
What Just Happened?

Okay, I don't know where to start, I mean, the most incredible (or should I dangerous) thing just happened. I guess I should start from the part where something actually happens.

So we had walked for a day already, I had NO IDEA where we were going but an instinct in my mind urged me to walk north, so that's what we were doing, walking to the north. Then, we reached this weirdly quiet street, it was a large street that had a lot of shops but absolutely NO ONE. As Alice said, It was eerily quiet.

We had NO IDEA what was going on until we saw something. The shadow of a huge bird, and when I say huge, I mean the type of huge as in the size of a human being with wings at their back. Kind of like Maleficent. I had never seen anything like that before, I mean, I'm pretty sure that Maleficent is is something that is in the movies (but camp half blood and those monsters I've seen before also only happen in books too, so basically I guess nothing makes sense here) Sage seemed to know what they were though, because the next second, she gasped.

"Oh no…It's the harpers, I hope there's only one-"

She was cut short by the sound of flapping wings---or what I assumed to be flapping wings. The sound was deafening, it couldn't be flapping wings, right?

I was proved wrong again. The next second, about a dozen of that kind of creature --- Harpers like Sage said, flew overhead, as soon as they got near, they dived. We did the only logical thing, and that was…


That was probably a waste of energy, the harpers (They actually DID have a human face, I realised, but for the lower part of their body, it was the body of a bird. Their wings were the most shocking part, it was larger than I thought, probably even bigger than Maleficent's. Seriously, what's this got to do with Maleficent?Anyways, the wings were so large I had a feeling the harper would fall down any second because the wings were overweight) were obviously faster than us, they continued diving at us.

At least not everyone was as stupid as me, they drew out their weapons. Alice took out her dagger and started to counter the attacks, while Sage got a spear (It was probably enchanted because who gets spears out of thin air?) and also defended the attacks of the harpers.

I guess I was getting too focused on them, I forgot to defend myself. The harpers probably took that as a weakness, most of them came diving at me. Miraculously, I didn't get hurt, it was some instinct that saved me. The next second, one of the leading harpers was about to scratch me with their talons which were probably poisonous, I turned around and my sword appeared. I didn't know what to do with it so I just frantically waved it at the harpers, whil my other hand clenched my lucky charm. Guess what happened?


Don't ask me how, It just happened! I just waved my hand and the next minute I found cut-in-half-harpers on the ground. At first I thought it was Alice or Sage who did that so I turned around and started thanking them. I had a nice time embarrassing myself, until Sage said I did that. I thought she was being sarcastic at first because I was saying thank you too much but I soon realised it didn't make sense. If they could just cut the harpers in half like that, why did they run away? I was sure I didn't do it though, since I do not know how to use a sword. Wait, does that mean the sword did it? Well, it could be, you'll never know...