

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

The Absolutes

There was a tale of those who could reach the peak of what was but only once every million of centuries. One of those was the frost King Nethu who froze the atoms of himself trapping and causing an ice age to the whole world and now the absolute of fire who reached the 10kelvin to the power of 32 managing to kill both absolutes destroying the world and only the Absolute of Space managed to survive saving 1/10 of the population with his power but Earth became desolate and anyone in the future aspiring to be an absolute of fire or ice was prosecuted or killed. Even mages of fire or ice magic were hated and discriminated against but The Absolute of Space Kumi Denounced those who did so.

This is where we start the story right after The Last absolute Kumi dies 100 years later with a child named Khurn an orphan who never knew his parents. In the orphanage a young child was playing with the magic within his veins which seemed to appear and vanish. He cut his finger using a knife manipulating the Void mana within his blood he made a droplet zoom around his head as he had done many times before dispersing his mana into the Void mana around the building which over the years of him doing this had become his mana.

This is one of the defining characteristics of An Absolute the ability to infuse your mana into natural mana making it your own. Natural mana will grow depending on its type. Fire mana grows the more heat there is feeding itself but ultimately it cannot survive without Life/wood mana unlike Stellar mana which grows overtime and decays in bursts of energy. The Necrotic/Death mana only grows when life mana ends also necrotic mana has never been accessed by humans, only undead can use it. Time mana has grown since the beginning and is one of the slowest to grow but is also the most abundant in the void disrupting most other mana.

Water mana is always stable it never grows and never decays, unless matter mana changes into it, anyone who takes this path is destined to be powerful but also limited to just below the strongest. The Matter Mana is the beginning of all mana, This mana is too potent to be used by any lifeform directly. Earth mana is a defensive mana that only grows through matter mana, so you have to be careful cultivating this path.

Anyway, the boy's mana had saturated around the orphanage and his mana finally completely surrounding the orphanage began to go out of control fluctuating space. Which caused the orphanage to teleport randomly unaware that this was happening the boy began drawing the Void mana within himself. Growing his realm in magic yet also reverting the effects of Chaotic Space Cracks that he unwittingly made unfornately a few children within the orphanage lost their limbs or eyes a few ended up dead.

Khurn never was a very social child, and his only dream was to find out where his parents had disappeared to when exploring space. They were after all masters of their craft of mana folding which allowed to travel great distances using space mana which in its most pure form is actually void mana which is diluted by the worlds to protect living organisms. Void mana kills all who touch it and spaceships are made to dilute it into purer space mana which helps fuel the magicians who control the speed at which the ship flies.

Khurn walked out of his room seeing the building had many more cracks on it then before, so he ran to the Matron of the orphanage and found many children there missing limbs. He then realized that he had caused this devastation and that he was truly at fault by using his power. Tears begun to leak from his eyes as he ran to the matron pleading for forgiveness.