
A quest…Hooray! (not)

As soon as the rest of the camp left, Chiron clapped his hands and the door closed with a big "BANG". He motioned his hand over to three chair by the side of the room.

"Bring the chairs here and sit."

We walked over to the chairs awkwardly.

"Right. Coral, you can lead this quest. Now, as usual, you people will start off from dusk tomorrow. Anyone here remember the prophecy?" Chiron continued as we sat down.

Sage's hand shot up almost immediately. She took a deep breathe and recited:

"Sail from the hottest of lands,

and through the heavenly regions.

you shall recieve information from the guardian of the hearth,

to retrieve something lost and forgotten.

by the dawn before Dionysia it shall be found,

lest it be gone forever"

Chiron nodded: "Good, you would need someone to remember the prophecy to go on the quest. Also, we need to know which direction you guys will be heading-"

"Um…From the hottest of lands, I'm thinking It's probably the desert." Alice cut in.

"Okay, good, as for the rest, you guys will need to solve it by yourself." Chiron replied, "Also, get a good night's sleep tonight, I don't want people slacking off. Come on, it's time for breakfast."

He stood up and walked (trotted) out of the door.

"Well…That's that." Sage sighed and walked out too.

Alice stood up: "What a day. This is soooooo weird."

I stood up too: "Ya think?"

We walked out to the morning sunshine.

"Aaah, sunshine!" Alice smiled as we walked toward the dining pavilion, "So much vitamin D!"

I rolled my eyes at her. She always says this whenever the sunlight is strong.

Alice giggled: "You always do that!"

"Oh yeah, you started first. By the way, what do you think we will have for breakfast? I mean, it's our first morning!" I replied.

"You get to choose what to eat." A voice behind me said.

I jumped 10 feet high. I turned around to see a smirking boy. He was the same boy who Loni had called Sunny.

"Hey. I'm Adonis Mintz. Child of Apollo." The boy said and held his hand out.

I shook Adonis' hand: "Umm…I'm Coral."

He nodded as he let go and walked away.