
Chapter#11 Party

Mariposa didn't see Daniel for the whole next day. Grandma told her that he had left early in the morning because of some meeting and he would come back before 7pm. Such Workaholic. Who works on Saturday. She thought.

She was sitting with grandma when Amelia entered the lounge. "What are you doing?" she asked looking at Mariposa. "Nothing special." Mariposa said. "Why haven't you started getting ready. It's 4:30." Amelia asked her. She was looking furious. "Come on Amelia,chill. It's too early to get ready." Mariposa said carelessly. "We are the guests. We have to arrive there at 6:30." Amelia told her. "Still two hours" Mariposa replied carelessly.

Amelia dragged her to the room. "We are starting so shut these excuses. It's my special day if you care." Amelia was clearly annoyed. Mariposa just nodded. Amelia did their make-up. She started doing her hair. Mariposa too straightened her hair. They reached till end of her back. Her father used to love her long hair. By the time they slipped in their dresses, a maid came to inform them that Daniel had arrived. Amelia was wearing black and Mariposa was wearing green.

"I must be get going. Grandma would be waiting." Amelia said. "Wait! what about me." Mariposa asked. "Idiot, you have to come with Daniel." Amelia said and winked at her.

Mariposa looked into the mirror. How was she going to face him like this, all dressed up. She was suddenly feeling shy and nervous. She didn't notice when Amelia left. She went down but the house was empty. Everyone had already left. She took her sit on the couch. What if Daniel wouldn't like her look. She was becoming more and more conscious as the negative thoughts occupied her mind.

The voice from the stairs disrupted her train of thoughts. Daniel was coming downstairs. He was looking so handsome. She was unable to look away. He looked at her and froze. Was she looking that bad? Was he embarrassed to take her with him? She looked down at herself. She heard him chuckling. He came towards her and held her arm. "Don't leave my side during the party." He ordered. She just nodded her head. He didn't compliment her. She followed him to the car. Daniel was driving silently and she was fidgeting on her seat.

"Don't overthink, you are looking beautiful love." He said and kissed the palm of her hand. Mariposa blushed and looked towards the window. How could he read her mind? She was astonished.

Soon they reached at the venue, it was one of Daniel's hotels. She had searched about him alot in the past few weeks. There was paparazzi at the entrance. She became more nervous than she already was. Daniel held her hand like assuring her that he was there. He gave answers to the media about their relation. He held her close to him for the pictures. It was the first time after their marriage that they were this close. His cologne mixed with his masculine smell was making her dizzy. She was feeling safe and at peace in his arms.

They greeted aunty Amy and uncle James at the entrance of the hall. Grandma and grandpa were busy with some business associates. Daniel introduced Mariposa to his partners, colleaguesand friends. Most of the time ,he was talking about business. She was getting bored. She asked him if she could join Amelia. He looked over to Amelia's direction and his jaw clenched. He said a direct 'no'.

Mariposa looked towards Amelia, confused. She was talking and laughing with Mathew. Why did Daniel even care if she talked to Mathew? He was a mystery and Mariposa surely couldn't understand him.

Someone tapped on her shoulder. Mariposa looked behind and instantly met with a hug. "omg! I missed you Mari." The voice brought tears in her eyes. It was Juliet Mason's voice. She was Mason's elder daughter. She was her only rescue. In early two years of Mariposa's stay with uncle Mason,she never let anyone harm her,physically. She wasn't like them. Juliet was always kind and sweet. She met Tom three years ago. They both dated for a year. They were now married and had a daughter..Juliet had some issues with uncle Mason so she never came to meet her family after her marriage.

"Do not cry Mari. You are looking beautiful. Smile for me." Mariposa smiled at her with teary eyes. "If your makeup ruined then you will look like a zombie " Tom came and tried to hug her.


"Don't touch my wife." A fuming Daniel came between us. "Chill Daniel ,she is like a sister." Tom tried to calm him. But Daniel just glared at him. Tom got intimidated and moved back. "Easy lover boy" Tom said smiling. To release the tension, she introduced them. But she got another shock when she got to know that Tom was Daniel's friend. Mariposa wanted to share some time alone with Juliet. But Daniel wasn't ready to leave her alone. Tom dragged Daniel with him. Both the ladies talked for sometime. Tom came back and Julier left with him.

She was sitting alone. "No time for your friend." She looked towards Mathew and smiled. "It's not like that." She said, embarrassed. "Is it?prove then." She looked at him confused. "Dance with me." Mariposa smiled at his request. "Sure." He hold her hand and took her to the dance floor. "You are looking gorgeous." he said. She smiled at him. "Thanks. You are also looking good." She told him. After some silent moments, he asked again. "You are giving him another chance.?" he sounded hurt. "I really don't know." She answered sincerely. She really didn't know what were they?

"I am leaving to London tomorrow....." he didn't get the time to complete the sentence when she was pulled away from Mathew's grip. "Stay away from her " Daniel said angrily and marched towards him. She held Daniel's hand to stop him. He looked so pissed and she didn't want them to fight on the twins special day. He took her hand and dragged her out of the hall from the back door. He pushed her in the car and took driving seat. He was driving so fast. "Daniel." Mariposa tried to ask him to slow down but a one glare from Daniel shut her mouth. She silently prayed to God for their safety. She was scared.