
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · Fantasy
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66 Chs


"Water creation: Water whip tentacles" Darian activated a skill which created water like whip tentacles around his arms, just as what the name of the skill states, and can use them as weapons to grab and throw or literally whip someone with it.


[complete. copied skill: Water whip tentacles]

[For the reason of not absorbing it directly, the skill is copied in its basic form - level:1]

Heh, one skill in the bag, and it's not that bad, it can be useful in some situations.

Darian swung one of his arms that was covered by water in form of a tentacle kind of whip. The whip stretched out towards me and whipped me with a direct hit on the head.

But unfortunately for Darian, Kiran was not hurt at all, his summer flame that was on his body evaporated the water that was condensed into a lethal weapon.

Darian in disbelief gawked at me while I smiled under the mask, before I rushed right at him.

Darian not thinking straight, thrown off guard and not believing that he can win as easily as he thought he would at the beginning, activated his strongest elemental skill combination: "water creation: flood; water manipulation: water spike projection"

A kind of small flood of 1 feet in height appeared beneath our feet and moments later shot out water spikes the size of a humans arm.

[Copying skills: Flood; Water spike Projection]

[water and drown resistances increased from level 1 to level 3]

I dodge the Spikes with a bit of a struggle, because they appear and strike towards me, all of that happens in just a mere second and also my fire skill that covers a big part of my body doesn't help, because it can't evaporate it in time. The whip from last time was 3 times slower in speed compared to these spikes.

But, don't forget how much overpowered I am, I have water resistance that kind of shields me from the Water spikes and I also have more than 10 times of vitality than that of Darian.

But even though it still damages my body a bit with a few scratches, which even if not delt with, would not obstruct my fighting capabilities in any way. Heals with my Oni physiques Enhanced Supernatural Condition and Absolute Life Force capabilities that I don't really understand yet.

Me being faster than him over 10 times I appear in front of him in the blink of his eyes and smack him into the ground with only part of my strength, because if I would have used all of it, I might become a murderer and suffer the consequences.

I might still be excused, me being the Empires general son .. but I would rather not try out what happens.

He used a skill behind him just before he hit the ground that kind of saved him from the huge impact but it wasn't enough because I knocked him out cold

[Copying Skill: Water Barrier]

hmm, I already have the most powerful barrier that could be... I really don't see the use of this specifically for me...

Well it's better to have it than not I guess.

"Winner by knockout: Percival, promoted to D rank"

The Blue haired receptionist said and changed my license to its current Rank.


In the Trail Hall Stands,

Kiara, even though she knew she could defeat Darian with ease, with her higher realm than his and higher quality variation of water element, she was in disbelief in how Kiran could dodge and even ignore some of the spikes.

And of course she was impressed by his insane speed comparable to that of a lower 3rd Order.

"Oh? so he is your said man? How old is he even? how can such a country bumpkin be so strong? He must be over sixty or something HAHAHAAH, how can he even be worthy of you. Even if he would be 28 just like me, he is still too weak, He doesn't even know any good skills, he only won with his physical abilities, which seems the only thing he really has HAHAHA" The guy that targeted Kiara as his woman said aloud.

(oh, if he only knew..) Kiara thought to herself and smiling internally.

"OKAY, It's decided, I will challenge him, he shouldn't be a complete wuss not to challenge me, and if he does refuse, it will only prove you how unworthy he is of you hehe, you don't even understand how lucky you are to be noticed by me and be taken interest by me hahaha." He continued to speak nonsense that escalated to extreme.

The guy jumped down from the stands looked at the direction Kiran was standing and doing small talk with the blue haired woman about the license.


"So if I want to advance further I need to pay a fee of one gold or be challenged by a higher rank?" I asked the beautiful receptionist that was still looking with eyes as if seeing through me and all my secrets.

"Indeed sir" she replied simply with a unintended natural charming voice.

Just as she spoke these words we both heard a shout:


"Umm, so this counts?" I asked the Blue eyed woman beside me.

"Indeed sir" she replied with the same words as last time.

"I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE" I replied shouting back, confidence with the mask on, on the maximum.


"My... woman? huh?" I blink in total confusion.


[Core System]


Name: Kiran Kraftfull

Species: Human

Blood: Human/Oni Blood

Physique: Demonic Oni Physique

Titles: Traveler from another World; Training Maniac; Demon Blood Consumer

Traits: Quick Learner, Heightened Senses

Status: Energetic


Vitality: 1130

Strength: 1070

Speed: 1072

Mind: 2212

Stamina: 1155

Mana: 1256


[Current Hosts Core Elements]


1. Space Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


2. Summer Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


3. Ancient Great Forest Element Mana Core «Second Order Higher Realm»


4. Pure Aqua Element Mana Core «First Order lower Realm»


5. Lightning Element Mana Core «First Order lower Realm»


6. Slot Open


7. Slot Locked



[Hosts Space Skills]


Repulsing Space Barrier level: 11

Engulfing Space Barrier level: 13

Space Steps level: 11

Space Blade level: 13

Lesser Teleportation level: 15

Space Pocket level: 10



[Hosts Summer Skills]


Blazing Fireball level: 8

Blaze Explosion level: 9

Blaze Sprint level: 11

Fire Kickboxing level: 5

Expanding Fire Shield level: 4

Butterfly Burst level: 2



[Hosts Ancient Great Forest Skills]


Manipulation of Vines level: 15

Great Ancient Forest Dome level: 6

Leaf Projectiles level: 11

Plant Detection level: 13

Photosynthesis level: 20

Nectar of Life level: 4



[Hosts Pure Aqua Skills]


Water Whip Tentacles level: 1

Flood level: 1

Water Spike Projection level: 1

Water Barrier level: 1



[Hosts Lightning Skills]



[Hosts Resistances]


Pressure Resistance level: 6

Fear Resistance level: 6

Fall Damage Resistance level: 7

Pierce Resistance level: 5

Fire resistance level: 4

Heat resistance level: 3

Instant Death resistance level: 2

Pain resistance level: 20

Water resistance level: 3

Cold resistance level: 1

Drown resistance level: 3

Lightning resistance level: 1

Shock resistance level: 1



[Oni Blood and Physique Abilities]


Oni Transformation

Natural Weaponry

Absolute Life Force

Chi Manipulation

Enhanced Supernatural Condition


I changed Talents into Traits.

I think it would make more sense.

Thanks For Reading! If you have any questions or notice any mistakes, feel free to point them out so I can fix and/or answer!

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