receptionist desk, there sat a mature and beautiful looking woman in blue, her eyes and her hair were all natural blue, even her whole attire was blue, that took the style of something similar to a kimono back from earth in the country named Japan.

"How can I help you sir?" She asked me, while looking at my eyes as if staring through my soul.


That was all I felt from that woman..

"Um, I would like to take a trial to rank up" I smile innocently even though I knew it couldn't be seen because of the black mask I am wearing right now I still felt like she can see through me..

"Show me your adventurers license" she asked me and after a few moments she found out that I have already paid the fee in advance and then said: "Follow me" and then went away without looking back swinging her hips that were hard not to notice.

I of course follow the woman in blue, still feeling kind of intimidated by her piercing look.



While I was still waiting for my turn in line, Kiara was already there in the Trial Hall and waited for my appearance, still looking kind of mad by what I did to her yesterday. She felt bullied, but in all actuality she felt ..happy?.. because no one ever dared to tease her so much except her older brothers. Not that there really ever was a chance for someone to do that. She always avoided everyone and in the adventurers guild always acted alone. She had a friend there, but they only talked when there was no one else around.

Even right now she was sitting far away from everyone but still in a place from where she can spectate everything happening in the trial hall.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" A man came up to Kiara and asked

"Yes" She replied simply and seemingly uninterested.

"..." The man was speechless for a moment before continuing: "...Are you waiting for someone?"

This time the princess just ignored him.

"Hey I am talking to you!" he nearly shouted out loud.

Kiara turned her head towards the man and glared at him with her eyes, releasing an intimidating aura that not everyone could handle even if they are a realm higher.

But that did not seem to affect the guy him being in the 3rd Order already.

He smiled gently and said:

"Hmm, you are an interesting woman, it's decided, you will be mine from now on, hahah"

he laughed creepily.

"Sorry not interested" she replied, killing intent leaking out of her.


Somewhere in the shadows of the Trial Hall:

"Shall we kill him?" a man ready to jump at the boy at any given moment said

"Calm down. Even if I would most likely prefer killing that scum, he is still the son of the 7th placed in the Icosagon, it would be for the best if we don't touch him" calmly said a man standing next to him.

"But what if he does something to her majesty, princess Kiara?" the 3rd man in the shadows exclaimed.

"Then we take action, but before he touches the princess we cannot appear, these were the orders from our Emperor" The 2nd man said again

"And who is that little boy? his elements, skills and his power growing speed is just too strange, his ENTIRE EXISTENCE IS STRANGE!" the first man shouted in a whisper.

"The emperor said not to touch him no matter what he does.... and he also said that everything we see, we are supposed to take everything to the grave and not disclose anything even to the emperor himself... that time he saved the princess too so we didn't need to act at all...That wolf was strange too.... EVERYTHING IS STRANGE" the third man exclaimed.

"Speaking of which, the boy is coming" the second man informed the other two.



just a few moments before that:

"I already have a man, in fact I am waiting for him right now" Kiara said in a grim voice

"Oh? is that right? well let me see who he is then, nobody is more worthy than me to have you as my woman hahah" the man said as he sat down near the princess.

Kiara automatically went to sit further.

"playing hard to get huh? hehe" the man laughed creepily sending shivers down Kiaras spine.



Kiran entered the hall and waited for the receptionist to find him a D rank fighter.

Of course she picked the strongest of them so that they wouldn't die on the spot. The blue haired girl sensed Kirans Order and realm which would be overwhelming even for a normal C rank.

Why was he only in E rank right now, she knew perfectly well because of a person who told her. That's why she didn't make it hard for Kiran and just let him do what he wants, he wanted to advance step by step, so she decided to not obstruct him.

She picked out the Strongest D rank that was currently lower 2nd Order with the Element of Water.

"Water Element? Again? well it's only better for me. I will copy the heck out of his skills haha." I said to myself

"Darian, D rank Vs Percival, E rank, I will be the witness to the fight and if Percival wins he will rank up to Rank D" The blue eyed woman said. "BEGIN"

I tried creating a skill and activate it. Which worked perfectly.

"Fire Kickboxing" All my four limbs were caught in flames that I controlled.

[Hosts Fire Kick and Fire Fist were combined into Fire Kickboxing level: 5, thanks to the hosts understanding of Kickboxing and Control of the fire element]

Yeah my father trained me a lot, he even taught me wrestling and different martial arts, like kickboxing and the sort.

I guess it came out to be useful at the end. Even got a new and better skill now.


[Core System]


Name: Kiran Kraftfull

Species: Human

Blood: Human/Oni Blood

Physique: Demonic Oni Physique

Titles: Traveler from another World; Training Maniac; Demon Blood Consumer

Talents: Quick Learner, Heightened Senses

Status: Energetic


Vitality: 1130

Strength: 1070

Speed: 1072

Mind: 2212

Stamina: 1155

Mana: 1256


[Current Hosts Core Elements]


1. Space Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


2. Summer Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


3. Ancient Great Forest Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


4. Pure Aqua Element Mana Core «First Order lower Realm»


5. Lightning Element Mana Core «First Order lower Realm»


6. Slot Open


7. Slot Locked



[Hosts Space Skills]


Repulsing Space Barrier level: 11

Engulfing Space Barrier level: 13

Space Steps level: 11

Space Blade level: 13

Lesser Teleportation level: 15

Space Pocket level: 10



[Hosts Summer Skills]


Blazing Fireball level: 8

Blaze Explosion level: 9

Blaze Sprint level: 11

Fire Kickboxing level: 5

Expanding Fire Shield level: 4

Butterfly Burst level: 2



[Hosts Ancient Great Forest Skills]


Manipulation of Vines level: 15

Great Ancient Forest Dome level: 6

Leaf Projectiles level: 11

Plant Detection level: 13

Photosynthesis level: 20

Nectar of Life level: 4



[Hosts Pure Aqua Skills]



[Hosts Lightning Skills]



[Hosts Resistances]


Pressure Resistance level: 6

Fear Resistance level: 6

Fall Damage Resistance level: 7

Pierce Resistance level: 5

Fire resistance level: 4

Heat resistance level: 3

Instant Death resistance level: 2

Pain resistance level: 20

Water resistance level: 1

Cold resistance level: 1

Drown resistance level: 1

Lightning resistance level: 1

Shock resistance level: 1



[Oni Blood and Physique Abilities]


Oni Transformation

Natural Weaponry

Absolute Life Force

Chi Manipulation

Enhanced Supernatural Condition


Thanks For Reading! If you have any questions or notice any mistakes, feel free to point them out so I can fix and/or answer!

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