
Conquest of the Multiverse

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6 Chs

No Ordinary Human


With a cigarette in his mouth and a curious glint in his eyes, he looks at the first member of his Hand.

The Emissary continues to stand still, waiting for his liege to respond.

'System, show me his stats'



Name: Matthias Crawford

Age: 320

Race: Demi-God

[Base Stats] [The average human in any world will have between 5-10 in every stat]

Strength: 100

Perception: 1,000

Intelligence: 1,000

Dexterity: 100

Vitality: ∞

[Mastered Skills]

Negotiation, Bartering, Coercion, Intimidation, Blackmail, Lying, Detecting Hostility, Detecting Lies, Writing, Speed Reading, 2334 More Skills.


Looking back up to his patiently waiting Emissary, he takes one last puff before throwing away his cigarette, "Mr. Crawford, I expect that you know your role and duties?"

The dark-skinned charmer merely smiles, "Indeed, do not fret, I will complete every aspect of my work with diligence and perfection"

Peter stands up from the bench, "Good, i give you permission to pick one hundred soldiers to help you in your duties"

"For right now, i don't plan on meeting any of the factions, so just deal with all the disputes, arguments, and trouble in the area that we control"

Matthias nods before following behind his king that starts walking away, "My first piece of advice would be to make Teddy Marks your general"

"When i was summoned, i gained all of the combined knowledge of your soldiers, Second Lieutenant Marks is the perfect candidate for a General, he's cold, calculated, and has a tactical mind"

"Having a General is the difference between night and day, not only will he gain a massive power boost but he will train your soldiers to be more disciplined, and deadlier in battle"

Peter walks silently for roughly an hour, thinking in his Emissary's advice, "Fine, I believe that Lt. Marks is at Red Rocket at the moment, go and tell him of his promotion... but if he fails at his job, you will be held accountable"

All he hears is a quick, "Yes Sir", before a burst of wind passed by him, leaving a cloud of dirt behind.

"I guess that is what a hundred Dexterity is like", he says with a brief chuckle.

Finally alone, he sits on the curb, "System, how many points do i have left?"


'Hmm, so I'd have 240 points if i spent them all on Stat Points for myself... let's see how much fulfilling the General rank will get me before making any rash decisions'

Closing his eyes, he enjoys the lid breeze and sun on his skin as he waits for the notification.

Just as he begins to get comfortable, the peace is interrupted by a system ping.

[Teddy marks has been appointed as the General of the Sovereign Empire = 2,500 Army Points]

'System, purchase 260 Stat Points'

[Complete, you now have 750 Army Points remaining]

'Spend eighty-eight points to make all my stats twenty-five'

[Warning: Your body will go through a metamorphosis and race change, you will need to be put to sleep for this to happen, do you accept yes/no]

'Yes', as the word leaves his mind, he falls asleep instantly, but a grand spectacle is happening on the outside.

All the soldiers rush to the center of Concord as a bean of golden light shoots into the sky.

They find their lord floating high in the air, his scars vanishing, muscles growing, and booms of power shooting out from his body.

This lasts for several minutes before they rush to catch him as he falls to the ground and the light disappears.

Days passed by as their lord remained asleep, General Marks and Emissary Crawford took his place temporarily.

Raiders, civilians, traders, monsters, and soldiers from all of the Commonwealth came to see the origin of the light.

[Peter Louis POV]

In his subconscious, he sits in complete darkness looking at five options in front of him.

[Dear Reincarnator, you have increased your stats to a superhuman level and need to choose your next race and your first Essence]

[Please Choose Wisely]

(Author's Note: Having 10 in all stats makes you Peak-Human like Batman, our MC is far beyond that)


[High Human]

High Humans are the next step in human evolution.

Stronger, faster, smarter, people of this race are better in these aspects, but they can also harness limited magic.

With a lifespan of 200 years, life just got so much sweeter.


A Magi is a being of near-limitless magic, their imagination determines the lethality and usefulness of their power.

While they harness a lot of power, they start with a weak constitution, a mere 80-year lifespan.

But, do not worry, as your Vitality increases, so will your lifespan.


With bullet-proof skin and massive levels of strength, this gargantuan behemoth towers over his enemies.

The Colossus Race is known for being destructive combat-seeking warlords.

The downside is that they go into a blind rage that they cannot control when outnumbered by the enemy


The Elves are an elusive, smart, quick-witted, and charming race, often becoming leaders, sages, or negotiators.

This race specializes in settling disputes with their words rather than their fists but make no mistake, facing an elf on the battlefield means certain death.

This race has a lifespan of a thousand years, so, if they can't beat you, they will just wait for you to die.

Elves are unable to harness magic except for Nature magic.


Able to teleport using shadows and turn invisible during the night, this race specializes in assassinations and stealth.

While under direct moonlight, their stats increase by 1000% but in direct sunlight, they are decreased by the same amount.

Shades also have the ability to steal random skills from those they kill.

With Shadow Manipulation in their grasp, the night is their playground.


'While Shade sounds fun, it also sucks in a lot of ways, so no'

'Being an Elf is tempting, i could be the next Legolas but being limited to only Nature magic sucks major ass, so no to that'

'High human seems like the strongest out of all of them, i can use any magic but it's limited, I'm physically faster and stronger'

'Damn, it's a tough decision'

'I choose High Human'

[Now please choose an Essence]

[Brief description: Essences are the souls of gods that have passed, drinking their souls will boost your abilities, skills, and physical aptitude in many ways]


[Essence of the Vault]

By consuming the essence of the Vault, You've gained access to an extra-dimensional storage space!

It's very, very large. Not matter how long you wander around, you never seem to find a wall.

Items and living creatures stored here enter a sort of stasis. Anyone on the brink of death will remain on the brink of death, but won't die, fresh food will stay fresh, etc; Wine, fortunately, seems to ignore this rule for whatever reason, so feel free to leave a bottle and come back for it after a couple hundred years.

You can retrieve items with the merest thought. Where/how they appear depends on their type. Armor will appear over your body, weapons will appear in your hand, etc; All items appear in a burst of harmless golden sparks.

You can also launch weapons from the vault. The speed they're fired at is variable, but no faster than super-sonic. You can control their trajectory with your thoughts.

Items will reappear in the vault in their original condition after they collide with something or when you wish it so.

[Essence of the Monster Master]

You have the ability to summon and control monsters you encounter. These monsters will be loyal to you unto death and beyond.

Non summoned monsters and animals, in general, will leave you alone or even help you if they like you enough.

It is possible to domesticate monsters that would normally be impossible to control.

You can create chimera and hybrids from the monsters you are able to summon.

If you wish you can transform in part or wholly into a monster you have encountered and back again.

[Essence of the Barbarian Lord]

By drinking this Essence, you become the ultimate barbarian lord.

*Your body becomes well above peak human, bulging with muscle, and you grow to 7 feet in height, with commensurate muscular broadness. Your face becomes the picture of masculinity, while still being recognizably you if you wish.

*You gain unlimited stamina, strength sufficient to toss boulders with little effort and speed able to outrun a galloping stallion.

*You have proficiency in all melee and ranged weapons, able to dual wield big weapons that each normally require two hands to use.

*You become nigh-invulnerable to harm, so long as you are wearing very little (or even nothing). Bullets barely scratch you.


'Shiiiiiiiit, all of them are fucking awesome'

[Dear Reincarnator, we failed to mention that your Faction soldiers and Hand will receive smaller versions of the Essence that you pick]

'I love being me', he thinks with a devilish smile.

'Compared to the other two, Barbarian lord is underwhelming'

'System, the next time i go through a metamorphosis and gain an Essence, will i be able to choose the ones i don't pick right now?'


'Okay, that makes it so much easier, i want the Essence of the Vault'

[Metamorphasis Complete]

As a bright light forces him to shut his eyes, he wakes up in his bed.


[Next Chapter: War Never Changes]