
Contract Bride

After being forced into an unpleasant engagement by his family and then having his secretary depart abruptly, Colton Williams decides to fix both issues at once. So he surprised everyone by having an affair with and eventually married Elise, his secretary. All you have to do to play by the rules is: Stop yourself from falling in love They should keep their wedding a secret from coworkers. Convert to sharing a bed nightly To both parties, it seemed like a simple and win-win arrangement, but as time goes on, Colton realizes that he would never be able to give Elise what she really desires: his freedom.

Happy_Emmanuel · Urban
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13 Chs


At one time, I thought I'd found the one I'd spend the rest of my life with, the one I'd be able to love irrevocably.

I would have benefited much from knowing then what I do now.

Unconditional love does not exist, and all relationships are founded on some kind of barter.

In fact, I don't believe in love at all, and if it were genuine, I wouldn't put any faith in it because of its unpredictability.

For better or worse, I never want to experience that emotion again.

In that respect, I consider planned marriages to be a good thing.

It's impossible not to crack a grin at the audience's enthusiastic response to Gabriel and Raven's passionate kiss.

He doesn't realize it, but the manner he's kissing her is giving away how much he wants her.

His passionate kiss reveals just how much he wants her.

You are an idiot, and you know it.

I watch the bride and groom walk away from the wedding hand in hand.

And I don't just say it because Raven is one of the most incredible individuals I know; Gabriel has no idea how lucky he is.

I don't see love in my future, but Gabriel isn't like me at all.

As a hopeless romantic, he can't wait to get married to Raven since theirs will be the type of union he's always imagined.

The fact that my brother will get to experience it makes me happy even though I don't want it for myself.

That is clear to me even today, when their lives are in turmoil and their future is uncertain.

Okay, I can get that.

That which was lacking between Gabriel and Bella has been filled by these two.

This was not available to Bella and Gabriel.

With a smile on her face, Grandma says, "Just one more photo."

Gabriel and Raven's emotions show weariness and doubt, but Grandma's are one of pure delight.

They nearly seem as though they didn't notice the trap she prepared for them.

I suppose they accomplished their goals to some extent.

If it weren't for her determination, they wouldn't be here right now.

I call her "Grams" as I put my arm around her and speak to her in a lenient manner.

Keeping my grin on my face, I pull her closer to me.

Let's give the happy couple some room to unwind, shall we?

What you're doing is turning this nice gathering for my brother's bride into something that she can use in her professional life, and that makes me very uncomfortable.

Already, she has to be a model for lengthy hours every day.

Come, let's go to the reception with the rest of the visitors.

To which I get a warm grin and a nod of her head.

It's easy to forget that she is the Williams matriarch, the one who took care of us after we lost our parents, when she looks like this.

Even though she dominates our family with an iron hand, my grandma seems like any other grandparent on special occasions like today.

It's clear that Gabriel and Raven have brought out the best in her as she beams with pride and joy.

I'm curious whether she'd have the same expression if Bella had tied the knot with Gabriel.

I don't think I've ever seen her smile at Bella like that before.

I put out my arm for my grandma to put hers through.

Ok, she mutters, "but you owe me a dance."

As I lead her into the lobby, a chuckle escapes my lips as I grasp her hand.

Do you fancy dancing with my dearest lady?

This is a tremendous honor.

As I reach for her hand, I see that she is staring at me with disdain.

You've clearly acquired your father's gift for smooth talk, since he was also very persuasive.