
It All Started When…

One Dark Evening, as I walked home, I heard rustling in the bushes behind me, I turned around sharply and there standing was a man with sea blue eyes staring at me. I haven't seen this man before, but from the back of my mind, I knew who he was: He was Poseidon, the Greek sea god. I gasped and fell down in surprise, I had read about Greek Gods but I never knew I would see one in real life.

Our history teacher, Mr. Brendan, liked droning on and on about Greek and Roman mythology…I mean, how does that even help with life? It's not as if we would meet Pandora and strike up a conversation about unleashing evil into the world blah blah blah, and what had Mors got to do with anything? As if Mors will come to our houses and say:"Hey, come on, let's go to the underworld…It's time for you to die!" Well, that's what I thought, until Poseidon appeared. Right now. Right in front of me.

I Looked at Poseidon with eyes as big as a saucer, while he stepped closer to me. For the first time, I got a better look at him: He was wearing a fisherman's clothes, his hair and beard tangled like a fishing net. Poseidon's eyes glowed brightly under the moonlight, like pearls glinting in the dark. On his hand was his Golden trident radiating powerful waves. "P-p-Poseidon" I stammered, but before I could finish, his image rippled and dissolved into the darkness. I rubbed my eyes, Was it a dream? No, I was sure it wasn't…Suddenly, With a jolt I realized there was something glimmering in the place where Poseidon just stood, I jerked upward and walked toward the bright object. I stopped right above the object-it was a sword made entirely out of Bronze - a Celestial Bronze Sword.

I picked the Sword up and stared at it in awe, why would Poseidon leave this sword for me? I stood there until I realized the trees had started dancing, and the wind was playing his windpipe. It was late, I had to hurry home quickly before Dinner. I put the sword into my bag and ran as fast as I could and WHEW! I made it in time, Mum was just putting the table cloth on the table. Mum turned around and saw me panting by the door: " Young lady, You're very late, I was worried sick about you! I thought those monsters got you…Did you go to Alice's house?" Thoughts raced through my mind, I couldn't tell mum what happened, even though I would probably feel safer if I did.

I quickly said " Yes, I did, I had to finish the school project today, so I went to her house."

Mum sighed: " So did you eat dinner there?"

I shook my head frantically: " No mum, But I'm not hungry, I'll miss dinner today."

I tried to walk back to my room as casually as usual but my mum stopped me before I could.

"Mum-" I started

"Coral…something is bothering you, tell me." Mum interrupted

I shook her hand off: "No Mum…you're thinking too much…"

Before my mum could say anything I raced past my mum, went to my room, locked the door, threw my bag on the floor and took the sword out. I studied the sword, it had a lot of mysterious symbols on it, but even though I haven't learnt them before, I still knew what the sword said: Silverwave, was that the name of the sword? I thought so. I felt overwhelmed, I'll find out the answers of this mysterious sword later…I put the sword in my drawer and fell asleep…