

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs


I had a mundane life every day was a struggle to survive until I found out that I could stop time so I started to slowdown everything which was very stressful on my body developing muscle much more quickly than any exercise but with this came a cost of a serve lack of energy and pain but I could always have extra sleep through the time stop but eating was another thing because only my clothes and I were unfrozen during the time stop or anything I was touching at the start of the time stop I also don't even age which is amazing.

I became the best at everything using the free time I had spending a whole 14-hour cycle time stopped then eating and doing it again and I became never late for anything and soon I had even gone through every secret that every military had and those were terrifying. The government already had created a device that could manipulate the mind that was in the prototype phase disguised as a VR- Headset. They had also had plasma guns from those sci-fi comics, and they were even in the process of creating arc ships. I then showed up at the white house blinking time (Blinking time is basically freezing time every .01 second for a second) which would allow me to dodge any bullets.

"Hullo leader of Humanity I would like to discuss a deal with you I am a scholar of an alien race who landed here and I will speed up the development of your race as long as you allow me to use your materials to create a spacecraft to go home and oh that secret plan you have of brain washing the human race won't work they will developed an immunity and you will be affected also making the whole race brainless for a few generations causing stagnation." I was shot at but easily dodging seeming to blink in and out of existence in front of them.

"What the fuck are you?" The security guard mumbled under his breath as the other guards stormed this area of the Whitehouse. "I guess I can't negotiate so I will take it over. The human race are uncultured swan like the forefathers have told me." The president ushered his men to put down their weapons and I smiled offering him to shake my hand saying "This will confirm the deal of the two parties." A holographic image appeared above my arm showing 'Do both parties agree to spoken terms or would they like to write a contract' The president said he wanted a written contract which filled itself out with no loopholes either party could exploit he when signing it felt a pain on his palm.

"You have been branded with the Micro-bots they will ensure we both keep our side of the agreement do realize I could have just realized this swarm and killed your whole pathetic race with a snap so do keep life well for all your civilians. My civilization has gotten rid of poverty starvation and disease before we even left our planet." I began to teach the scientists in each lab I was 'Allowed' in beginning to make them super geniuses with my teaching.

The cure for world hunger soon came out in a few plants I created I also created weather control stations which would balance the environment I also created nano trees which could replace trees to increase the oxygen level by a bit so that the world was easier to live in but not much or it would be unbalanced. The president kept trying to expand my lease here by a couple of years by I denied him I continued to make advancements on my own finally making a teleporter that could reach 1km radius it couldn't pass through anything solid sadly.

I gave the teleporter prototype, but they couldn't use because of its energy intensiveness I also showed them what would happen if they tried to replicate this tech currently the worst was a BH forming the Lightest was a Wormhole. I smiled as I watched them struggle to keep up with my teaching until I taught them how to make or replace some of their brain with nano tech which would allow them to contain more information and learn much quicker but there were side effects like emotions being dulled and more signs of psychosis.