
The first quest in 5 years.

I was shocked. I had expected to see something like a phoenix outside the door, but I found the whole camp standing there, with a VERY nervous Chiron, he looked like he was hiding the fact that he was nervous, but seriously, he wasn't trying very hard.

"Look down." Sage whispered

So I looked down and what did I find? A SKELETON! Yes, a skeleton, of all things, it had to be A SKELETON!

I jumped back in surprised, looking at Chiron for an explanation, but he just raised his eyebrows.

Just as I was trying to walk past the skeleton, the skeleton opened it's closed socket, without a warning, it started to glow green. The skeleton opened it's mouth and dark green smoke came out. I thought it was some trick someone was playing, but I knew otherwise when it started speaking in a raspy voice:

"Sail from the hottest of lands,

and through the heavenly regions.

you shall recieve information from the guardian of the hearth,

to retrieve something lost and forgotten.

by the dawn before Dionysia it shall be found,

lest it be gone forever"

The skeleton when slack, smoke stopped, the skeleton returned t o it's original creepy vibe (I'm not saying it wasn't creepy before it started talking but whatever). Everyone stood there rigid in shock.

Chiron breathed a deep breath: "This calls for a quest, let's discuss this at the big house."

The whole camp followed him back to the big house. Some people were in silence, others muttering under their breathe, as for me…Well, I just stared at how chaotic this was.

"Coral…Get moving…This is an important-uh-occasion." Sage whispered to me.

I took a deep breathe and followed the rest of the camp to the so called "Big house".

As soon as we reached the big house, Chiron put his horse body into a wheelchair. I had no idea how he fit into that chair, but basically he just put his lower body into the wheelchair and a pair of human legs popped out. Seriously, it looked so real, if I didn't know he was a centaur, I would have thought he was a human on a wheelchair. Anyways, back to serious stuff — Chiron gave a sigh and said: "Well, seems like it the first quest in 5 years! Since this is a quest, we need people to do it (obviously). Suggestions?"

A girl from the Hermes cabin stepped forward: "Chiron, since the skeleton appeared by Coral's door, she should be one of the people going to the quest…right?"

"Sound reasonable…so 2 left…I think young Priestley should come to the quest too. I feel like she's supposed to go." Chiron replied.

A kid from the Ares side of the cabin said: "Loni should go too! He's a good fighter."

"Loni? I think Sage is a better option. She is good in combat and she makes good strategies too!" A kid from the Athena cabin said.




"I VO-


The whole crowd turned to look at me, I stepped back in shock. I had no idea why I screamed that. I was about to say sorry when another sentence came out from my mouth: "Let Chiron decide!"

Chiron cleared his throat: "Thank you Miss Thatcher, now, I think Sage will be…um… 'fitting' for the quest. Any objections?"

The whole crowd went quiet, even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

"Good. Meeting dismissed, all of you guys can leave, except for you three." Chiron said, pointing at me, Alice and then Sage.

The Ares cabin marched away, giving glares to Sage.