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Fatima_Kayani · Others
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2 Chs

Try to not be evil

Someone is coming, I will destroy it

Wake up, wake up

Ah oh u wake up

Lee so yeon,

Stop taking pics of me

Ok ok But just tell me what did you eat before sleeping, don't tell me I know it, it was ramen


Ok stop it

Hey, did u have nightmare again?Tell me what happened this time.

Someone was coming to me saying, I will destroy it and I was just going to ask what do you want to destroy and park Hoon u idiot u just wake me up

Calm down it will alright

Hey lee so yeon, Today we are meeting new teacher.

New teacher, Why?

Don't u know our previous teacher just slipped on stairs yesterday

Oh here comes the new teacher


Anong-Haseyo students

Today there is going to be no work, let just have an introduction.

Student being happy

Ok so before everyone's introduction, uf their is any problems with u guys, come to me in my office.

Sir the bell has ringed, introduction is over, No I meant class is over

Oh that's ok kid

So girls who is going to office?


No, don't look at me I am not going

So let's just, wait

Dummy go their ok, oh.

It will be Awesome.

Any thing u wanna say dummy

No their is nothing