
Yep, It Gets Weirder

I stood up and put the sword in my pocket, getting ready to leave through the window, but as I reached for the drawer…

"Psst, Coral."

I turned around

"Alice, what are you doing here"

"You didn't come back so I came here"

"OK, you scared me, and did you bring your dagger?"

"Yes, I did, what do you want with it?"

"No, just wanted to show you something that is so similar to that"

I took my sword out of the drawer and put it on the bed for Alice to see.

Alice Gasped: " T-that…"

I sighed: "Yes, but let's talk in your house. Mum said I should go there, something about someone picking us up…"

Alice giggled as she helped me out of the window: "You're a whole family of weirdo's…"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled:"Shut up…"

We ran away to Alice's house.

As we sat on Alice's bed panting we talked about all the weird things that had happened in our history of monsters

" -and there *huff* Was *huff* *huff* this dogish thing-"

"yeah *huff* with-"

Alice Stopped talking, she jumped and went behind me: "L-l-look, a r-rainbow."

I laughed: " Alice, what are you blubbering about? How can a rainbow be-AAAAAAAH A RAINBOW!

I ran around the room trying to find a place to hide

A voice suddenly started talking: " Um…Hello? You don't have to overreact. Do you? Anyways, Chiron told me to call you guys, since Balto said you were a Demigod.

Alice and I looked at each other: " Whaaaaaaat?"

"It means that one of your parents is a god or goddess."

I gasped: "So that's why I don't have a dad!"

Alice Rolled her eyes: "Sooooo, are you seriously trying to tell me that my mum is a goddess?"

The Girl Thought for a moment: "Well, we don't know yet, but you will probably get claimed when you arrive at the camp."


"Yeah camp, anyways, I'll be there to pick you up in a few minutes."

The Rainbow suddenly disappeared and left Alice and Me stunned

"What. was. that?"

"I have zero clu-Whaaat is that?"

A chariot pulled by 3 flying horses was by the room window. A girl waved from the chariot.

"Come on! Hop on"

The girl opened the door, and gestured for us to follow. We all climbed on.

"Well Hold on! And be careful just in case you fall down!"

Suddenly, the chariot shot upward and started flying steadily

Alice covered her eyes: "YIKES!"

After a smooth ride on the chariot we landed at a camp-like place

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood girls, I think I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sage Godfrey, I'm a daughter of Athena, I hope we can get to know more about each other from now on."

A Half man half horse came running to us: " HELLO HELLO, NEW CAMPERS I SUPPOSE?

I tumbled backward: " What-is-is-that-thing?"

The Half man Half horse sighed: "I'm Chiron, and I'm not a thing, I'm a centaur."

"CHIRON, HELP," A boy came running out of a fire lit cabin, " I lit the cabin again!!"

Chiron Grunted: "Seriously Cyrus, you should learn to control that fire dragon of yours, and who even allowed you to bring a dragon?"

"Well anyways, Sage take these two to the Hermes cabin, I'll go deal with Cyrus's dragon"

Sage chatted to us while taking us to a cabin that had a flag saying Cabin 11, and underneath it had a symbol of a staff wrapped in 2 snakes: " So um, what are your names?"

"I'm called Coral Thatcher and this is my friend-"

"I can say my own name Coral, anyways, my name is Alice Priestley"

"Cool, well Chiron is our Activities director and our camp director is the wine god Dionysus, Zeus made this as his punishment for chasing after an off-limits nymph."

Suddenly a voice rang out, it sounded grumpy: "I see you are talking about me! Now, when you mention me please don't talk about that nymph which made me come to this disgusting camp!"

Sage muffled her laugh: " Well, this is Dionysus."

Dionysus puffed his chest out: " Yes! I'm Dionysus the god! Well Sane Gedfrey, GOODBYE!"

Dionysus vanished in a puff of purple smoke. (why did it have to be purple?)

"*cough* You see, Dionysus isn't really…happy here." Sage said with a contented look on her face, it seemed like Sage didn't really like Dionysus!

Soon the girls arrived in cabin 11, which Sage said was the hermes cabin, she bid us a goodbye and went into another cabin.

"HEY! ARE YOU THE NEW KID HERE?" A boy from cabin 5 screamed at me, behind her stood 3 kids who were smirking.

"I-I" I stammered to him.

"Loni, don't start bullying people again." A boy who was passing by said, raising his eyebrows.

Loni rolled his eyes: "Tsk, Sunny, this is none of your business."

Loni pulled me roughly by the arm and took me to a fountain at the centre of the cabins.

Loni grinned at me evilly and turned to his comrades: "Let's teach the newbie a lesson shall we?"

The boys tried to push me into the fountain but…water started to spurt out. I don't know how but, I didn't get wet, but the boys sure did. Sage was looking at me from her cabin door. She blinked her eyes in utter surprise and went back in. Loni started to choke. I took it as my chance to escape.