
The Pet Attacks Me With It's Stare

The pet, looked even more annoying than Olive herself. The pet had murderous eyes.

When I say murderous I actually mean the type of murderous even more murderous than the stare you get from a enemy you accidentally injured some seconds ago.

Ha. I totally haven't done that before. 

Alice said it was cute.

You call something with murderous eyes cute??


You call something that looks like a mandrake (If you've read Harry Potter) with a death glare cute??

Personally, I think it was only giving the death stare at me. What have I done to deserve this?

I DO NOT want a this thing staring at me for the whole trip.

"Coral, stop staring at the Karpos like it's something disgusting." Alice said to me, looking a bit mad.

This didn't make sense, the pet - karpos (or whatever it was called) was the one staring at me like I am something disgusting yet I get shouted at?

Wow, that is totally very fair.

Lesson Learnt: Never ever be friends with a Karpos. Don't even try to encounter one, they will give you death stares that make you feel like you're facing death, unless they absolutely like you. (The possibility of them liking you is 0.01)

Life is weird.