
Conquering Time and Space

“My life on earth was just a Pre-Birth Simulation?!” "Conquering Time and Space" follows the journey of a savant young prince who finds himself trapped in a futuristic sci-fi world full of cultivators. Facing higher powers unbeknownst to most, he is forced onto a path of accelerated human evolution stemming from extraterrestrial technology of ancient civilizations. Besides his photographic memory, his only hopes are the talents from his intriguing lineage and his maniacal obsession for power. Prince Chronos Astral must supersede his astounding potential and rise to power to protect the warmth of a family that he had never experienced and prevent the extinction of his planet. Join and support Chronos in his Journey up WebNovel rankings ! Follow Me & Share: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrbthenovelist/ ( Images of Chronos and His Family! Come check out to have some ideas of their character designs while you read! )

MrBtheNovelist · Sci-fi
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301 Chs

What Lies Within ?

In the depths of the abyss, Chronos pressed onward along the treacherous tightrope, each step a perilous dance with death. 

The air hung heavy with a sinister anticipation, as if the very shadows whispered secrets of impending doom.

Sporadic sonic booms continued to shatter the eerie silence, their thunderous echoes reverberating through the desolate void. 

Chronos, bloodied and battered, staggered with each jarring explosion. 

The tormenting sound pierced his shattered psyche, tearing at the frayed edges of his sanity.

Yet, driven by an unyielding willpower, he pressed forward. 

His body, a canvas of pain, bore the marks of his relentless journey. 

Deep cuts marred his flesh, seeping rivulets of crimson that trickled down his face, mingling with the tears of anguish and desperation.

The ethereal glow of laser beams sliced through the darkness, their searing light casting grotesque shadows upon Chronos's tattered form.